My book “Trattato della cognizione pratica delle resistenze geometricamente” consists of 4 main parts with text, which are further divided into chapters and an appendix with 26 figures.
The typography: The main text is in justification whereas each new paragraph has an indentation on the left side. All titles and subtitles as well as the introduction to the chapters are centered. The page number is in the headline at the margin. The font type and font size varies depending on the use of the font. The main font used for most of the books text is similar to the font “Calluna”. The titles are in capitals of a font similar to “Garamond Oldstyle” and are approx. twice the size of the main font. There is another dominant font it is an old serif style italic font which is used for the titles in the headline and for a short introduction about the chapters after the titles. The forth type of font used is for the notes on the margin, the letters are half the size of the main font. Those notes on the margin mention which figure of the appendix fits to the text, it’s kind of a reference. The initial letter of each chapter stands out as it is approx. 3 times the size and the first letter of the 4 parts is not only 3 times bigger but also neatly decorated as a small illustration.
The illustrations: The book has most of its illustrations (26 of 31figures) in the appendix together at the end of the book. Those illustrations are architectural drawings and show how arches, domes and vaults are constructed. Each of those 26 drawings fill an individual full-page to show the details of construction. They are foldout spreads and are quoted as notes (e.g. Tav3 Fig2) on the margin during the 4 main chapters. There are just five illustrations in the initial part of the book they have more a decorative purpose. One illustration fills the first page of the book and shows the view into a scenically integrated architectural scene. The vignettes before each of the 4 main chapters show tools and symbols of geometry and they are the size of approx. a forth of a page. The images take approx. 15% of the book as the book consist of 360 pages and about 31 of them have text. Because of the size of the book and the organization of text and illustration that force the reader to scroll back and forth through the whole book the images are used as reference and for academic study.