illustration and the content of the book.
As I already noticed in the latest task my book is not big and heavy. It has 208 small pages. This book seems to be a manual about the way to measure a factory. It clarifies how to calculate a volume and how to understand and recognize them in architecture. It explains how to recognize the important measures and how they are related to each other. The small dimension of the pages allowed only one kind of making-up. In fact, the pages of my book are quite simple. They are easily full of words. So, there is no particular making-up: no blanc pages, no ornaments, and so on. Every title is placed in the middle of the line and in a bigger font. Every start of a paragraph is indented. But for the making-up nothing else.
The illustrations are quite small too, they are scuttered all over the text. Usually they are in the middle of the text and it seems that they are aesthetically not so important. There is no ornament, no cornice and also the drawings seem to be done quickly. Only seldom an illustration covers a big portion of a page. But if we analyze deeper the book, we can understand that the illustration has a crucial importance. The drawings are usually geometrical, and they are always related to the text. In order to clarify a concept, the Autor use appropriate illustrations. Actually, drawings are poor of ornament in order to be easily understood. Some illustrations are calculation, diagrams or lists. We can say that in this book the illustrations, although quite small and relatively not so frequent, are very important to understand the content of the book.