The book L’Art universel des fortifications starts with a foreword that mostly consists of text. There are some illustrations like a flower bouquet but they are for decorative reasons. On the top of the first page of the “preface” there is a picture of two person carrying an emblem and underneath of the title the first Letter is a large decorated “S”. The Main part of the book is divided into six parts which have almost the same structure. The title of the chapter is written in larger letters than the normal text and in the middle of the page. Underneath the title is a small description of the content of the following chapter. After the title of the chapter there is always a different drawing of a group of people over the whole page. As at the beginning of the book the chapters also start with a picture of two men holding an emblem and the first letter is large and decorated. Above each double page the title of the book and the number of the chapter is written. On the left side are the words “L’Art universel” and on the right side “des fortification” and the number of the chapter which are called “Traité”. The number of the page is on the left page in the top left corner and on the right page in the top right corner. The numbers have the same size as the letters in the text. I would say the text is written in the size 12 and the title above double the size. In the main part of the book most of the time a page of text is followed by an illustration. The book is about fortifications so they mostly show different types fortresses. There are different types of illustrations like architectural drawings, perspective views, details, geometrical drawings and tables. In most illustrations there are letters for different parts to which the text refers to. The book can be read as a handbook because different topics are explained with a text and an illustration.