The book «der furnembsten (…)» is well composed and organized. It was written in one big column in the middle, the headings are on top of nearly each page written in bold. The margins are 3cm on top and on the sides, on the bottom there is a 4cm margin. The text is written in the gothic style, with a 11pt size.
The text is accompanied by various illustrations, for example: architectural drawings, perspective views, details, schematics and also combinations of these different types of illustrations. Walther Ryff illustrations have to do with a lot of different themes: geometry, perspective, fortifivation and ballistics. These images are scattered throughout the whole book, you can find them in-text or on a full page. Nevertheless, there isn’t any numbering of the illustrations, nor is there a list of contents or a commentary. The illustrations mainly recreate objects and ideas from different works: Cesare Cesarioan’s “Vitruvius”, Sebastioano Serlio’s “Books I-II on geometry and perspective”, “Quesiti et inventioni diverse” by Niccolò Tartaglia and from the “Liber de geometria practica” by Oronce Fine.
The distribution of the illustrations really depends on the sequence of the book. On the one hand there are a couple of pages filled with illustrations successively, on the other hand there are sequences where there is only one illustration in five pages. The illustrations are of paramount importance for this work. Hence Compared to the text there are approximately 30% illustrations and 70% text in this book.
The organization of the text and the illustrations suggests an analyzing type of reading. The book «The most noble, necessary, mathematical and mechanical arts, belonging to the whole architecture actual report and …», is an academic study for architecture. The author Walther Hermann Ryff, tries to show off his thoughts on architecture, with texts and illustrations.