Windows are a very interesting subject in architecture in general and also for me personally. The dome is very aesthetic. The book has a leather and cardboard case and the papers are very thick.
Category: Outline
-Colona Traiana eretta dal Senato -Pietro Santo Bartoli –Rom, 1673 I choosed this page because I like how detailed and small the coins are drawn and how good they show the atmosphere of this time. Also some important temples are drawn. The importance of farm animals is noticeable. I like how the background lenses out….
I found these two photos very interesting because of the particular way in which the size of these columns is shown. You can perfectly appreciate the greatness that they had. It is also very interesting to think how they managed to build these columns so long ago.The book has a hard cover that looks like…

#81#18-787-895 Giovanni Poleni Exercitationes Vitruvianae 12.11.2021 Ich habe diese beiden Seiten ausgewählt weil ich es sehr faszinierend finde wie präzise das alles von Hand gezeichnet wurde. Das Buch ist in Leder gebunden. Durch dieses feine gemusterte Papier auf dem Buchumschlag kann man erkennen, dass es mal restauriert wurde.
When I went to visit the Book ” Descrizione e studj dell’insigne fabbrica di S. Maria del Fiore” by Bernardo Sansone Sgrilli I was impressed by the nice cover and it`s condition. I chose those 2 specific pages especially because of their representation. Student Nr. 21-926-720
Vignola – Regola delli cinque ordini d’architettura 1562 In the first picture you see that the two columns on the man‘s side are not symmetric which is very interesting. In the second picture you see many details and the planing with the dimensions. In the original book the pages are mirrored and also the book…

The Villas of the ancients illustrated by Robert Castell I choose these pages as the author explains the position of the Villa in its surounding area and the location of the adjoining buildings, the different gardens and the topograhy. Furthermore all this information is mentioned in a beautiful siteplan. In this picture you can see…
Friends with an old Book_L’architecture et Art de bien bastir
21-938-907 Martin I choosed the first image because I found the drawing beautiful. I choosed the second drawing because I found funny that the first Pilaster is incomplete. And the third image is a page that is different from the other: it’s bigger.
76_Greetings_Rules of Drawing the several Parts of Architecture.
-James Gibbs -1736