Isaac Ware: Designs of Inigo Jones and others The book was first published in 1731, meaning the author was merely 27 years old. He was working together with other architects. Since his childhood, where he was adopted by an Earl, he had an immense talent for drawing. Luckily, he was able to live up to…
Category: Outline
Argument_quatre problèmes
Friends with an Old Book, Group 37 Task 2: Argument „Résolution des quatre principaux problèmes d’architecture“, François Blondel ‚Solving the four main architectural problems‘ is the full title of the book translated in English. The author has four thesis about the four main problems in architecture. It reminds me a bit of a „Maturaarbeit“ (Diplomawork…
Full title: L’experience de l’architecture militaire The experience of military architecture, where one thoroughly learns the method of working in the squares: the particular knowledge of materials suitable for building, the thoisé of the masonry and the aliquots of land, with that of the wood and the frameworks: together the science of finding the water…
I chose these pages because I really liked these plans and was interested in how they seemed very detailed but fit into such a small book. The book was surprisingly thin and the pages were very fragil. I really loved the foldable pages in the end of the book.
The Book was surprisingly lightweight, and it had a really awful smell to it. But I loved it.

First Greetings: The architecture of Palladio
Diese Doppelseite befindet sich ungefähr in der Mitte des Buches. Ich habe sie gewählt, weil ich diese Abbildung als ein sehr gutes Beispiel finde, wie man ein Gebäude durch einem Grundriss und einer Frontalansicht verständlich und ästhetisch schön darstellen kann. Als ich dann das Buch und die Doppelseite in Echt gesehen habe, war ich fasziniert,…
I visited the archive of the ETH Library. I had the opportunity to have a look at the Book “Architectura et persepctiva des fortifications & artifices” of the author Jacques Perres. Beforehand I chose two pages from the book which i took from an online forum. Afterwards I looked these exact pages up at the…

Fabian Axel Kohler 12.11.2021

The Architecture of Palladio I choose these two pages because I was intrigued by the tools that were drawn on one of the pages.
A treatise on civil architecture William Chambers Digital copy of the book The drawings of the columns are very detailed and include the technical information. The page shows a wide variety of doors. Pictures of the physical book Physical properties of the book The cover of the book is made from leather and a colourful…