When looking at the book with a focus on the typography and the illustrations, there are a few interesting points worth mentioning.
Since the focus of the book is on plans and illustrations, text can only be found in the first part of the first volume. It is situated inside a black frame made of two, one thinner and one thicker, lines.
Since the frame is quite smaller than the size of the page, there is a margin around it. Whenever a chapter is finished it is only separated from the next one with a clean black horizontal line followed by the title of the next chapter written in italics and with a font that is a bit bigger than the rest of the text. In fact the whole text is written in gothic style and with a quite small font.
For what regards the illustrations, the last part of the first and the whole second volume consist of floor plans and sections. These usually occupy one full page in landscape format or are foldout spreads. They are simple and usually inscribed or annotated. Also the plans are situated inside the same black frame as the text throughout the whole book.
The images are numbered (each new building a new number) and referenced to in the text before: the author writes about each of the examples in the first part of the first volume referring to the plans following in the second part and the second volume.
When scrolling through the two volumes one can recognize that overall the images are of more importance than the text. While the plans/sections already say a lot themselves (with the annotations), the prior text only serves for a more detailed understanding.
Overall it can be said that this organization suggests a use like the one of a handbook, for reference. In fact it is well structured and provides a big number of examples that are easy to be “tracked” according to one´s interests and needs.