Comment on Greeting 97 Hello there! I have noticed that your book, the «Architecture moderne, ou l’art de bien bâtir pour toutes sortes de personnes tant pour les maisons des particuliers que pour les palais / [Charles-Etienne Briseux]”, written by Claude Jombert and Charles Etienne, shares a few similarities with my book, «Il Nuovo Splendore…
Category: Outline
When I started searching for connected books to the book „Synopsis architecturae civil eclecticae“ by Johann Jacob Schübler I learned right away how important it is to chose a topic of conversation on Alice. For my first searched I typed in „perspective view drawing“ while using the Xenotheka brain, without choosing a topic, and Alice…
Since my assigned book mostly contains detailed drawings of building form interior and exterior perspectives, my objectives when I tried to find related books were mainly to find something which is also filled with pictures and as least text as possible. When opening Alice, I was slightly taken aback by its colourfulness but quickly adapted…
Our book «Vollständige Anweisung, alle Arten von Kirchen wohl anzugehen» written by Leonhard Christoph Sturm has inspired me really. It is fascinating, how detailed he had drawn the churches, which we see in the book. Outside of the drawings, he wrote a very good and clear text with constructions on how we should build a…
Des fortifications et artifices. Architecture et perspective was written and published by Jacques Perret, in 1601. his work shows that he was learned in modern military science. Perret was active in Savoy until 1575, and probably moved to Paris at the end of the 16th century after he converted to Protestantism. Originally, there were four…

The full name of the book is “MÉMOIRE HISTORIQUE SUR LE DÔME DU PANTHÉON FRANCAIS” and as the title already states the entire book is about the history of The Panthéon in Paris which was built between 1758 and 1790. More precisely it is about the dome of the Panthéon. The book is divided into…
Archisesto per formar con facilità li cinque ordini d’architettura : con altri particolari intorno la medesma professione / del signor Ottavio Revesi Bruti, gentilhuomo vicentino, written by Ottavio Revesi Bruti is an architectural textbook, which shows how to make and use an archisesto , a proportional compass invented by the author, based on Galileo Galilei’s geometrical…
The full title of the book is “The theory of perspective demonstrated; in a method entirely new by which the several planes, lines and points, made use of in this art, are shewn in the true positions in which they are to be considered ”. It consists two bands, text and graphic band. The text…
The book “Architectura”, or the “Architetura von den fünf Säulen” by Gabriel Kramer has an eponymous title, that reveals the theme and content of the book, which is : the system of the five orders. The person the author also refers to in the book is Vitruvius himself, which he admires, but at the same…
The architect and engineer Martino Bassi was born in Milan but originally from Lugano. The title of the book I became friends with is entitled ‘Dispareri in materia di architettura et perspettiva’ and in fact from this you can already understand what it is about: the differences of ideas with another architect. He is best…