The most necessary of all the architecture related Mathematical v d - Mechanical arts of general reporting vas clear shipping direction ->. cherabgefhelet. IA jgs k "gro erlehrstruujindreyfurnemeB i - * - ....... zoozoo yoo Cr Ruled by the pastry conscientious Geometric Annaissle vndVnregulierteCperlicheding / similar in anyBaw / vnddesselbigenangeh-. rigeglider / vndwasvnsimgesichtfurkomenmag / artificial throughmancherleyvotheil vndjustigkeit Zirckels vnd Richtscheidts / rip open / lay down / vnd after Perspectiuischerartauffzuziehen / mitweiteremberichtdesgrundtsderabkurzung / or vermerung Allerding according verendrung the distance with Declaration of furnembstenpuncten KnstlichsvnndPerspectiuischenReissensvndMalens / versandtderFarben / Mitge trewervnterweisung derganzenSculpturoderKnstlicherBildung / einyedesdingaus gewissemgrundinrechterProportionvndimmetria / artlichenvgerechtzuFormieren vndBilden / by carving / Hawen / trench / Etzen / stinging Abfomen / Possiercn / AbgiessenvAbtrucken inaller HandtZeug / as wood / Stein / Marbel / Metal / Helffen bein / Gyps / War / Giesandt / or the like. With special division / the "-." rightsproportionvnndSimmetriaMenschlichsBrpers / vndwas / "The art of perspective is required / everything Z * eurooy provided with beautiful figurine eyes. - * = ----- - ------ Further content of the IVnd. Book of Geometric Width - * - - sterey / vndGeometrischenSnessungsamptdenkurzenSunnarien of the whole term, the same differing helper new afterwards listed. All Rnstlichen Haadtdekern / Werckmeister stonemasons / bawmasters / stuff or bears masters / painters / sculptors / Goltschmiden / joiners / bndwassichdesZirckelsv and Richtscheids artificially used / special PrevilfeltigemvottheilinTruckverordnung / Ourch Gualtherum H.RiuiumMedi & Math. Dermassentlarvndversendlich / 6herm Trucknot seenwithoutcoming. ZuNrnbergTrucktsJohanPetreius.Anno 154 5, WithKeiserlichervndKniglicherMaestPiuilegio invs.- - - aren nit nach to Trucken. - --- - d e.g. / (... ? ----- -...... Jeor --- - Viuituringenio, caeteramortiserunt, ISI - - - inventions (as of later Then, for all that, there is such an art / vndscharpff imaginative inventions / lavishly arising / vndbissherentigen customary use / to the extent that the other friendly / friendly / sociable person ling / or common people are of a fundamental nature / therefore even necessary / that you do not have to include it. In this way, moreover, they are kept / their particular fruit is usable because of / may bring them / how they can be used only because of that / that they are briefly / gracefully and therefore lend themselves / are as if they were especially for you (as is). So we now have all the artful inventions (basically all of the old ones are from / as well as likely to be with / or all that is / can be found / found / found / found) selfsame / dassrinkeinenweg zumanglenodergeraten / auchdamitsolchenvilfeltigen / fail lichennutz / vndvnglaublichenvotheilbringe / vndzudemallen / auchmitsolcher Nerd chergetzlicheit / gelernct / practiced / vgebrauchtwerde / alsdietrefflichkunstderArchitectur / "welchebillichvon allenverstendigendientzlichst / notwendigst / lieblichstkunst / furdena n dernallengeachtetwirt. AberdisesortswerdenitnachgemeinembauchfurdieArchi tecturverstanden / mancherleyarbeitderSteinmetzen / Maurer / vnnddergleichen / which sichdererfaren / fleissigArchitectus / alseinsbequemenInstruments / oderWerckzeugsge btaucht / Special (nachdermeinungvndleh: desallerEltestenvnd HochbermptenArchi tectiVitruuij) istdieArchitectureinsolchekunstdiemitvilfeltigeandrenKunstk / dermas sengeziertist / dasder sodiserkunsterfarist / out wissem / sattgrund / vgutenverstand dieWerckvscharpffsinnigeerfindung / allerandererknstlicherWerckleuth / Judicieren odervrtheilenmag / and seinereygnenWerck wisserechtgrundlichevrsachenanzuzeigen / vendlichen request therefrom vfischliesen / allcsdas / what vns to temporalervo physical entertainment / tonoturfft / lustvusability / retchenmag / possible / vausgutspind / indasWerkon assign / vbawen.Daobaalsowolvondenalteo. Phi - 2nd osophen / - The Prudent Compassion vnd Wise men / mayors and city council of Nuremberg mean my territories and cheap men. CautiousPerfectWiseHeroenesistonall zweiffelE.F.E.W. gnugsamkundtvndwissendt / mitwasgrossemflei vndhohe Understood / allartisticfocusedfoundation / whatvnsdacurrentlywolfart / preservationofnecessaryandnecessarily invented by the elderly (vnserenvofaren) anddiscovered / the like also with a little more foresight / vnsthis same - been fleissigenerkndigernnaturlicherding / etlichederopinionvnndmeinung been / dassichMenschlichgeschlechtzuanfang / from due desnoturfftigen use desWassers / oderdesFewrs / united / vnndzusamengethonhabensolt / zugeselligerbey Wonung / pay careful esdoch gentz union darfur / (fowir the noturfft vnd ??usability of Wonung Gebcw look) dasdiekunstder Architectur / dieallererstevrsach sey / diservereinigung / zufreundtlicherbeywonung dererstenMensche "Dayedisetreffli che gutthat no other art / even sharp invention / may be more economically attributable / then the very first / new and upcoming architecture / wclchevnsnital einanweisunggebenfrVngewitter / HitFrost / Windtv vnszuversicheren vndbewaren sonderauchfurmancherleygeferlicheitbhafftigerMenschen / wildervnd grimmigerThier / vndanderedergleichen / vilfcltigegeferlicheit / vndvnbillichenbedrang / zuversicheren / beschirmenvndbeschtzen / auchleibvnndleben / durchmancherleyvo: in part zuerretten / OnwelchehilffMenschlichemgeschlecht / ausangebonerbldigkeit / nitwol mglichengewestwer / dermassendurchsouilAlter / auffzusteigen / and sichzuvermeren Then wirnochheutigstagsfuraugenschen dasalleindisekunstvnndvilfcltigescharpff meaningful invention / thefirstnecessarymeanstherefore, weinfridher / citizenbywonung / we receive reconditioned / vndauffungen / asasas wewant to keep orreferred / thenthisvnsdisekunst by G OT to the gentleman / for the sake of / for the purpose of / for the purpose of / for the purpose of / for the purpose of /. Then first and foremost (as the most necessary and most modern type of wolf) look at the means by which human body maintains / maintains its long-term health / vitality clearly / have the same part / of this artistic origin. H ow danndiegewaltigen / herlichenGebew / the Antiquen (diezumancherley leiblicherbung / vndrefectionmitsolchemmercklichenvnkostenerbawen / dervnalcublichwer / wanitau genscheinliche Erempel / the decay GebewThermarum, Gymnasiorum, Palastra rum, Theatrorum, mitjren sonderlicheneingebew / still heutigstags vo! Were eyes seen) testify / vinsonderheitdiemcchtigeAquaedu?ten / vWasserleitunge / soman cherleyartvndgestaltwunderbarlichdurchdisekunstgefrt / Conquered, with all to physical conservation andnottofft, butalsoofthereofthereofthereofusability/Also we mustnotbe aware of / thenon-emergence / therebyhuman body / stand / weens / retail we get this with disaster art (as from a slaughtered root some fertile estv branch) originates from / theivberdiegerereWerckman cherleynecessaryintrument des A ckerwercks / andnd v eldbaws (thereby we will all be renewed) the like of all other werckleuths / comfortable stuff (so we go shortly: : tandasander / diversifiable white. / son derdinderfederErden / the adrender water sources / to seek the high mountain / dnd hard silt of the rock / digging up the heights / level / pouring the deep troughs and to find the height / wagon / pond from dam men / dietieffensumpfferschpffen / vndertrucknendiestarckenflderWasser ingewis sestadenzurichten / vndjrenlauffvndtrybnachgefallen / mancherleyzuverwenden vnnd durcherbawungderSchiff / dieselbigensamptdemganzenMeerzudurchSchiffen the gestadenmitPot vMeerhafenzuversicheren / vberdiegrossenvndkleinenWasserfl / mancherley artificial to Bruckendegleichen Mllwerck vnd mancherley Wasserknst / it prepare / then what images this nutzlichenvnnd necessary knstlichenWerck are / werdenalledurchdengrundvndrechtenverstandtdiserkunstderArchitecturzuwegenge b: eight / although of short distances / powerful / and powerful G e preservation / maintenance of Christian religion / asChurches / Temples / Gotsheuser / - Pnd - o ". -. The general civil policy and regiment relates to the general view of the General Court of Justice and Councilor / Kitheuser / Treasure Chamber / Hospital / Knigli Chenvnd Princely Courtyards / General and Special Civic Apartment / vlustGebew /thisofthesegreatmagnificenceprevious / every-and-a-half-order Policeyenerbawen are also thought to be / as well as the most necessary Gebew / zu derStedt / Schlsser vnndFlecken bydiscovered as Ring Moors / tadtporten / Thrn / Grben / Bollwerck / Pasteyen / Schtten / Wahl / and the like / with violent contractions / like this for violence safeguard of need / civil property / dealings of trade / of artificial art, in which nature is created by artificial invention A host / as a gun / Heb stuff / pulling tool / or the like Of the sentfeltige / vnzelbare / artificial mechanical instrument welchealleausderArchitectur dermassenjrenvrsprunghaben dassieondieselbig / alssreseygnenfundamentsberaubt / not consistently made love / AlsodasausdisenwarhafftigenArgumentenvvnzweyffel hafftigererweisung / gnugsamlichenbezeugtwerdenmag, dasdisekunstderArchitectur / samptjrenangehigentheilen / vnterallenknstenvndscharpffsinnigenerfindungen / the nulichst / uotwendigst / vnddabrydieallerlieblichstvndlustigestsey / durchwelchefurnem licheneinyedewolgeodnetePolicey / vndBrgerlichRegiment / zuyederzeit desfridens vnndvnfridens / frey / shear / rwigvnnd gnglich with hchsterwolfart of common use / enduringly preserved / indispensable in abundance to virtues / memoirs / wherever you want to be witnessed again with mighty historic sights / and specialty by the excellent temple Archimedis / and otherwise disguised artificial architects. Darausnunbillichzuschliessen / dasdieselbigen / welcheausson derlichemhohenverstandt / vilfeltigererfarnus / scharpffsinnigernachtrachtung / vndman cherleybung / disetrefflichekunstderArchitectur / nitalleinerfunden / auffboacht / vndge multiply / sonderauchinschifftengestellet / vnndvnsmitgetheilet have (onallenzweiffel) solchersonderlichengutthat / vndhohen verdienstsgegengemcinemnutz / grosseslobsvnd take wirdigsind.Wie then bihereinsolchsherlichslobvon all those / sodiser things verstendig / in special feature (for of everyone else / sovon of Architectur gehandlet schifftlich / vndjrenverstandtangezeigt / vnddennachkomendenmitgetheilethaben) the most allerElte / Erfarnesten / Hochbermpten / vndNamhafftigeArchitectoVitruuio / zugeschiben wirt.DadurchdannauchdieselbigenBcher welcheermithochstemfleivonderArchi tecturbeschuben / vndineinsolchefglichevbequemeordnunggestellethat / dasinkurzer summadiseganzekunst / mitallenjrenangehrigentheilen / alsineinemklarenSpiegelfur augenfurgelegtwerdenmag / beyallenKnstnern / nitalleinalsei ntheurer / vndkostbarli cherSchatz / sonderalsderrechtewarhafftigegrund / and allergewissestfundament / all / of Architectur arts / highly werder been keeping / and also bit her disezeitnochalseingetrcivevnbetrglichewegleitung / vnndanweisungallerknstlichen Mathematischenspeculation / vonallenKnstnereinsonderheitgebrauchtwirt / Which vrsachhalbsichdannauchviltrefflicher / Wolgelerter / NamhafftigerLeuthmancherley nation vnterstanden / diseBcher Vitruuijinjrermtterliche (aberdochvns Teutsche) frembdenvndvnbekantensprachen / allenKunstliebhabendenzusonderlichemvo: theilmie attribution / afterdelbigensreWerckvscharpffsinnigeerfindung / immediately aftereinerge know how to judge. Like the present-day art bookVitruuijbeyandrenaulendischeNationenmancherleyspachtranferirtw o the / in Italian also afterwards in c h e r / v n d partly in Fr a s cesian languages ??/ which, however, (as said) read the art of German reading several parts / also as a result of lack of translation / or understanding / dise herischebstfbarnliche Treasure, theGerman artistsfromraseo 3 vn - -J vbishervnuersendigblibi.Dieweilaberauchdiserzeitinwelcheralleknsvscharpf sinnigeerfindung / vontagzuta?yehhergebrachtwerd / vonsouilherlichentrefflichen Ingenien / TeutschgNation / dadurchdieselbigallenandrenaulendischenNationen / mitalleinConferrt sonderauchdieselbigeninhohemverstandtweitbertreffenmag / sol chernutzlichenvndgemeinemnutz / vwolfartnotwendige arbeitvndmhe / no one has wllen vnternemen liebhaberen (soulmir then zuwissen) B in ichaus sonderlicher wolmeinung / vndhchsterbegirdt / gemeinemnutzvoab / dcgleichenallen / derscharpffsinnigenMathe matischenknst (souldieselbigenderArchitecturangehog) / to serve and wilfaren to be moved / this hard effort to name me / vilgemelt books of architecture / to the utmost ability / misunderstood / 3uTransferierenwin common / dispatchable / German language art lovers / by the truck / well willing to heal. But because of this, the books of the fern ferns have been dispatched with such a size / with excellent foresightedness / vnndgco: dmit dasmitmit all that same / what rightly understands artificially and so forth / son who may be required in all other mathematical arts belonging to the architecture / and M echani scissor inventions may be necessary, even in a nutshell / understood / understood / that is: gengewest / dasdiegetreweoerereroerderdoerderoerderiloerdiero future affairs / something dark and heavy / vital lndalso understandable / common butbecause of that also because of the particularsof the attachmentofw / vu ingenious inventionmany machinery of the gun. According to the current Vitruuj / but for the first reason of the architects' inventions / how to continue talking / persistent use / constant practice / diligent attitudes / the like after vilerley Landt sitten / vndgeb: also / ended / vnd also a little thing / also / the disposition / readers, and so on frembdvndvnbekants In that the German queen of the same ship was thought of / or for whatever reason / was chandletodertracted / I was therefore / further caused / at reasonable times / by my exuberant puofes son / the highly praiseworthy art of the medicin / to special effect / other / according to their own artistic creation Boni Mauri, Guilielmi Philandri, SebastianiSerli, PetriNoni, OrontiFinci, NicolaiTartaleae, / derArchitecturvndderselbigenangch rigen art-high-end / whose ships I usually use in these figures as well as needed (also used in German) To interpret commentaries and to continue to deal with all of the architecture-related topics, thematic art and mechanical inventions and speculation / to act as soon as possible / thereby doing the same / which things Something practiced, that means: information Vitruu / wolhettegnugsamklarvndversiemig. But because such short / ovilfcltig and other the architects belonged to medically / with so much have been trafficked. / Or may be carried out / the same which these things / due to lack of other usefull / and therefore understandable / can be misused / misused / misused / used as little. Worde caused vnd (damitye from me nor labor m above sea he saved was by darinichnachmeinemgeringenverstandt / furmeinPerson / gemci. nemnutz / vndallerfleissigenKnstnerwolfartdienstlichvndfrderlichseinmcht. also beynebenderobgemeltenverteutschungder 1o Books / dcrArchitecturVitruuj / and the prescribed figures vnd commentaries or aulegung the selfsame / alleder Archi tecturfurnembstevndnotwendigsteangehrigeMathematischeknstvnndscharpffsinni geMechanischeSpeculation / vifeltigernutzlichererfindung insonderlichen "---- to hand - - -i. - to deal with / and the most practiced and most recent readers to be sure And of course / for the sake of conscience, my introduction to Vitruuij's sharp books / in the truck / good will. However, because of the highly versatile architecture of Vitruuius, his books and professional work are held up / respected / he is respected / by the most powerful keyser Julioerstlichen / vndhernachAugusto / alseintrefflichsgeschenck / vndherlichegab, Zuson daichererzeigungderdanckbarkeit / allerentpfangnergutthat vnderhalten auchweiternachkomen to Dedicierenvvnterdi stbderRmischeKeyserheglichennamen / vndhohenansehen zupubliciere / Which ahrkomenen / laudable consumption / auchalledieselbigen / welchediseherlicheBcher / inman chaltyfrembdensprachenTranferiert / vndauchweitervonderArchitecturangehrigen knen / geschiben / vnndgehandlet / nochbiauffdiseyczigezeit / / alsodassiejrescharpffsinnigeSpeculation / vnyd wassievermeint / toget ncmmitz vndaller hardworking artist wolfart / forfeitlichsvlichlich to have the same most realistic p otentaten / zu C omendieren / vnnddashohevndgro Schenschalseinsarckenchutz / vnndmechtigenchirm / to add. / The applied effort of such shipwork / -Habichaberschiffeltjneninschchem: left. as special high-class / high-fledged / prudent / and wise gentlemen / whicheverythingnatural and high-priced arts / pleasantries / and with a wide range of traditional and excellent gifts Gottis / abundantziret / and highly honored / also all honest praiseworthy art vest / milteste / vfatherly holder / eye-catching shield / also very high seMecenatenvndPatrronen are / in particular to deforestation / geood netenCommentarienderArchitecturVitruus / degleichauchandrebesondreBcher / in which architecture is a part of art / understandable / vnierEF. EW.herlichenvndrmmreicher namgm / to be prescribed in Truck / vnd zu P O? - publicize all art lovers / DadieweilE.F.E.W. particularly friendly / vnndwol opinion / opposing / soaingingeringeningen / common use vnndwolfart to serve ye vnterst./yederman customers / as then E, F, E.W. Gotgefellig / happilyandfridlichRegimentvntwaltrangte ChuslichePolicey / gnsummamenden / sovonyedermanfurnemlichenalseine special thusiadtertainmentvndauffboingall art virtue / Honest / ArtificialandLb Lichensachen pevnndy highly praised / undoubtedly. F.E. W.disegeringegabout suchchips work applied effortlessly wake up by mewith the hopeofgeneral / suchWerckvnter E.F. E.W.highly-respected names / all art lovers are more sociable / and more pleasant as to whether or not I am able to feel that I am offering / not being able to sit / struggle / do everything / do it yourself / or otherwise / generally do / want to do well / for all to bring a maximum wealth. Thus, E.E.F.E.W.demAllmechtigenGot / draller O b i g k e i t v e r s t a n d t v W e i h e i t g i b t / i n s e i n e n S c h i r m v n d S c h u t z b e f e h e n d / DerRegiere / SchtzeEndE. his divine name marriage / vnd common fatherland use vnd pious. E. F. E.W. Vndertheniger - * - Gualtherus H. Riuius Medicus. - * ! ro ae! - Briefsummariendesantanzin holds or the term of the following books with the special parts of the short, understandable a n n o t w e n d i g Most of the mathematical and mechanical arts belonging to the architecture / better understood of the Vitruuij books. - The first bookers personal perspective in VI. partelethelet. TheI.theil. fol. I. - -: Of artificial use to many things / the age of the blocks Judging decisions / for geometric reasons / general introduction to new perspectiua The II part. Search Subsequent XXVif. Nobody has any special right to use 7 of the cuts / all regulated figures straight lines and straight corners and ends right geometric ground / some straight or bended lini / artificial part / vnndmancherley triangle opposing position sol / special Exercise Mathematical demonstration / preparation of the German books Euclidis. The third part. Suchitititutirtirt / Derstdarildesandern - buchs / dernewenPerspectiua. fol. I. Basic information on the geometric basis / foundations of the perspective / Of shortening the graduation or losing the thing / sovnsin mancherley distance in the face like / with special exploration of nature / what is happening men desgesicht / vnd and the like of the change in liechtsvndschatten / themselves in a cherley superficiencies / after perspective. The IIIth part. Search for fol.XI. From thePerspectiua / justifiable / allregulatedvvnregulatedCoper / dc, someBawvn and the same allglider / vndwasvns like the same mancherleygestaltfurkomenmag / in the face of artifical to open / inPerspectiuischen basis / vndnach derPerspectiua / inequal proportionate to auff. DerV.theil. Suchintitulirt / DasdritbuchdernewenPerspectiua.fol.I. From the right-hand background and right-hand point of art Information / all that is needed from there / as of a more artificial invention / subsequent erosion, perspective extraction / vnnd abbreviation or division / understanding of the colors, Liechtsvndchattens / heights vabsetzens / vndwas furthermore to the loveliness / special proportionality / actual and beautiful simmetria / rightly artistic painting is required. - * - DerVI.theil.- Suchnachnachnach.XVII. - VonderSculpturoderkunstkunstbildung / ausrechtemgrund / poportionvndSim metria / einyedesding / welchergaltaltdassey / artlichenv to justify / form by carving / hawen / digging / etching / pricking / shaping. Casting / vs Abtrucken inallerhandtZeug.vnnddarudienstlichematerialsvonmancherleyartvnd geschlechtdes wood / stone / Marbel / Metal / Helffenbein / gypsum / War / glues or boots / knstlicheGiesandt / vdergleich.Mitgnugsamervnterrichtung / allesdessozu solchervilfeltigenknstlichenarbeitdesBildensvndSculpturvonnten / Mitsonderli cherbeschreibungvndaugenscheinlicheranzeigung / derrechtenpopotionvnndeygentli cher Simmetria Menschlichs Coopers vndaller glidmassen, D a s The other book of geometric offices - differentiate inVIII. TheI.theil. fol. II. From the right base and foundation of the movement of heavier bodies (than the bullet smaller and larger Ro!) From it one can be found through it every gun / Ro! vnd mortar artificial and certain magical / not alone bullets and firearm shooting / special types of guns and eyebrows / stercke vndgewaltdestrybs / auffyederichtunggrundlichevrsacherfaren / vnnddenvntertiert to compare inmancherleypoportion / vndistdisertheil / indreysonderliche gethelet. Book ab From artificial - The II part. comparison of the shot in some different loads matery the BrenKuglen / as Eysen / Bley / vndStein / also like the real size / Swiss Traditional load / each ball spherical and red in some shapes / colors but can be invented through an artificial sight. Brief information / how to - he fCd To keep guns and the whole artelarey / in one house / to Veld / or in a crew with identification / zal lenvnd heavy the ro / manchley sex the floor / and all the same / by Puluer Kuglen vnd Mundicey / sampled the mayor / veldschtzen / vyeder Arte lariPersonenamptvndbefelh. How the witness masters / maintenance staff / Brenmeister protect / vndwaszuderArte TheIIII he heals (l. lareygrossenvsmall guns require / in a crew / keep the young budding mayor. should / short of A sol. The V.theil. - Intitulirthierin / Derersttheilvon Attachment From the foundation / erbawungvndbefestigungdeStedt / Schlsser / v Stains with all ends / softer violence to the woe / fastening / protection and shield from necessary are as Moors / Thrn ditches / ski jumps / choice / pouring / Pasteyen / Bollwerck Zwinger / Stadtpoten f.mitallenjrenWehen / Schielcheren and the like / what is inside of the city walls / for violent reasons VestvndWehlicherbawenwillmag. The VIth part. Search for fol. X X V. : The well-known city of Thurin / general description / with all freeweben / so attachmentsodnetnet / with the right measure vndP o p otion of the same / with far more informative report / how an tadtforallpower of the artillery right to be / due to the architect to be responsible for the architect were sey. The VIIth part. Vondenfurnembstenpuncten / thus search fol.XXX. highly diligentof inventedArchitecto / was The world should be considered a comfortable place to go to Malstadt / tadt / Schlo / vndFlecken / to get to the first place The VIIIth part. Such fol. XXXVI. How a crew or to VeldschneleinyedenpauffenWiegsvolck / inman cherleyformvndgestalt / derVeldtoderchlachtordnungwith large vf orilagenvnd ordensol / the enemy to be expected / orthe same / mitvo: to attack or otherwise or to remove / after the use of this time, warsleuth. - fol. I. The - - The third part. fol. I. From quite a few exquisite artificial examples / to practice geometrical measurements / to ingenious inventions some useful articles / the mathematics relatives arts. Discm third third book of architecture-related art / of geometric measurement / we have further a n e g hencktdisevollendeBchlein. DasI.theil. fol. I. From the right basic understanding / dare / weights and / to this charismatic invention of all artificial instruments / wonderful machinery / / and to the right natural and geometric may be searched / thereby the nature in mancherley shape / artificial song host, asII.theil. fol. I. From legal preparation / derWelschenSchnelWag / dieRmisch Wagge nant / vndwiedieselbe useful / by special arithmetic markers kleret / samptartificialproportionofweight / yed heavy loadwithvotheilzuwegk. - The third part. fol. IIII. Kurtzer reports the natural movement / tribsvndfalhs of all physical things / such Slight or heavier / better understood / the need for tightness and movement / so violent with some protective coating: . The IIII. part. fol. VII. As with all elements, each must be compared by weight and / or in some cases may need to be compared / special notification by some people secret of the natural art The contents of the special book of Puluer and the artificial printing / search in your own title. T he third book of geometric measurement in III.theilvnterschiden. TheI.theil. fol. I. - Financial division of several measuring rods / and masses / soman to the geo metric measurement needs / general introduction of the following information / man cherley artificial mathematical measurement. G DerII.theil. Search Subsequent XVII. By mancherley of artificial mathematical measurement / for good reason the geo metriadurchdiebihergebeuchlichsten / vnnddanebenetlicheneweerfundeneinstrument / einyedeEbne / height / width / Tieffe / LengevndgewisseDistanz / yederstrackenvndber zwerchvndbereckgezognerlini Hipothenusagenant / auchallerflachenebnen / whole Landtschafft Veld / Pletz / mountain / Thall / wells sources / Itemmancherley artderCper vndGebew / alsThrn / Moors / trenches / Columnen / or owl / Fen stergestel / Vaulted arch / vndaller antique ornament and g esims of the Cozen / or Architraben / Capitel / vndPossament / and what like that can be trapped / also with easy access to artificial - * * *. ** ... !!!!!!!! .. (??) ! ----------------- ---- J - ----- I From artificial to use to the Cherckelsvndleindigkeit desCirckelsvndRicht due to geometrical reasons of young people - management of new perspectiua. / Z orpncklein / dasallleineinestonnd subtilestspffleinodergemercksomanmsji understandodermerckenmag / vndexpitzer, teyletwerdenkan / asindfigurfigurmit indicated fvirt. G one line or crack / from one point to change / to re So / all involved or imagined (dasistimsinnfrgenom) A n p u n c k e l e n n post-o nd a n d e r n f l u s s e j G c o metrische figurinenirspung have from the above point / dise linisvolgendtsmitAB listed. - A \ - Arallellininewirsozwo - ornot linear to each other: der / nachdergantzlengeiresri - everywhere everywhere is shown again / again. S is flat or Message / Intermediate Lines / | or a wide range of / all thick L- - or deep / vndmag can be used between many similar terms straight line after the lead car / that is a Perpdicular / odcrauchCatcta genant / guffeineradenidcrgele gtelinifal let / is just or just right angle / as shown in the figure / AB is the per pendicularlinioderCatheta / CD / dien derlegenlini / gcbenzwengerechtewinckel - A B C / and A B D. - - B - WI # but such not according to the special / more detailed / then inclined to the other / delineated miniature M. f - B Mancherleypreparationforswithleyyerwinckelscharpffenoderen - genwinckel / vndeunstumpfen or wide winckel / Vndistderengwinckclweiterdafi The right angle / stump then continues to show the same figure. AC Bistderengwinckel / ABDwide. G # flacherauffgerichterwinckcl / hostscaused / when two lim equallength / uprightin the topmost / together / and first and foremost widen / and so there is a sharp or narrow angle / redisplayed. E # equilateral triangle originates in the three-sided toilet of the same parent together / vbe kumptsolchefigurdeyscharpffeoderenginckel QThere are two lines of the same kind / (namely a andcrclini / vndcinPerpendicular) come together / with an edge / diectwas lengerist / to lock the triangle / V and d includes this figure dey winckcl / cun just / vnd wen cnge or charpffewinckcl. - But manocylinearly, so to speak, put together a triangular cellophane sharp or winchcl. ". Equal to / collide / arises in four unequal sides / Discfigurgibtw> < Mancherley mortgage So half-way through a pendicular line extends to the middle-punctured or center / gives civil fair winckcl and For the sake of diameter or Ull. S # gerechtevierungkompt / soman four lines of the same steering joint set dassievierge rechterwinckel.gcben. J nu hard-working architecture / or one