D A J;. L A R C H I. T E T T T O L A R A J; L A R C H I. BO-RRA. AD '"USE OF EVERY SORTA n- EDIFIZJ1 Colf addition of. Weapon: various 1dwarves
rimere S-R , -and such greatnessR will do :::at 27. O ,, from which we will pierce the two great deeds at:rìmame11 and conoièute t 7. O,-and tO , efprime.JJaHì the greatness R :::: at 2 7. O , which makes the efpu.rgazione , rroveraffi reduced the size_R-at 1.9.0. Done finally over the b.fe Be-, and with" altez-za DA another prifma, in which it bows, like a pyramid over the ftefià baf.., and ending in the medephyme height, found such a prifma, or "gran.e-' . den o to fuck all three of the above mentioned c.onofciuteee 4. gran.-4oe.Parte p-rima -Tav. 3. component 27.0, in such a guifa efprìmeraffie-Eig. 3.-il di lei v.alore X :: a t 64. O-2 7. O, lo che efpurgatoe,ei .darà X :: a t 3 7. O, come fi era propofi-o dimofirare. So the exception of the fecundity over the first part of the pyramid will do as 7. to 1. of the third part of the pyramid will be like 19. a r. and finally the fourth part over the first will be like 7 to 1. From which it will be easy to make it possible to proportion the center of gravity to this long pyramid, or Cone, that is propofto, and 1 as you will see: Hì qui appreff o.eJ:?ifpongafi adeffo a pound, as in fig. 3 7. e,divify in four points, as you will see ABCD , and pears, put up various sizes proportional to the already found fezioni .lidiri in all its parts will find him corrifegli match the center of gravity of him to the n1ezzo precisely d' eff o. folido, so that placed effo grave over the BC plane, support:aHì uguahnente, and pre:r. will all the pofottopofiogli . Ahbiafi now has a g:uandezzazza in F fudd.u.pla to the pefo of the fuddetto folido , with which to balance it,. difpofl:a quefia ad u-na eH:remità d'una fla.1 ga FB , which fortopofl:a for the other f uo eilre.mo B al folido co11' ajuro dell'appoggi,>-G c.orrifpo11,.denre al mezzo -d' effa il:anga, e<.1uiliberaffi il folide in tal guifa, che fe alla grande F feeraffi una menoma forza, farà-fufficienre a ri1no. Fig, 46, .ABCD fi will place full' horizon CD fig. 46, ,... soiòrrn.I Part pr.Hnar 4 Table 4: fuck the two levers, ir balances of equal armsFig.46 - FHD, and EGC, to the eCT:.emità of which F, and E - hay applied two gravities, which counterbalance ciaf---cuna the 111th one of the folid ABCD, is 1nànifello , thateach one of the effective gravity rroveraffi fuddupla of the pefo dietutto the folid, fe both the eguilibran turro, daleche easily fi conofce , as the pefo of said fo. . lido dividafi metà per parre, lo che ci dà Olotivo, e certezza nello fieffo tempo d' affermare, effere la re.fifl:en.en.za 11e' folidi collocati pieno' orizzonte, che efercita.come pojfafl con una piccola forza equilibrare, o vincere tlnlt qualunque refiftenza, che fia d' ejJa forza --. di gran Jun_ga fi,periore. Fig. 47- SIA given the folido A; which, having for example degrees 1 2. of pefo , has for the anrecedenrç 6. of refifenza, and must be 1nuovere with nothing else, than with a force of degrees 3. fud va'f'j foliJi at different heights. Fig. 50- SIA the folid of figure 5 o. EFGH of opium height de.Ha fua bale, which, having to be removed, means that a force ùel punto F, pe-r. is applied, which will have the length FH per lever, _and the lun. The length HG for counterbalance, which I do not say, is that the force pofi:a in F will have to be equal to the force equal to the burp refraction of the folìdo , nor will the greater length of the lever over the counterbalance baftevòle to alter them in a certain way the value, finding again crack in the folid, as aenrafi- Ja lì.ghezza della leva a fegno ta! and, finding a prifi11a , or Cylinder, which in the square of your bafe has a6. of refiference, elevating it to double height cretèacolla fteifa guifa even in eff ort the refi.frenza ; tro.vandofi aunque of such a nature the goddess prifma, che_arichiedendo una f0rza fuddupla al fuo pefo per equili. . this will place it in the punro F; but it will be placed in the rectangular pound FHG formed with the sides of the prifma -a1:it will double the proportion of the arms, with1and just a. indeed, I offered it, so as to make it fertile prop. of quefi('),,, . - that the force in F will be double. So having the -rolide Ef-1 degrees 1 2. of refifl:enza, to which -adeefi oppose equal feria, _fi fping against dela, said - - qu.lora ricercafi fuperare la Fig. s-1. refifl:enza d' a folido, not making them force in the forn.µ1a, n1a but in, whatever other point, and clear. me;1"1te dimofirer.affi tal cofa , fe fatta offervazione ful folido I{L.MN , che rit.nga degrees 1 :t. di refifienza, di cui altezza fia a piacere, come qui ritroali doppia_ 6i Parte prima 4Tao/. . d1orpia -o011-do-i, viapf punti, della fua ba-fe' d1co-' che i!'ec-oF1g. 1.-j.o to which you can applyF.(i 1a1 force d10.v-rà cr-efcere or J!ce.r ,. . m,are the d-i lei n1omenr0, so-cne la-fo:rzat eom.potl!à s" et1uilibri c(}Ha refifreB.za:. -oDifa, a-àunqt1and the other NL area of the Q, .fègt1i-ra11neo,. ef.le tr0v.u1db§ r al.rezzi -LN c:top]?ta. cteUa: bafe-NMo,. fàJ!à sì la tttu l:gnezzaLO,. ehe P' al.tira.-. ONLY ON the LFA ba.fe MN, for the clie. eon-B:d:erift quait. I have to apply the force of the O appliearQ in O for the reflexivity of the whole LM, in the O.N. lever, as we have seen above-- to the MN lever;. and as a consequence of... - ferva,G, which first gives strength to do: to refrain from obtaining any advantage from the lever, from which it follows, that Q. especially the for'Zta, will have to equalize in gra.và to the, re-fì-fie-nza of the prif'ma of gr-adi r ". I will not equal it. searched-scrape a seal for oonofc.re the refifinancing- <:{eI fl1ddeÉro iolido-, which is applied to the point S, a:v.vegna.chè rrovàndofìngi the lever NS fefqu-ialtera of the con. t'r.lèva NM,. d0vrà effere compofra pa-pelò ; rre dal e parre cla11" aiuto di leva, per cui i gradi 1 2. ne.edfai--j nel punro O non ci fon bifognevolì nel pu,nroS, ma; à.nsl fulranto !). , prephy,q;give us -the other three - the SO eeeeffect of the SN lever over the NM, and all as the Pr,op.op.2. of the lever. Mao,. ..o., in which you must apply the for.when.the.pointoz-a,.there- rrovaJfe.more.b-a:.ffo.of.the.square.of.the.fi.e.ffo.prifnn,.e.ome.in.the.R. point, then: fi will apply Ulla for'l'a , ehe f-arà. compo-fra daUa. refi{lenza. del. fo.lido,.. and AB.CD fig. 5 f.; . Let b.el lillOvo- applied in the -B point be another force, which gives for fe fola fi.a fi.a sufficient fi.a cl' e4uilibrar.e all the folido AB.CD , the oui refifl:enza will do of degrees -I 6. ...a- -...a;v_vehicle,|the difference between the two: levers,|that is,.... ... _... . . -de1- 7.0 Part 1 Table 4' gravity, glue, and proportion, which will never alter the arm, or ...aflohua, or co1npofra, which, in that case, will make it indifferent to the application, in ...an effective point without changing the effects Fig. ss . .that ofH.a leverage; so that .he rrov_andofi the length DE fuddupla .of DB, will have to .crefcture the force pofrain E of double .ralore -to match that pofia in -C: aduugue in .appHcare the forces in various points to jnvefry the .reftfl:enza .of a folido1 fi difporran.no . fempre in .tal guifa, .che il n1omento them .- equi.libri .colla refill:enza ., ovvero fe di quella trovfi o n1aggiore , :O mino.e.e,e-eRito_rnando then .a _conciìderare -quale 'la reftflenza del .Colido 'ii._ _ _ .rifenza' della reftflenza del .Colido 'ii._ .rifpetto alla forza, che fe, oppone, 'che .e.av.endofi ,din.1 ofirata fefquialtera, ben fi.com.prendt!
.of, how much is missing from the 1st j'e(ìfrenza per conrrapporfi .alla forza, .e. Pr.op. -.2. tro.pc,:-,il,che fatto racc@rfo .alla vecaffi; che- per ahilica.rc ila.r.lìlle,nza.nel fo.J.ido farà bifog1.1evole allung!ilrne la bafe, .nelllit.fl:effa.gaifa che rza ..ecced. la refifienza, :0nde del.folido io modo. ebe '.tPtt. fia y.rfo -1a .bafe DC, .corne :Fecceffo , of the force verfo la refiO:e.nza , .cadrà i-l punto, .o efieoderaffi ral _bafe fino .in F, che in tal n1a1:iiera jl fol,ido A.BCD farà .re(Hlente .contro la forza pofr.1 :in E , .e.e.e. the fo.e.prolonged the hafe co,rrilpo1J.d.endoil , contrariamnte i bracci, come .fi.rrova,110 .i pefi.Ma .r.rov.andofi , .che .coli' .allungamento .della bafe abbiçognac'. i.e.e-an.he :il f.lido , ne.iene,acçr.fcer p1,1r _che- 11:itrodgri-.i{ì.mo fov.er.ch1a ...(i.frenza, .no,11 .avendo .altro .in pen.ftero, che d' eq.ilibr.are,epur' menre la for.,2, a, che .ci. yiene propofra , 11011 .effendo .cofa practice... bile Part pr.ma74: _Tav. +- Ma fe il folido El equilibrato fulla fua bafe IDeFig.:s6- dovefTefi trasformare in un altro, di cui altezza foife folament. AD, confirmed for example the refifl:enza reducur raffi in the first place the rectangle EDIL efpri1nenre the profilodel folido in another equal for the fovra mentioned . Prop. 44., and 45 ... lib 1. Elem.,çhe farà AMDN, che pur benché a motivo dell' accreci1nenro di levaro da I in N crefcerà in e{fo 1. Feilllence in proportion of said lenght IN, it follows, that we will have the fuddette refill.enza fuperior to the force, the other wave will not have any ope.rare-, that the taking between the two lengths DI, and DN the proportional average DCee was quefia high a fo.lido ABCD , will make of equal ,. refifl:enz,a , like the other ELDI, with less than _diverse bafe, and height; from which the conv.rfo of the Propofizione, im.quindicché where given the just before efpofra height AD, and wanting to raise it was10 in E cuttersHì in such gnifa the bafe D.C in I, that the folid content between the width. DI, and alrezz. DE fia equal in refiflance to the other cofiin.ito between the height AD, and widthDC, here on the contrary dimofrrafi, cotne data, and conofciuta the refifl:enza of the folido ELDI pofTaG la me.defima confirm with altering the height, and the bafe, . for which it makes the first dimofiroffi priinieramenamenamenre, that the bafe DI doveife find again average proportional between the bafe DC of the folid ABCD, and the bafe DH of the folid EDOH -at the first equal in mass, but not in refìfl:enzae, cosl.e, in fc-condo place dimofirera1Iì , that the. bafe DC delefolido ABCl? finderaffi even if also inedia propor- tion. ... between the bafe DI of the folid DIEL, and to the other1 DN of the folid AMDN, .The opium ELDI equals iRe. ... mole, Parte frima Tav. 4- .mente- che leve E,C , CF per dove phono a:ffifiì pefi Fig,i1. difuguali cohrrariamente rifpondaniì tra loro; ma effendofi proven tal cofa ìnpracticabil- per la Prop. 29. we will find again a folido to oppose them, of which mo.fi.a. with1pofta parre from the length of the lever,. and part -from the added pefo, ralme.nte .he the sum of both equal wings' exceptional force over the refi.it:enza ... If the appearance of a few breaths does not deceive the affpet.tariva, it would seem very prolific to make a comp.o{the .d'allungarnenrò of arm,.e d'aggiunta di pefo,. so that the value of amhid ue fQfTe baftevoJe to -balance the strength po. between i.n F, which it seems, that it is well agreed to divide the lun..., length and by half in I{ , then fi1Ua bafe CI( er.gere il folido, di cui f1 trarra, avendo con quefl:o in . penfiero , che per quanto manca la lunghezza della Ìeva abbia. there - to foftitute the addition of pefo, what-rr.phleifo fenza dubl}io non fariai per atnmeuere eccez.io.ne none, qualunque volta fi tranaire. de' folidi ele.vati nell'aria, n. What is the effect of the pefo's complete with the11th length of the lever, or the pivotal length of the lever with the addition of gravity, in the trust of the difference in its effect, less:.three that it showed, that in the folidi placed full 'horizon. it becomes the refiftenz?t fuddupla - to the pefo, fe.guiranne, that adds it with the lever. DI( with half of the pefo was so high, that it reduces your value, it does not make it possible to catch ìvalue of the lever DE, but rather inferior affai, and fe vorraffi enable such folido, so that to balance.fi po:ffa glue conofciutaci force pofra in F, takes.ra{fi. Of the 'Refifle "nr.t. 11- refine between the lengths DI{, and DE the average proportion-Tav. 4: zionale Dd, quefra will make the bafe, fulla which eleveraffi Pis.s1, a folido . that will have equal refi.frenza to the force pofta in F. In proof of that conyertiro the argument, and fuppofroil folido skillful to refine against the force so far efpo-. between, signed in F, the force having to end in. fuddupla proportion, and in that proportion. having to propose--... to refine the brake in the folido, in guifa that does not fia. foverkly applied, seems more than evident. nre ! the having to halt from the folido fudderro the half of it, she, mole, which with good reason faria to obtain the. fuo effeçto, fe the folido in place of e:ffere full' oriz4 zonre applied, doveife effere handled in the air, but a-xendo here, I will show it several times. e.nqn-a.qdarela refi.frenza glue m, ole of the same, it comes in confe.guenza , that truncated the half of the bafe , that beforeerafi pi-opofrà Cd, and reduced to CM, will not fi1st fi1st . .-e.bile a folielo was q_uefra ba(e) raised to king...{iftere to the 1 force p.ofia in F, abbenché fiafi anche fminuita: Ò:$!lla fua half. Q!.1to the cefa enough to appaja far from the1 true, that nothing -0ftanre fe.fi.efarnineranno the canfe, : fi fi farninerà then the reason, avvegnosachè with I.un-... ghezza dC, which is to say with the folido di iìm-il hafe... tàcevafi refifienza to the first force pofia in F , and fe ; aJl folido fulla ba.lè CM 1 that is half of the -pri-, but high, does not have the reiìfienza fuddupla .1 first,, so that the levers, and coJurallfv.e non:.phono fra d1 them in fie:ffa -ragione..., ...that they will want to find the J.J. in such folly, F 1 more A011: deJefi o.p.rar. ;1 .that of "tta(II].ut.r. the force 78-Part I. . Tàv. 4- force pofl:a in F in point N , but having it primaoFi,:. s7- d' 0ra .fuppofl:a immobile , and fi:ffa in said point F t did not give the affoluto value of the recognized medefima.fcere , having the lever FC an unequal counterbalance CM . Do.là tounque the hafe of the folido equal to the length CF to conofcere the moment of the force affoluta pofia in F , and see such length conve.nire precisely with DC, which before wasfi fiabilira perbafe of the folido DA , the refiil:enza del quate ful prin,.cipio della Propofifizione dimofiroffi fuddupla to the force pofl:a in F 1 which is what, that fi was looking for. PROPOSITION XXXII. How to confer. poflafi the reflex in a wall, changing the figure. r ,. Pig. knows. 51a ad-Ùrtque' il muro, o prifma ABCD equilibrato - fi1Ua propria bafe CD contro qualunque for-za ,oma à0vendo cani.biate la figura d' effo' folido , e ri-oò!ur! a triangular, as is well done in having, to do there fcarpamenri of the walls in the Forrezie, cr per fofiener embankments t and anfri fimili pefi, we will make in the first place a rectangle triangle, which is equal! paralellogra-mmo ABCD , so it must have a path of follow1ng of the. Prap. 42. lib-. 1. Elem. double bafe,oed t1,oed t1,so that the height, the wave will be the hafe CD daoD in F, and it will make the ACF triangle of equal size, maono. t.l!ovaudoù in effo triangle equal refifrence, as it is :fi. and vifto. for the pufato for the greater length of the. lever, but f 1:1perior.., . 80 Part One - Table 4. C O R O L L . R I O. fig. 58. - From here fi gathers the urilirà, which prefers us the fcar... pa1nento of a wall in regard to the refi... braking, having regard to the fact that the medefima- mole reduced in for...but triangular in the way of fcarparnento crefce in refi.frenza fecund the proportion of the greater length -of the bafe, that is making a wall in fcarpa, molroameno s' advance of matter in the cofrruzion. d' eifo, operating in its place the length of the medefimaabafe, as fi is villo po' indeed, d' onde viene, cheain fiti, ove potraffi formare la fcarpa del muro, faràavantaggiofo the practice, ricavando dalla fl:eifa foli. -Ò refifl:enza greater, or from 1ninor folidor will folid aa.reftfre.za equal, that, which intends to aafirare.aPROPOSITION XXX I I I. As a pojfaji equiiihrare the force , which fpinge a wall, whenever ejfa force finds Jefquialtera to reftftftenza à' elfo m_uro - -rav. S- -aia .i'.l folicfo , or iµuro ABCD fig. 59 . ., against delasaFig. s9- - . . - which one should apply a fefquialter force to the .di' lei refi!fenza, which davcndofi for other oppose, :fiamo to recortofcere of how much the foliderà d' eifo wall, so that poffafi equilibrate glue. fovra named force. Prolong_hera:ffi aunque la di lei bafe CD fino in Q, tahnenre che tutta la CQ_.fia della CD fefquialtera , ma eifendofi dimofrrata. ,.. I. 8a2 Part 1 of Table 5- mustft in effo transform, which, in proportion to Fig. 59- bafe must fce1nce of folidirà, which you will be able to obtain again, fe between the different bafi of the rectangle DR, and of the triangle DO. The proportional mean DQ, the fulla as erected triangle BD. The triangle was fertile and formed the [carpaal muro refifl:enre al bifog110. To make the [carpaal] wall ABCQ of reHHH:enza fefquialter to the folid ABCD, from which it will have to be so long, so that the refiference of eifo ugua. glyphs again to the first one, which of1nofl:roilì eifere in the folido ABCD, will transform{Iì again the added triangle BQD in a rectangle equal for the fovra addotte Prop. 41., e. 42. lib. 1. Elem., which will make PB , in 1 node that rurto the folid .fia CS, has the bafe CP. Divide the said bafe into five parts, deducting three of them to cut off from the mass _the fefquia1 portion will be added to it, ref: there will be a folido fulla bafe CV, which should -reduced to a forrofefquialcera force to that one, to which it opposes, the fo ... Jido RA: but, as in the case of such a folly, it was not weakening in the fieffa guifa of value, or we want to say in retì!l:enza--, with the fcema of 1nole (as in the accretion it was not even weakening in proportion to the lengthening of the arm, but well, yes, in fuddupla proportion to the said lengthening). The length of the arm length will be reduced in proportion to the lengthening of the arm, but it will be reduced in proportion to the lengthening of the arm, which two deductions do not confer the right length of the arm. 8 3 o , but the di-Tav. ..in vain is the medefima proportion between them.aminution of the pefo findfi fefquialtera of the riraglio Fig. s9- of the bafe, which div.fione will have to proportion, so that it will have to be 1. folidity with the force, so that between the two lengths PC, CV, the proportional me.dia, the one that will bring Hì for bafe of the searched fo.lido, which will converge precisely with CD, which before was fl:abilita equal to a force forrof.quialte.a of that one, of which ful princ.ciple tractofiì. CO R O L L . RIO. From what has been done up to now, let's say that, with the lever, you will give in different ways the fl:e.ffa na.tura, as long as it is applied, by applying from e:ffa of pendants all the effects, without any other effect, you will give the proportion, with which among them they concern. fi the force to apply them against a folidoa, and the refifl:enza , which must contain eifo folido to balance it. The folids are to be used for the various levers, which are to be portioned, as all the levers will be offered, if the folids are to be raised to the full horizon, and that the folids are to be placed on the sides of the folids in a rhinangolated direction10 . What will then happen in the fo1ic!i collocar]-was inclined planes, that is to say that the forces to be applied to them do not fpinge with a rectangular direction, -dimoftreraffi . \ PRO.PRO.Delle Rejìflenze. 8 7 lora ft find pofl: the inclined planes were inclined, as follows: Table s, portion of the angles of the fudderri.a cli .action of the fudderri.a planes, whenever the propenfione will be there will verfo the point M, and for the opium crefca, having to make them to the ro.verfcio in proportion of the ecceffi) of each of these angles full 'right angle, with1and fi is dirnofiraro. C O R O L L A R I O ... Fig. 61, From here, collectefi, which the folids, or walls, will do more alrez_za of the lorobafe, fce1 will refifl:enza them in proportion co.mpofiad of the angle, which makes the inclination of the plane with the horizon. on.tale, and deH'altezza del iòlido verfo la di lei bafe, which proportions collected in a fola s.' will equal to the various fezioni of the bafe f uperiore ,. co1ne in fig. 61., eifenda il muroei o folido ABCD Gruaro ful piano in.clinato CD, per quale morivo abbia maggior propen.fione verfo C, che verfoD, la re.fifleuza in effo fceinerà per virtù della Prop. 2 4. in double prnportion of guella par.te AEC dì [alido, che refra da eifo div ifa perpen.dicolare CE dal punto C ererra . ma fe oiferveraiiì ef.:. fere il triangolo AECfudduplo per la Pr.op. 4 1. lib. 1. EJ'em. d'un rettangolo formato formato colla mec.\e.lirna bafe, ed -al.tezza., qual.farà il rerrangoJo AECF, feguir.nne refiarvi folrauro, nella folidità f1:1dderra la refiftenza de.Ha di lei parre EBFD. But the folido EBFD- between verfo of the fo.lido ABCD, like the baf(!
E.B. verfo the bafe AB for the Prop. t. lib. 6... Elem.; adunque la rifpettiva re.G!l:enza nel folido fcemerà nella fre!fa proporzi9ne, col quale re.fta divifa 1. bafe , lo che uniformafi ç.l detto di Vtt.--Delle Refiftcnie. S-9 . of the serious in the freifa proportion, with which the lines T,v. 1- Fii;. &1,,, l{B, LB, MB fcemano .dalla linea CB. It is proved not ofl:ante the equal lengths of levers BE, BF, BG, efièndo that not in reference to the length they consider the pefi their own moment, as in Prop. 3. but rather with regard to the difl:anza , that they find the serious from the cenrre,opunro of support B, the qualdifrance efprimefi for that line, or thread, for which king. The pepheus attacked; therefore he could ascertain, that if he had to fofl:enere the pepheus H, equal to the pepheus D, he affiify E of the lever EB with a force pofra in A, he would have that the ile.ifa proportion verfo the gravity of the folid H, as the line I{B verfo the BC, so pa. re1nently, balance the gravity fofpefa.f in F, where it will r oppofl:a from po:rfi in A consider;ere that pro.portion verfo the gravity of the folid pofto in F, co. me believes the length BL verfo of the length BC, and so finally to balance the ftelfo f or the lido for the point G foftenuto , will make the force to be contrapor.fegli.fegli in A verfo of that fteifa re.fifrenza, as the li.nea BM verfo of BC. And it will not folranro quefte four dimofirate inclined.zions of levers will have such a pr0portion .verfo its own gravity of the folido, but any other, for dying of which it is greater, or less long, every time in the fi. effa dill:anza fia fia confiiruira, effendo clear, that the force of the fiddle pofi:a in A fe foll.eva a folido poil:o in G, will also baftevole to fofie.nerlo, if fo.lfe appeiò in N, in O; or in M;, finding femprefi ffe the diftance MB equal, feparando pero fempr.e dalle fudden.e lev.e, .la loro propria gra. \vna, \ 9 o P c;rte prima - 'i'av. 1- vità, quale come poffafafò put in account together with pefi, diinofb: eraHì qui appreJfo. From which you conclude with Galileo, that the holidays will be the last day of the holiday, behind the length of the levers, to which they are ap- plicate, which lengths are meant to be at right angles with perpendicular glue, i.e. a. to say for that space, or interval, with which the action of the force fi difcofl:a from the cellter , as fi is so far operated. -PROPOSITION X X X VI... How-pojfafl equilibrate. t impetus ,, or refiftence of two d.iverfe gra,vità , one of which mtiovafi. for the perpenclic-. t for the perpenclic, and t other for the inclined one, whatever the inclination of it is: Forward, however, from the fubJi1n will be the first one to connect the prefenre Len11na, so that the line AB will be perpendicularly ererra above the horizontal BD, and then from the fubJi1n will be the first one to start several lines in several ways. nare,. rerminanri in the horizon, as AI, AL,.AC,AD, I say, that any folìdo fcendendo per Ja per.pendicolare AB efercircircircir l'impetus fuo total, not so however feguiranne, fe difcendeff'e for the inclined AI, where txoveraffìffì the 'impetus. affai minor, and fceffivamenre will do to decrease in every other inclination, which medefime more 'acco:freranno all' horizontal. What the1npe.to,.emoment, or reflex will fcemer 1 11 each of these inclinations in the fl:effa proportion of the angles,çio. to say, .that the moment of a serious defensive for ... Of the Ref,flenzè. 9 t s-for the inclined AL will make in 'proportion of that, which T.v. etfo grave considers in the perpendicular AB, as Ila F,g. 64- l' a. ngolo inrerno BLA formed by the horizontal BL, and by the inciinara LA verfo of the right angle ABL, and so in every other of said inclinations, and quefto to 1norivo, that chiminando un mobile per nn inclined plane, part of eifo mobile gravira ful said plane, and part inclined to its center, what decrease of impetus, or energy. The part of the furniture in the whisker, as you find it in the horizontal BD, where the rnoble is indifferent between the motion, and there quiet, and has no propensity to burp! ith no part of the horizon with a: it makes its gravity, making it im-.poflìble, that a serious, or compofl:o d'effo move upward, difcofl:andofi from the common center, ver.fo of which all the serious coffers are confused, so refr. hey are so impoverished, that they make them move, that with such a moor they do not reach the common centre; so that they cover 1' ori zionontaie , that here they intend for a plan each1nenre far from the centre, there is no way to do the im. But, however, the same is true of the said plan; for this reason the said plan will affffrirà l 'affolura, and rotal gravity of the pefo, which was! medefimo leans, so in every other incli.nazione va ogni via più ièemando di pefo, ed accre?fce?doG. 4. so long, as for Prop. 3, that a:r1vending to the -perpendicular, where he finds! it is not at all a4 -n1enrara the gravity, and crowded eifere il di lui moL11en.t in fcendere; between which two divas of the day, and contrarj effettiocagionari in folido, or. a in the horizontal, and now in theoperpendicular, n-ovandofi in una l'efl:rema quiet,, and in the other efi:remo n1ovimento, fa d'upo -fenza dubbio, eh.e_otra \ Part one T,av, S- PROPOSITION XXXVIII. fig. 66. As a poJJafi conofcere , compare , and balance the force , or moment of varj furniture placed was of an inclined plane . PE. rico.nofcere l'impetus d'unen1o.ile fi ferviremoe.d1 a ball, or sphere, the d1 of which figure is the most skillful at the motion, so that hay five balls pofi:e ful plane inclined GF 6g. 66. ABCDE, ciaC.cuna of which you consider grades 4. of pefo, which make.tane una fomma, will make grades 20. And to what nozzle they will wash their alpholite as 1:1to, but then I look at the plane, by which said gravity 4 they find again, and I see the graph. 3 4. which said furniture for its value, as well as for its angle of inclination. Uncle.ne d' effo pia-Bo G will make less than a11 right angle, which will find again the fourth part of a right angle, -will therefore have the degrees 20. of pefo fuddrtti reduced to the moment of degrees 5,-, which will fpingagainst the folido GH , pressing the three refractory parts fulplane GF, as in the. the Juddetta Prop. 3 4. dimoftroffi, so that the folido GH to be conrrapppporfegli must consider degrees I o. of pefo, so that they find in effo cin.que of refifl:enza, which would make the folido HG from con.rrapporfi ___...all'empire .àei five furniture fovra accen- tion for Prop. 21... - The most trpvandofi , that the point of the contact, for which the furniture was built and their moment, falls in the r- point, will have for Prop. 26. the same \ xefififence the part of the folido JM 1 as all the fa-. lido Delle Refiften'lJe. GI fuddupla of the GM, crefceoin ral proportion in Fig. _folid IM the refifl:enza , every time it will make the pure M motionless, finding for the fudclet Prop. 2 6. fo- verchia re.fifrenza .in the folid LM, not applying the force to it: in the point L,-with1and fi é dimofiraro. All the serious bodies, with enough of them, nature pro.penfi.le to the tr.uover.fi verfo .il baffo, ciò 110n ofiante quando, trovanfianfi accunfilati fifi:engono da loro n1edef11ni finq. at a certain elevation, c:on1and we see a great amount cf arene accu1nulate in the form of a pyramid, which rra of l0r0 the fofrehgon-0, because the -1naggio.r parre of the çorpo loi:0-gravita full' o.dzz0nte, and phofiiene for quefro qutll' .lrr-a parre, which findsfr out of equilibrium, whose properties ricunofce1;i. oo also - in other anhydrous eorphes, as are the 'perfectly round balls', of which we will fiercely fi nish us to. efplicate to whatever-- phofafi fofl:enere Hn cun1ul0, fdi whatever gravity, effere in _;eceffirà ve-. rune of any foil, happening. well. fpeifo: to Ar. I ask them to oppose the embankments, and other gravity, to the walls; I am now waiting to inquire which one of them will be that one, which will be the one that will be the meeting of the walls, and which one of them will be the one with the degree of force, which will make it possible for them to make the right decision, and the right remedy"'. fl.-.t} ..... : .;•1» .... ' :€{{-.&. ' G PRQ ... - Of the Reflexes... 9 9 will donho all in angle femiretto, from which cofe Table 1;. porraflì conchiudere , that if t111 ground will make in such rampant guifa, that the inclination of him does not arrive to exceed the angle femiretro-, will not have of bi.fogno d> alcnn fofiegno , and fe mai venHfe to move. There, to burp another origin, it will have to be added, that to - the one of the inclination, e.ffendofi fattotto see, that it will then be able to move, . that somehow it will lose its movable, where it will be ruined, where it will take place in the movable of the .6g. 67 as more skillful than any other, to the whole world. FromWhich one could possibly do so, in whichever part... Fig.6 ...that it will find... fuck the AR... line... will be... without... the line. AB forms a DB- r angploABD glue, _ having to place 1111 proportional, and to make sure that the line does not go into the foverchia fpefà in the. fi:tut.tura - of the wall, nor lack.r uelfa proportion: with 11011 -to make it .fuffièi'enre ,. addurffièi'enre here the way, it did not.aposfafi incur in veruno.di detti inconvenienri -, e:a-prima . , . Let it be given to the HAPPY ADB',. which to: 'vencff ofi: fill: say ground for him: form a plane, from A ìn Dìn Dìn Dì, aeci..., fi fof.l:enga, must infringe a wall,... which is opposite to him. He'll confide in... first, in the... G z: mifura:. I·0-6 . Pa "rtè before T.v. . mifura of said vacuous, from which mifura he gets. Fig. 68 - It refines the gravity of the soil necessary to fill it again111 , but in order not to enter for now into so many fpeculations, in the fl:eifo time ferviro1nmi of a quantity of that mobile, of which I speak up to now to fill said firo, -after which I say, eh. -the wall. fuddetto da opporfi aadetti mobili, dovrà -avere refifl:enza uguale alla rif.:pettiva gravity, o momentoa, col qualç detti mobilialo fping0no , e venendosi .alla 1p.eculazione di dette cofe,aofferera:ffì in primo luogo quant!
..Gean0 the furniture in the first order difpofl:i , i.e. those 1 .which lean on .a1111Ia line -AB, ,which :will make eight,,, eiafcuno de'-qualia.ri.enga gi:.di.4. -of pefo 1 li quali fcemera1p10 nella fl:effa -aproporzion,e ., con1e fcema. la angolo ,A.BO dall'angolo ren.o ,ala qual propo:rzi0ne n;ovandofì fudd.upla, farà pa._ri1nente per la Prop. 5 4. il 1nome1:i. The 1name1:i. of the said furniture-a.fudduplo at their value a{foluto,} the -which should balance, -contrapppporrefegli a folido of equal refi\ a.:ftenza of square figure, which will make BE, but find ... adoli , that the force, or empire of said 1noble agifceanel point C , , and not n.l of him point more fublime H , adirnoftreraHi , that the fola part of said folido CF .ugualn,ente r.(Hl:égli, -effendofi show ne! /4i Prop. .2-6., that how much crefc.e la bafe full'altezza d'un folido,aoavogliam dir.e la leva fopra la conrralleva, altrer...ranto "può dirnin.uirfi,di materia nel n1edefirno confer... The fieffe refi.refi.re, which we find here isorupofl:a in parre dal pefo ..., e.d.ilJ starts from the diverging lengths of the lari, -following which we then go on to show the impetus of the furniture in the -fecond hordes, signed by Hl, prof.guiraffi.çolla m.defim.aa. ;nan1era ' Of the Reflections. I o I manner, and eifendo the furniture folranto fei , riter-Tav. s-, ranno degrees 24:. of pefo-, o aifoturo moment, that Fig. 6s-oridurraiiì to your fudduplo because of theF inclination of the plane, was to which they find, against which should oppose another folido of equal refifienza, which will make efpreffo pel square CL, but finding also here, that. The force force pushes in the point H, will also make a manitefield for the coffers mentioned above, that the portion of her HM will make of equal refifaction, as all the folid0 CL for the etc. of the body over the top of the piece. This turned the 1 penile over H third or third or... of the furniture in the line, or NP direction, of which the gravity is confi.dera-tane, and for eonfeg.ue1-1-1-za the moment, rro..v_e.affi.queft. o fuddupI0 a -f]_uella , which for.other.other.reasons.should.refine,.opposing:refines.equally.a.folido.di-equal.refitlenza,.which.will.make.HQ_,.against.which.the.moment.of.furniture.will.be.ping.at.point.N ,. and theafcieFace a part of it, there is N Q, the qEal. detPoncara. from the folid Q,H-, Fefie.i:à-. this does not 0ihune the folid NR equal i.n refining to H' other HQ, applying the force. in N, as- fi is dimofirar0 di fopra ,. and then, in N, how is it possible to give the moment of the last two years to the moment of the last two, the mobile r contr.o of which do you oppose the folido-, and the equilibrium, which will make XN-. Q,ffelivara- indi la. la proporzione, glue: qua1e detti oidini di grandizze vi-.cendevolu1ente fi €ccede, rroveraffì, che- nella fl:elfa.:. guifa parimente s''eccerirà i folidi-oppo.Rigli in. egni egno ordine ;. alsos much the impetus of all the 1 mo-- united bili.rnenre pr:cfi, will verfo la Fefìil-en21a di, tutti i folidi ,, come l'i1npeto d'un ordine d' e1f1 verfo la fu& G 2l rifEec..t o 2 Pa.te primaT.v. S- refereed for Ja Prop. 1 2. lib. 5. Elem. But Fig. 68- whatever the order of furniture vandofi ben,- . eed1hgenre1nente1nente co-firurre,fopporrorrino ecceilive gra-.vir_à,, e com. in effe s' eq-uil-ibri il pefo with the foot, fuecu1 si appogono ;.le quali cofe will go little by little, di1noftrando in feguenri Propoizioni. Every Reflection is. I 1 t To tell what he does in the first place of T.v. "1 mefl:yesterday i;itrovare l'aifoluto - momento del grave E,F,g. '-- operating with a rectangular direction, which equals him pef-0 , fecund which for Prop. z 5. Part. 1. fe will proportion. the foot to balance it, maetrovandofi , which said serious and wounded your momentum and directions CB , CA, tanro will weaken the momentum of said gravity from your maffimo momentum, how much-- the angle CBD will be less than the angle behind DBA;
eifendofi dimo.signed in Prop. 3 7. Part. 1.; as nil fi2 the impetus made for the perpendicular, and maiiìn10 that spelt for the horizontal, fiegue, that the fi-effect directions as much as possible: they will be to the mafiìma, that is . One horizontal wing, the more the empire will have, the more the other will have, the more from that one, the less it will do, and the more it will create the preHione. Offered adun.que the proportion of the!' angle CBA ,. formed by the line of direction CB , with which rigùarda -1' right angle , in the fl:effa guifa precisely will make the impetus as the _ angle CBD, and the prefiìone as the angle CBA , equalizingfi quefre two actions at the moment of the serious fuddetto, as the sum of the two fovra acc. nate angles equal to the right angle DBA, so. par.menre finding the serious E applied to the two of ..e_r.z1011_1 AF, and FB, will have more empire verfo the two. P..afl:r1 , or fofl:egni A, and B, and more and more will creep into the empire of the severe E, and the more the ditions will correspond to the p.rpendicular AB, in such a way, the P:fo E, 9ualora il di lui i1npero foffe equal to . lu1 pefo.., COROLLARIO SECOND. Likewise, since it is necessary to make a break 11 in the first arc, the break in the second arc, as it is called in the weakest arc, will always be made. The middle of the bow, and in the quarter of the bow, even though the weakest places are also destroyed there, as well as the weakest places, as well as the gathering of the bows, which the fperons or hips will have to femprepaffare the quana part of the bow, the ar.o fudd.er.o, acceiò.Ueno more refifenti. PRO... Fertile part 3 4' T.v. 4- will add to the bow, the accre{was in the wrong bow the relic.Fig. '- fienz-a . proportion of the pefo . that I was pilafrro fuddetto accrefoevafi . But now having to raise a wall from point D upwards to any given height, the fovraccussed AF pile, or CE will make it possible to support the pefo; it will be done and the reflection will be done, too. fpinger poITa the fovrappofioepepefò to the arch of the fòi pilafiri, will for certain, and that it will have the fteffa action verfo of those, as the archemedefirno, in the fi:effa guifa precisely, as fe foiferae- only in the corner two beams, in 'union of which foffìefìeapplicato a great pefo, that efercitere. For the fuaeation by virtue of the angles of direction of the two beams, so the pefo fovrappofl:o ali' arco "divideraffiein pre:flìone, ed in fpinta, giufl:a g-li angles to say. The left angle of the arch is the right angle, the direction of which is found in the right angle, so that the pefo fovrappofto ali' arco divided half ine. preffix, is half in the same colour, for the effect of which it becomes the direction of the arc AB by . half in the pointH , from which it is possible to see a paralell to the n1and half of the arc ID , which will make HL, which will divide the pefo fovrappofro to the arc MNI(D in two equal parts, so much that thellety I{L ., eff0 pefo reduce in preHione, and the other mer. LD-ridurraHì -in fpinta, the preffione accre- (I cendo refiftenza to the pilailro , appoggi-eraflì was effo, d' onde ne happens, that for the Prop. 2 2. Ch. 1. the refi...braking of the wall LI( , united to the other I{O fo.prappofl:o al pilàilro, will make fuddupla to their pefo, when the imperoeus, _o strength of the king:O:anre _muro LD-rrovafi affo- luto, and therefore equal to its own pefo , including c.n1.rraq Delle R.eflftenze. The '3 5.tiarj effects of force, and refiforce, having to make them 1' equi-!Table 4' and Fig. 1-}jbrio , divide the line PQ. by half in R, prefix the difl:anza PR, and transfer from P to S, will cut from the folido LD the portion LS, which makes, rà equilibraada all the mole OP, so that refiervi again. a la parre SN to equilibrarfi , so preface the difl:anza SD , and added to the width of the pilafl:ro from O to T, quefl:a will enable it to refi.enza, crefcating here in double proportion sl for the addition of pefo , that for the -al-.- length of the Jeva. From the cne fi can conclude, that each time the arch was the highest-altitude fudderro arc, it will bring the wall, it will always make the guifa. balanced, it will make it equally high so much full arc, that it was stacked! I PROPOSE YOU. Fie...- As with an arch, it is possible to find the coarseness of the pilaflro again, if f. ejfo has to raise a wall 4 somehow, or other. _,; both the arch of the ABC balanced was your pilafiri,. co1ne in the figure . ..table 4. ...above which the wall - at the level of the wall - will be raised to the level of the wall, and will be joined by your perons, or sides, as in Prop. 6 to the sides, by virtue_ of which the wall will already be higher in the arch than the strength. This nothing will be done if, having found the big part of the fuddriver's stack H:ro , if the ful fovra enunciated arch has been used to raise a wall to a certain height, not [and I 4 ne -y 3 6 - Partè fecon.dci :Tav.'4. will make me any of them, and I will always piously pity you. z, to abound, which will make me do it. to reflexify, to make the impetus, which will give rise to a pile of fruit, and the addition of the pefo- fopta la li.-nea DE.oFano_ aunque rifleffcrall'angolo di direzione efpreffòoper la. line AB , as the right angle of the right angle, orifice the medephyme, we will be able to adjust in the equili.hrio del fnuto , that on the arc you will find again, which angolooeifendofi diinofrrato eifere three of the dièci parts -of the right angle, it is, as in P,op. 3. of which, . that of the whole of the p.fo fovrappòfto the arch, slices will make the parts, which will fpingera nno, and three those, which -preme.ranno', for which div-if the director AB in, parts 1 o., co1ne from the figure fi sees, then from the pil.to F, which separates the.di_rettrice in pr.E._orzio...del di di lei an.., a straight rule will raise a patalelia to the line -BG, which will make FH, which will burp the 1nuro GI fo.-vrappofio to the arc dividing the portion Hl in pefo,oe r alrra HL in force, with the difference, that the difference in the portion ri. dorca in pefo , as in theorefl:an.e mole , that find them ful pilafrro , that is to say of alloil folido-HD, will make fuddupla for the many times quoted.1 Prop. z 2. Part. 1. to one's own pefo , when in the other HLofarà equal to the pefoo, -which will be, resting.lì rotaL.1 nente full' arco, .a fegno tale , that the force of the p.foHL will make aifoluta, and the refiference of the folido HD will make aifolutaoDopo1.le o!fervazioni verraffiffi to balance the refìfienza of one, with the empire, or force of the other, and eifen.dofi dimofi:rata in the folido HD the refifenza fudctuplaalla Part fecundà Tav. s, PROPOSITION IX. Fig. l, Given an elliptical equiliht> arc, it was Juoi pilaftri , fi -research of how much must the medefims be reduced , Je fopra l'arco fudditto f acejfe d'upo appogarvi un mur0, che s' elcvajfe a qualunque altezza . RAprortifi di bel n.ovoelaefig. ... table 2., che far.el' ar.o ABC con 1 f1:101 p1 laftr1, come nella :ll:efia figura, e ciò per evitare la replica della fl:effa cofa, folranro farommi a dimoftrare; come il pilafiro fud. said in the addition, which makes the arc new pefoe, should consider the proportion between the {pint of the arc with its own refiftenza, and the addition of pefo was effoci-rco with the new refifi.enza, in which the addition fud.detta.in .parte reduces because of the angle of direction, with which so the arc, that the fovrappofl:o pefo agifc, and verfo of the pilafl:ro . Let's say:ll:ra, so it's the direction angle, that the line AB' forms the glue AC in the_ point A verfo of the back angle CAD eifere .:inque- of the r 2., in which you divide the fuddetto right angle, dedurraffi, which I stick. The arc of1nofi:roffì f pi:11 gere with slices of the twelve fue parri, and press with five, so the fl:effo feguirà puranche of the pefo to said arc fovrappofi:o, for which divifies the tlirezione of the! From the fifth point of the fifth point before the torch, that is to say, from the puncture, and a paralell to the middle line BF, which will make EH, when the pephium burps to the torch, make it the prefect. .fio ne from the fpinta in such a guifa, that the preiflon will make HD, Delle Refiflenze. t 4 \ that one, that refolvefi in fpinta, which two eonrrarie 'rn. - eifendofi equ.ilib.tàte actions in the groffezza of the pile Fic, u DA, as better in the fovra mentioned in Prop. 7. faraffi man'ifeO:o, che fe dalla fpinta torra{fi parre del pelò, per virtù -del quale maggiore , o minore fi rende.., which will make more crepitefully fopra d> eifa la refifienzaoin proportion of the deduction of pef-0, so that it will make the fìnefrra Hl, ficco.me in the space, or opening of the n1edefima fi fcema the fart ... n1and by inserting the matter in it, it will not make 1:1bbio,-which in the fieffa. guifa fcemerà 9.uell1 _action, that the pefo fuddetto abi.e to fill the .fìnefl:ra Hl.avrebbe.-verfo della re{Hl:enza. But this is not the way it will happen, and if, instead of the .col.loca.le, the opening of the ar.co_o1ì fullness half of the ar.co_o1ì was placed on my hips, because then I do not make the light force for, cre.fcere fopra of the refiference in this. The propo,rtion, , with which in the refiference fcemél the pefo, but even more, a -moti .o that more 's efl:ende the fteifa force, .so that it will create the force over the refi.frenza in -proportioneconipofia of the dimin7-:ion of the pefo ne;Ja . refifttnza. verfo l'intiero v.alor .della forza, .con quale .primaafi l'equilibiio, e più per la n1agg1or efl:enfione della forza fopra la fteffa .refifl:enzaJ .che per -virtù di .dette aperture s'.a.ccrefce... Che ne .fia jl vero , .offer'ifi , like the .opening -G L trovandofi .avere per iato la linea. .GE, .which diyide appant:o the pr.ilione from the fpinta, .e, which fovra del :fianco CM appoggift la metà .del pefò .alla finefrra fovrap.pofl:o, .che cioè, che cioè, che il muro, .che fulvana della fineflra -G.NML ritrovafi, trovafi, graviterà ;u_gtJalmente tanto - .144 -Parte feconaà -Tav. 6- so much ful' G point, that, full' oppofl:o N;
from which in Fig. 1,. nafce-, that fe :fhUa fpinta GO. accrefceraflì greater pefo, that is half of that, that fovrp.fl:a to the 1-ìne.qfira, will have to fovrp.fl:a to the 1-ìne.qfira, it will have to ff;a- doubtful to increase the refiference in balancing it, beyond that with the formation of the opening fi tolfe d. i already from the refì.enza a part fuddu.pla to the pefo, which would make it necessary to occupy the MLGM, of which two proportions form a fola, ... and reconfirmed because of the precedents of1nofl:rations the exception ofHa fotza fopra la refifl:ènza, faraffegli di bel . nilovo the equilibrium with magnify, and to increase the pi.-alafl:ro, co1ne fi. è villo più vol.e. IJo fteffo even though it will also happen in all the other gorges of arches, that is, fceme, elliptical, and terzacuce, every time. In the wall with a foprappofl effect: or they will want to form openings for greater comfort than the lower chambers, so that for this effect they will always balance the value of the pefo with the impetus of the force, without the force of the force, sea, and fl:abilize the arch. When, then, from the necessity we come from the necessity to coil, it was the arches, as in the interior of a factory, where the doors of the chambers are placed in the effect angles to make them more attractive to the medephimes for the other ufi, then we should at least try to place these openings in such a way that they fall out of the line. The headdress was seen from the fpinta, which will then become a fol.-so the refillence in fuddup!a proportion of the man.:cariza del pefo, as for efe1?3pio fe la ftefTa ftefTa apertura.NGLM foffe transfers rather verfo the pilafl:ro, co1ne -ain fQ,RS, so that the side of the n1edefima PQ_GMa-s' rests(fe beyond the GE line, in that cafo foltantoamanca. -in the Reflflenzè. .j:45 would miss the refraction, a mifura that is removed from the 'T':iv. s. pefo , and not as pr.ma _ the wall foprappofl:o to the Fii. 1- fineilrapperiafi to the force, which in order to balance other not f.ria neceffario, which add to the refifl:enza. equal value, to that, which forward rereneva fenza rireneva fenza dell'apertura; adding also effere tal co.co.fa tolle.rabile inside. The cafe, which is ordered in the middle of the arches, that well foventi foventi corrifpon..i give to the middle of the fuperior chambers..i put there the pipes of the stove, for which 1J. fce._but also, the impetus co-n raise us of the pefo.., But when such a force is made to act in the presence of a facade, then it would do the same in effect, that it would make the evil appear in effect, when we are the first prince. To make the living of the walls to cover other living ones, and the other openings, besides the large foverchiae of the pile, which for such a dying bifogne.voie, made the reflex:enzaecorrifpondeffeffe to the impetus, who from the refiante pefo they would be brought. Of the rampant bows, the bows are those, which well: it is necessary to put in place in the vaults of the bows, and q.1 The paritnenre, ver.fo de'quatli major requires.tiel attention in carrying them out, so much obligation. lo.ro, f9 ..epra le qua]le qui]i cofe farerno le .due rifleioni .,.. and peliecon1near with order we will offer. in first place.., ...and then we'll form their...fe.ft.o.-...e. 1 PRO.r 5 4 Of the Reflections. t 5 5 the other fourth part will be reduced in pefo. Then turn T. ... ,,... say-.Fig. -- the penfiero over the ID portion, .and from the .le:i .oction DH obtains equally the pefo, ,and the force, :in which all the bulk feparalì, which angle find again three of the four parts of the right angle, will make, .that 1st bulk of the HCID face with three fourths of the pefo will make to press over the pefo, _is with the other por.., -reflective action will make to push against the medephimus, from which it is seen, that any _Yolra.la -dome of the same shape, in every point, in the refraction made by the equation between the pefo, and the (pint still to a portion fubqna:rra out of balance, as in the already said.oProp.2.11 is .o.dimofrrato. But finding again the e.cefso .of .the .groffezza .of .the .part of Cupoia IC.HD fopra. of the other pnrz'ione JABH equal to the -parre black ILCM efercitar.- jl fuo fuo moment collà dir-ezione HD, reduce more in pefo, .than in ifpintao, .come fi is :vifro, di fopra. So the actions, and the Fefi, seem to be in agony, there is a draffì , 1.cbe the portion HB fe.deems _grades_ eight of pefo, the other HC will consider it to be 1dod, among which, do:v.endo make the balance, .avraffi . First of all, that of the eight fuperio.r.i, fei.foltanto phono.que1li ., .che (.opin.gono, e due che p.remoono, .e per i'.oppo.O:o:o.de.dùdici.refanti nove saranno .di pefo, .e .tre di fpinra . Joined to this, the pefo with the pefo, .and the -pinta.colla .pintao, -vedraHì, eh.e il pefo -afcen.der.à a degree -undec1? and the fpinra with the nine, between 1e which difterenze .fatta il equazione, .overa{Iì refrar ft.periore la fpinta di. ogradio_o2., but for another part fi..c0.nfiderao, .che ..ciafc.una. portion of d:erta cupola reft.a made in the form of Co.fl:ellone, and that more dila.tafi.Q.ella -hafe ., than in the ° '1 s6 -Parte Jeéo,i'cia.w. 7- in the top, you will offer, that with quefi:o ajuto rrove.fF,s, 1- refine the bifognevole refifrefrefaction. For which, 1- better to reconfirm, lead a straight line 1. 2. in the figure apart, in which you can find the inner surface of the DHB arch, preface -but with minimum openings of 1.paffo, everywhere div ifa--data line-a in equal parts, or -alter mifura at will, to be considered as normal divifion.elinee at 1. z. which fi will be prolonged by alebifogno, then formed a cofiellone in plant, asevede.a DEF, the width. of which bafe 1ì elects aepiacere DE, then to find in effect all the com. mifsure, he divided even if also the ambit of the arch DHBein par-ti 6. equal, as he saw in Q!?HONB,-e preia1., diftance BN, or the length of the line NB,efi rrasferifca in the plant from F to 7., and with said in.tervallo fi deferiva !'.arcotto 3. 4. With the first and second place it prefixes the length RO, . moving from F in 8. in the plan it will form the arch S. 5r., so it prophesizes the third difference between SH and the center in F, and it will lead from F in 15. and defaced the arch 1 5. 16. and cosle, of. the others - up to DE, as shown in the figure fi see.errefa a.quindi the difrance 3. 4. fulla pianta fi transfe...rirà da- 5. in 6., and da-5. in 7. fig. 3., so the fertile 8. eJ;. fi will lead from 1 o. in 1 1 1., and from I o. in 1. 2., and the others, with the figure fi sees, will lead from 1 o. in 1 1 1., and from I o. in 1. 2., and the fucef-.efìva-menre of the others, with 1e from the figure fi sees, pearls of which fi will lead to the definition: dt:ratnente dt:ee. line. curves, which will ink the inner surface of the coffl:ellone , diflefa in guifa such that half of eifo , which n;ovafi to the bafe will make in dup.lafefefquialteta proportion of that verfo !'.apex, so that fe la of him part I. -.4_. considers grades 8. of pefo, the other - reftante \ Delle Reflfle'ntt. t 51 x.ell:ante n-e would contain 1.0., abhenchè fofféro di uguale Tu. 7- groffezza, add more, -that the degrees 2-0. fuddetci !t.-1 crefcono for the greater groffezza, which you find in the foot for half of the mass, and will make new balance, that is, that you prefi, as above the degrees 8., of the same reduction 6. in fpinra, and 2. -in the mo-otiv-0 header of the direction HB, and likewise the other 20, to which we add the major groffezr;a fi reduc.ranno to 3 o.-, and to which the other 7...joined with JJi 6. to which mentioned, :{...one in all now-o1 3...of force, which will operate against 24...of refi.fl:enza, the flood of '-iueBo will also do in1.-poff.a that poff.a the -cnne0 di me2z,o da tallo-n -c-edan-<,oi lati , lo che fi è dimoftraro ii11po{fth1le, tlalle -qualio... cofe potrai conchiudere_ , che og.i volta un arcoofarà formato ili cunei cunei rronchi, le .comnu. i[ure çle'oquali'o which will render to a common center, will make said- arch fofrenible, and foe :fi ago and effe ct of ma'ttGni, . avra.Bi loofre.ifo riguardo- nel.le commiff ure , ma perché qu. For the most part, for the most part, ravens of paralell sides, will make them the most groffezzy day, for which they will be the guarantor of the wedge with the lime, the hefeId of which they will see in M. of the previous figure, apart from the end, but so that - more easily in the next one - it's easier to follow it. -watch, it will make mefl:yesterday c0llocate in the point, or centeroC a question, to which I place a fìi0 fi ftendetà to -laroo-of each coFfo of n1.an0:11ì,-in 1n-0do that the flank of me-- -defi. - • . 1 60 . feound part -riw. 7- delhni fia fia fe1npre paralello al filo, e n.n potendofi F.l,g. + ciò praticare , faraffi un regolo , o modello cli legno, il quale fia fia bend in fua bafe colla ftefi'a cur ... vità dell'arco , dal quale eleveraffi un lill:eHo ad an.goli uguali, e quello varaHì applicando fhl fefto deH' arco,. ao, a face that is meant to be, and rale liftello- in such gui(à elevato ci dinoterà, fe le commiffure incH ... nino al... entro, l' efe1npio di cui vedefi neHa fig...-, ove il peizo d'arco- i\B avendo la fieifa curvita del voho, divideraill. la diflan-za B --. in due par ci uguali, i quali termini A, e B eongi unti c.oll' occulta. BAa,. from point C in the middle. elevates 1 to one perpendi.-.olar.e CQ, quefl:a fenza dubbio per la Prop. I:. lib. 3 ... d.' Euclid prol.ungara will bring you back to the center of the arc, wherever the CD line will force the commiffure in the arc, and1:a year all to .rirr:ovare i.entro. ,. and, in this case, it will be refifte.ned, as it was looking for...'. . (:ome- d'eubq,fifiCCJt'e un arco- faemo, e c.ome deòbanfi r.egolati le di lui commifsur.t.. the rT.av. s. NON moit.0 - da.r aB.te€ede.nre allo-nra-nafi q_reft' G>pe.!'ig. l, ration, avvegnachè le commiff ure fen11pre de.vono inclia.rfi al cearro,. fofranto-deveft a.ve. In this regard, as in the pa-.ffata Propofi.zione the centf'O of the arch, we find ourselves at the level of the inpofioa, in which we find there the source of the medelism. Given therefore, the arch ABC, ... ...will find them... P! op.- z 5...lib. 3. Elem. il centro, U -aquale\ -j - l ($. pat'tp fo,èQtfa{I, ... T.v. s, der.Jn . feinpre plus Jìeuro ' f. faranoo 111 ta1 gùifci F,g. 1-, i nconrra-ti j di Jui .fofreg1Ji , &he :.riroov.cr-e J10.n .fi poITapo ,I -C O . .o L L .rA .R I O. DAL ,çhe fi çprende. ...how much -!t he advantage.owes.it.in.making.that.fertile.bow.over.the.-port.e,.and.e.-end.it:...king,.so.r,r.follievo.of.the.-plan0.arch,.that.I.fuck.e1Ji.r.icro:v..v..afi,.com.e.for.greater.cover.of.the.building,.I.-.he.was.fempr.praricar "o.from.the.int.lligenti.andchj.1.for.Jl,çh. J:utri JJ;li - ..edifizj .loro ..dla -perpe.tuità.1ì cpnf,ervanp . flie. 3, L'alt;:o mo.do.affai.bello, . fordffimo _rapported.dal :Baro.zio,confi:fre n:ell' aJ.-te di,çoJJ.nerr,re,1!
cut the p.etrt, the .quili fi t roYa) the whole. ZA)lCa,re ., for 11 .che in q,d ;gul(a :fi fo{l._n.go,1;1.0 . -vic.nda ., .e per -ieffere ib ciò aifai palf!f. per ft--Il}.edeOQJa la djn1ofi;raz'i figura, )limo çofa, f11p.rflµa il m_aggio.rmeor.o.e parlarene,. in rurri p.eJ'p.q.jli .afi. ,rjchi.ed.fi-fer,npre un-proppr"'zionato til..fl:1;p., :acciò poff.afi l'arco f.o.ftenere, del e. l'ria A' oi!d-fe .n' _è _par,tarp , ... Delle Reflflenzt, fig. 3- Come-,. and a-qtrai pf'nti-incli11ar should the commijJure- dr u,r. elliptical arch ,. that is, oval-,. ,-EllHfè ,, i.e. Ovafe believes that C'e1nriar oafochj..aL' perti& a: ciaféuno. di quelli fi d'ov;canno cond'urre: pa.rre delle comtnHfure ;-fia-. àunq.e-l" arco- ova.fe: com- poilo da dne c-erchj mfrrorr,, and cf.- r due alrr-e- ,portions of arches mà.ggiori , cor.ane megli. dal a- figura fi: vedé , i di cui: cenrrr fairanno) ABCD r- e lè ff congiunge-r-anno, j due- punti AC coHa CA,,, e proluJ1gara, fino. in: E,. ivi faraifì. l r u11ione- delfe_ dive.fe: portions of cercfi.fo ,. .ralrnenre che da: And up to the point where you ruined your body: down to the point C. ... cvn1e cne- 1. portion d.a:rco EF from q.ueI point de-rives ,... so. parrmente- rune: le re.:flanti com1niifure- conten.u.re: nell'i'n.re'EvaJ:lo- EG. .fi con-- du.rranno af c-a-a'entro A ,. coll "aj,.no, del' qu1'a_le-fù: defc:rirro, l'arco EG, m.a qua,ndo l" .lLidTè- fòffè: formed: con, di-. verfi fochi , o centri-,. con1:eme-n.eme-n.re fr ETaii:ca,acioè col:d'o:ne, so effe.rro: non p-oilìa.1 no- fer- virfi di que? centri,. ve::cfò, d'C:'- quali: inclinano-le: com-.a.mifii1re-,. allora per titcqva-.a.a-aa;i:vi a. n..he punr1, dr..ra:iii the a:..rnhiro-i-n.reriolie àeU e:ll.aiHfe: Df cnnapie-cole-a1te..ture pe1;-m-e7,z0> in pun.ro: L. ,,,i: then d-efèrini; i- dia-- m:errr,. che, novIID1lm-ente' il fahino: HG DC:, in, cdlii dbvra-1.tn cadere'ai rifpeniivr cg cen,rri ,,- o, re1.:mini d "elle-a.cu:mrni(fure- , pei; il' elle- condorte: dal punro.a, L. due' li..nee- L.D-a,... THERE. ,. to: half: of which, i.e., from 'Runri M.Ni s'.' eleve-ra:rrnoi due- p.pendicola,1i ,. clì.e- fi:_ Rtolun-L 2.' nnoglìera.l 71Parte feconda Tav. 9. dimofl:roffi , the scope of which will reach as far as I , with Fig. .-that is, however, that the fieife divifions, which in the ADB arc are found, hay even in the fl:effa guifa traf. . ferre fulla curve BI, from which the newly related divifions will lead as many straight lines to the point C, horns from the figure fi sees, and in such a guifa we will burp the cone ABC difl:efa ne 'terms CBI, but due to such fuperfizie ta. to see the portion11 of the CBH cone, it will take the length CL, first. divifione of the CBH cone, and fi will transfer from C to M even if it will transfer from C to M even before the divifione of the cone diftefa eifo cone CBI, so the fertile diftefa C N fi por. will go from C to O, and the third CQ_ will go from C to P, so that all the others will go from C to R, which will go from C to R, for the fe def.l:ramence points will lead to a curve, like BPR, so that it will cut the CBR portion from the CBI surface area, to see the portion of the CHB cone. Neither in another guifa will he make in order to make an operation concerning the fi xing of a liver cone by any other plane or curved, or spherical, or of any other inclination1 that he makes, no matter how far away, as it is done in the one to the ahra one: figure the dill:anze, we will have the points, for which cir ... When he takes a curve, he will see again the curve from which he derives. PRO ... \ 17 4. Pc,-.ru- fertile- Táv... 1-- ranno da. B in L, -and qa-- these points will lead to them - Fig, 1... 0,ngiu1tion- in the center- I,. like me. all the lines of c-ag-io, from the figure fi can see-... Following, then, the two points ì1n1nedi'ati HS with a-high order:, which will lead to: meet the' di'amerro; AD in: point-T-, irl' cui farro. di: bel:. new .ce-a-ntro colf' intervallo: TH defcri.veraif1. I! a:rco-HV,,, e riffretto-il compaifò. fino: in s: fòr.fòr.erraffi Ull! altro, arco. pa.ralelf'o-SX, clìe- farà per.v.efiire: la portion d:>aneHo. HO-SP-, which is to end at the end of which is his e!rremo V is suitable in the _punroO-, do:railia,. - i1rqu:efl:o centro:, e-co-lYinrerva.Ifo, OHa,fi will form the quad:ran.re. H-Y . which: di:vifo- parimenre in: fei parti,._quelle ù rraìpo.rrerannfr. d-a H in Va,. e pèr.i punti dh divifione fì co.ndù:r.ran.no pur anehe nnte: linee al cènr.ro-1:,. , so even if it also leads to the superlizie of ane11o SPZ. for which e.fferro1 conglunrì i, two punc0n a straight line, the one prolonged...raB'ì pur ancI1é: up to the diame,tro-AD in[ point> 7. ,. in which it does; centro- colrinrervaHa-. deferivera.ffia7. S: ...'-a- a bow, e- riffr-aompaffo. fino-ìn. Z.,. fo.rmeraf.:aerro if c.afene: un- all'Io: parafe1lo- ,. -of. which... which... we. will. have. to. help. you. to. the. surface. but. in. order. to. find. out. what. the. quairt,. i.e... the. h1ngJ1e.za... po-if- vefrìre: the. poizione- .anello, d'a- s: fino--ini p-,...fa.ra.ra.ce.llttrn in P , and: co:Il''iruetvaflo- PS-fi. fòrmerannoi. il: quadrant: SN',...he: divi:fà aneh, effQ! in: fei pa:rri, quelle fi. po:tre.ranno\ d'a. S. In: 8'.,... and fr. con: ..dut.t..o: rurie: ..al cent.to-71 . -•. It's us at last: center, in. D, coU,ain--ale.E:v at DZ. fi. will make it to Z 9->. ...which equals the same as the one in the front. Z. r o:... at: n1edefima-. c.urv . . . Z,,,,,, The O,,. xxv,,,, JJ,,, JJ,,, Jj,,, a fito d'una- Sal'tl. Chiefa,. Pbrtico-,. od- altro fiinÌle dii -. figura- ci,ncolare,,, o elliptical.., ...in cf.maa- of the- which- a- be-ridden- a, to form an arc, (enza che il medefimo -cfca- dalla- -: - - circumfer-en'lia. dr:lla-'pianta, 'per--it che jia coflrr:ttò- r,itirarji" nella-fomm_ità, come debbanjf cut.-. le pietr.e-, che .per detta operaziqne fon bifa..gnevoli, o volendoJ0'1 far, di mattoni,. I 1ome-d1:bbanfi--quefti -metter- in operati,, ..- 11cciocc.è t arco-fuddétto,ritengfl-: ' ' uJJfienza. "...authority... SJJit date-'il .fim- A:BCD. in which' debbaff fai-e-e- un-- arco,,eil-:di'-cni. vefi'igio.fia- CED'., the quararch,,, .come che- trovalt appoggiro .fu-deii-d:uc pi'edi-AC, D:IB paralelli; faraffi a portion of cyl.01.,-ml'... d.f b.b.endo-.ragliar. le pietre per quefF effecto:,. do. necefar.io. fornar.ne. di lui. 1. di lui alzar a:, per pose:da. elf. .riconofcere l'àm ...e_biro, per- che tirata- un poco, difcofro la rerta.FG- ,- fii- d'.effo. defèrivraffi il: fén1icerchio.EHG: ...the ambit of which you divide. in -p.r:èi. ...like. ...re., co1ne. from: figure fi. see; fr.bil.ira- - everywhere:'la- g.offezza, dell' arco1 FI:, de.fori-veraffi:. . a11' inrer.v.allO',:Kr -un, a1tr-o cerchio, conc.entrico, ILM.., çh. vappreciate you; all around, the groffez,za- delE -arco-fudd.t..i-, everywhere from the.-divilìont futte in the c.erchio, FHG: ,, cne fono- fegpate:. per. i: nu.- meri 1:. 2-. 3°'- ,. fi,produrr,anno straight lines.fino all'efierio.r.- c.erchio-,,. which. extend. to. the. centre K:, coine. phono, 1:.4.,. 2-. 5:... ._.6; ;... q!lefte... rltp_erefénr. l'uuio.ue. delle. pie...r,1.0...,, Délle Refiftenze. 3, or verame-nre l'inclination, which must have the com -Ta.v.xo, fig. 1'miffure in the!' arc ci1inclrico, which there will put a lot.., ...to explain to the bifoguo, with this, that there's a fta of 1, in the middle of the middle. When the elevation of".1rco:fuddetto is made in the same way as the elevation of".1rco:fuddetto , it will make it possible to relate in the plan:a d' effo the com. n1iffure, which is the fl:e{fo, as was the fLidderro areo there re-looks1Te from halt<:> in whisker, for whose effect (ì will lead ..da' punti 6. 5. 4. 1. paralell lines toH' affe LE, as phono 6.7., 5:8., 4.9., 1.10., and so d::1ll' other seems to have...-1no in1prepreffe le comn1iif 1re in the plane dlll2l. fuper ficie fuperior of the arch ILM, which having fie1J.dere in the plane will bring[There apart in the fig. '!... the kidney line. NO, in q_1.1a.le ftenderailì the curve IL , so that I. difranza L 6. fig. 2. fia O l 1-. fìg. 2. 1 la 6. 5 - .fia 1 "- 1 ; . 5. 4. -uguaglifi a 1 3: 1 4., and finalmeute 4. 1. you will bring from 1 4. in N; from tucri li quali pauti N. 14. 1 3.. 1 z. O they will rise perpendicular to the NO, which they will extend to the bifogno . ?.in the plan of the arch, the longest one of her, and then the r.erect line, which ends at point 1 o. up to ... A.B., which will be placed from N in 15 perpendicular fulla just before, and then turns back to the fecond.-a..co1nroitiura proceeds, from the vazionenda1 par1to 4. ...which in the plan of the arch. 1ine3 AB fioo.al.9., -.quefia Heffa _po.rreraffi da 1-4. i. ,,16, , so proceeding for the third co. nn1i.ffura p.rove... nothing from pun-ro 5. ,,- which in the plant is A 8.,. quefiifi will transfer 13. In 11, in 11., the line that from 11t'O 7- to AB will be placed in the sequence that from 11t'O 7- to AB, and then from 12. in -8. -1 78 Part fecon:1a Tav..o. the middle one, which from the line AB arrives in E fulla Fig. 1- plant, and brings from O in 2-0. ...and we'll have the points for 15 to 16. 17.a18. 20. ...which one will be the final one. 15. 17. 20., he's going to make the difrefa. surface of half-d-.l' arc IL . Neither here, in the meantime, will the work, having found the bow with the groffezza LH, will not make it difficult to defend the surface, but rather to. bbififogerà defend the foiìdirà, pel .cui effect farà di mefrieri deflendere also the internal fuper.fizie internal of said arch HF, but difunita, and difgiunta applan...dola fopra 's efl:erna NO J. 2 o. For the effect of which it will still have a bifognevo effect! And to mark the dividers of the derta in.terna fuperfizie fulla of her plant ABCD, for which ef.fect. deduced from point 3. a parai she to 'affe !fE, will liver the plant fudde1.ra ne' punri 2 1. 2 2, so from point 2. deducing another, which will liver equally the plant in point 2 3. 24., .so from the point, r. dedot-. tane unt a.ltra, it will liver the plant in points A 8., and fi. 11almenre from point F extend another one, which will make AC . When this is done, it will take the width H 3., as the first divider, or as the first partition, or as the inner surface... aunts there 11:it will be in the line NO fulla before a part of the inner surface, so much so that the exception of the inner fulla fulla will be divided equally by a part in such a guifa, that the inner fulla will be divided by 1 2. in O, the inner fulla will be divided by 2 5. in 2 6. So the fertile portion ... and the internal fuperiizie applied in the f.1:effa guifa fop!con.da portion of the fienderna will come from 27. In 28, the first tea... ...to apply it even though the fulla tena diftefa will come from 29. in 30. Dellt!
Refiftenz... ...1 8 7 f-Ta,.rr.portion of the EikF cylinder, and all the other ones do not support the meeting of the mi1ro, but rather the fulla Fii,. - .fpigus, or angle, which forms the union of the cilin.dri , as the refining fia fia. But in the meantime the cylinder ElkF is standing, as it rests on the meeting of two pieces of cylinder, the two pieces FPkQ_, and the opium, which are also incoherent from the arches, or the portions of other parts of the cylinder, which are willing to meet. This is how it will happen, even in the course of the course of the era, called vole a , ferrandola .fem ... pre corfò to corfò at right angles equally all around, which in such a guifa will never come to ruin, f qual.ra i pilafl:r:i avranno refi.frenza baftevole per fof... the empire will fry the empire, as it is already pre1possessing. . PROP.OSITION XXVII . .eme poJTafi flendere in piano la fuperfizit! d'una volta fatirt_ a crociera, dovendola la fare di pietre di taglio i.n un fito quadrq,to. . the Ull fi.to squared ' as in the figure of the ante-Pig. c.secedente Propofizione , in which you have to make a cross vault, in places, where you either did not fiavi. the como.dity .d' to have bricks, or that for more lining voghafi to make of pierr.e di taglio, is manifefi.o,-which nothing else will do, than four cylinders joined together infieme. ein right angle, which in order to join, makes meflieri fegare, in guifa that efattan1.ente s'.unifcano, per lo che -1 8 3 Paru feconda T..v.n. -. that- 1neglio f fold I have done here in the table. the profiloeFig. a. of the vault fudderra, efpreffo ne' termini ABCDE.., . Ia whose groffezza iìa AFEG , in which profile you see the fezione of a cylinder FBGH join the other FGI--JD i. angles kidneys fulla diagonal FH , and quefio will ba.fievole to give a clearer idea of said strong will, after which ft farernoilrare , _come debbanfi cut the stones, acci6 in 'unir. There that they will do, and better accommodate themselves6 , and they will be affectionate, and aware of each other, and will heify them together, and will heify them at once in a square line, and by confusing them with four fetishes of cylinders, whenever one of them will run out of one of them, in the line in the fi:eff a gui.li de' refi:anti. . (From LI{M , that so much bafl:a , which will make no right dangle with the plan I{D , fi.1, to which you support the face ft1 , to die of giving, in the fom1nity. of the face greater elevation, ... so that from this-major pro.ceda la refiJl:enza , for the effect of which the fetishes of the same will become ohblique to the affection of the medefm10; ele. aduhque from point k a straight line perpendicular to the plane kD, quefl:a will bind the cylinder fud.detr-0 ltL-AI obbliquarn.nte to the fi rst kl, down the an- gle IkN, and will represent in the fieifo te1npo the fuper.fizie of the wall, which said fi rm surrounds. I divide the ambit of the quadrant LM in equal parts in the OPQ.i points of the OPQ.i points of the fi rst there c, and will reach the centre k , until the other quadrant is formed, which represents the folly, and encloses the coarseness of the face. 1 gives which puntj fi will lead to lines -Delle Reflflenze. t 89 paralell lines to the LA, until they meet in the T.v.u. cut of the face kt\ , as you can see.there the paralell produced by Fie. z. O Liver the kA curve in the R point, the one coming from the P point Liver the cut in the S point, and the pro.dotted from Q_ Liver the fieifa curve in T , in the phlefia guifa it will be able to make some fertile proceeding from the internal points of the fertile circle, or fla fla quadrant XY, pro. ducendole them until the meeting of the fertile line of the braying VF, whose operation we will see p$!r oc.culte lines, and we will have prepared what it does of mefrieri perdifl:enderne in piano la sua fuperfizie . Now we'll lead aside the straight line r. 2., in the Y:ig. .- which is the prop. 1 8. and 19. of these fienderaffiers the ML curve with all 1. The MQfi ugguaglj divider at 1.3., MP at 1.4., MO at 1. 5., and finally ML completes the whole length _of the 1.2. line, from which the dividers will rise .perpendicular to the r. 2. line, which .fi will extend .to the bi-fluid, over which in that guifa you will have to slit the efl:er.11 to the cylinder's surface area, with which you will slice the fourth part of the face. He prefers the lines, which from the straight line LK to the curve I{ A s' efrendono, and transferete in the fertile figure, each fullness of your corrifpondent, with1and for example the line LA fi will transfer in the figure fe.conda from 2. in 6. So the Zf{ line will transfer from 5 - in 7., in the il:eITa guifa the Z 5. fi will transfer from 4. jn 8., and finally to the ZT it will make equal the 3.9.,and we will have the points 1..9. 8. 7. 6. which will be joined by 1...9., 9.8., 8.7., 7.6., and will make an internal {hperfìce, which will see the portion of the line that will be used in the LKA terms, from which it will have to... done I 9 o Parte fecon.dà Tav.u. done of beautiful new liver a porzi "one, that is the one, Fig. 3- that we will get efprelfa for the triangle LNI(, will take the dHl:anza LN, and fi will transfer from 2. in 1 o. fig. 3. , like the reil:and, that is Z 14 ...fi will bring .from 5. in 1 r., Z . 5. from 4. in r 2, and finally Z 16 ... there it will transfer from 3. to 13 ..., when some nice new points will join with other straight lines, as from the best figure. fi vedee, and will make the surface r. 1 o. 6. the one, which will see the portion of the cylinder contained in the terms kN A, above which the surface of the cylinder will be.., quaiunq_ue volta vorraffe.gli collocate the inner surface of the same cylinder to obtain from its effect the .of him folidit_eà non altrimenti avrafiì to operate of that, which feceft in Prop. 24., that is taking each of the divifions, that in the fecon. The XY quadrant is found, comparing each of them with each other, and it is the fulcrum that corresponds in the fertile figure, dividen.donee, as it is practiced elsewhere, the same difference on both sides, which is even better in the efen1pio efpreffo . In order to end them, then, each one of them will have its own fecund section, so that they will relate runes to the mifures, which from the Lk line to the VF line, as for example the diftance, F will relate from 1 7. in 1 8. fig. 2. .fi will move from 19. in 20., and all the ahres, which will also end with kidney lines, as seen in the figure efpreff o . In regard to the commiifures, those not perpendicular to the plane of the face VD, nor to the plane of the face VD, nor to the wings of the cylinder MI, but they will all lead -19 ff Pa.riè fec<>to practice the rules already pre-written in this case, as well as in any other irregular fig tree r PROPOSITION XXVIII. As ajuto of the cylinder drips, but differently livers 1 -pof[anfi-form in all the fi ts so regular, that irre.golm-i the faces of another kind of dijfimili rl, to prtcedenti . 1,f Fig. 4- N Ella firuttura delle volte finora dimofi:rare fem-opre fi utilizzati i cilindri, e-d ufi loro tranf... verfarnenre, a fegno che incontravanfi li medefimi pervi a degli affianti, qui per lo contrario fi fervi.remo delF ufo di detti cilindri per là-loro lunghezza, così che s' incontrino per loro diametri, da' quale diverfi ufi ne nafce, che . There, in the first 1netode , and in the union of the various cylinders, they formed some angles, that vulgarly addimandanlì fpighi , where the angles were the union of the cylinders comes from, found above the face, which gorge of faces commonly addirnandaG to pavilion, which are those, which mostly fi ado. In the civil chambers, as more beautiful in appearance, and more comfortable for the fake, or real, Qrnate, of which, since they must dimofl:rarne 1netodo, and in which n1odo feg. If the cylinder should be placed at the bifocal point, we shall imagine a firo, or chamber of a square figure, - in which the dehball should form a face of such a gorge, n qurle .fia ABCD, whose groffezzafia. DE, dividafi ;one of him sides BD by 1nezzo in - F, and Refiflenze -. and corresponding dividers will join the straight lines. HH , II, and the other ones -, I'll do it from Fig. 21, and then by way of Table 3-. two other p-arts ,. we'll have the 1nrnifi'ure of the fezioni of the cylinders, which meet diagonal fullae, as in the figure fi :see,. but: rrovandofi again, which fecundate the lengths of the diatne.tri, crefcate in the il:effa guifa i cerchj. . that: it was they who found them, they would find them, they would fall from them, ... that. the face, said in such a way, they would find them. in all four of them: of her fomity of unequal height, ... for the. which will make it necessary to decipher a great height, ... to be able to do or reduce the so called "erchs" in many. ifà, by taking all the normal ones,. that: in the A.MC. femicerchio A.MC. there they find again, - and, to place the clappers, fulla.fua.fua corci.fpondenre. from the other diameters insì1 negì, altri femic.er.chj_ ,. to: find again the puncì, per i.qu.a. . ...which will make the poffafi wings lead to the ellijjeala bafe: ... or, the face. in, all... the... others... with. the. LM diilance taken. away. from. the. children. to. transfer. them. to. the. female. oppofro. from. L. to. N.,. and. others''. so. the. fertile. defences. I(O-transferred)in the. partoppofi:a. da. I{ in P-,. e: all. the: af rre: also in the_ others. ctr.hj, nor which fi (_irro.veranno i. punti', so, paf..farà la. curve, che efprimer,à in- ciafcuno: the: fefi:o de[vol.o, co1ne, co1ne meglio dalla . -a.fig,ura fi, see-. From. thatCT:e.anonz1and then easily. it will get.the.means1 to do.such.vol_re.in.every: strong.of.fi.rms,.where.however,.it.is.always.good.to.do.your.own.effi.cient.fpe.rons,.like.dimoflr3:rono.at. Pr.p. 6, di. qµe{fo, fullness of detail. of archi-... Non -2-00- Parte ftcònàa Ti.v.q. It doesn't always happen, that the fervour of the portions of cylinders, and of the cylindrical ones, in order to supply arches, or times, it finds some vohé certain fìti, -0ve not, p@ffanli prati-care some feziani of cylinders, therefore it will then make of meilieri to tell to the fecund figure of folidi, eh.e will make the, conical.., g.iufta la qtrale fi will pose many great difficulties in making arches, or volre, which will have mo-lro rnagg.ior refift.ior of that, which have the cylindrical arches, and -quefto because the cylinder fi ferra in the cenrr0, which rrovafi coxrifpon.d.r.r.e all'a!fe of medefimff, and . the cone cloppian1ent-e s'in.co1ur.a,a ca'ufa.che,non. fol© ful.prop1-io cenn.o rrovafi gra.virare;ma ma ma pieno'apice, in cui parimente si incontraente, per cui ragioni dedurraffi la 1ngior refifl:enza nel cono,.che nel cilindro,lo che di1nofrreraffi qt1i a.ppre:lfo. PR-O.P-OSITION:E .XXIX. How to deb.bafi form an arao p portion ài cone content . t.a du.c lines slices. Fig. 3- SJ,ino the impofii of the arc .NB, CD, which1.should1ìpriRcjpi "re an arc;o, which -follow the two straight lines AC., _s,D, queil:o will make more the poxtion of co119, and :To find the cone , .from which -11afcer should be such a portion, fiurrann0 , the two , fuddette .inee AB , -DC.., as long as they meet in the point E, in which you can find the bee"-and the medefin10., then -different: the line BD by means of H, uniraffi :the point H c.ol p.unro E, a-produrraffi by oppofr. starting from what it will do to mefi:yesterday,açlett_a after the figure dcll'arco fuddetro, which will make [en,1içircolar,e,,P.l çi1i .effetto fa.fto ce;1tro in .E coli' in -.a.rervallo . Of the Refìflcnzè . -2.-0-1 -t.erval HB defragments the BID circle, of which fairy-tale Ta11-11- 1itane the DG groffeness, with the interval GH will lead-Hi the Fig. oricaveranno all the mifure for ifl:endere in -piano the archofuddetto.oDivif0 adunque r ambit:o of one of the arches fuddettioin parts to pleasure, with1e see.lì ne' points 1. :2. 3., and so on the other. side, they will lead from the effective line to the centre H, until they refract livers from the fertile circle-parallel to the other points 4. 5. 6., from which they will drop perpendicular to the line BD, -as you see.there efpreffo ue'fiti 7. 8 9., -from where final111en.e .with.as many lines at the apex of the cone E, until in. conrrir1 0 the line CA,.dimofirer-.ann-o in the fezione de1l'oarco, or the cone AC, BD -le oommiifur.e, o piurro.ll:0-o- i taglj delle pietre, -which.i intend to form. The cone AC, BD, BD -the oommiifur.e, or piurro.ll:0-o- the taglj of the stones, -of which you intend to form them. EA with the "centrooE", deflected the arc0 AM, and opened the new one from E in B, deflecting the other arc conceived11tricooBN, where the difl:anza B.6. 1ì :it will transfer from B in -1 o., the fertile 6. "5. fi will bring from r o. in ,i .r., so the re1-za 5. 4. i.i. n:asferir.à from .r.1. in 1-2., and finaln1enreola .4. 1 !i will bring from ;r -2. ,in N, -but with -small1fìmeoape.rrur-e cli compaffo, aceioçché quioçchè what -more - will poilì.hile s'.ccoJl:ino quefi:e due -curv.e IB, -and BN alla iteffaouaglianza, dai qua-i ,punti i o. l 1. .1-2. N in the freffaoguifaifa, which did,efi per io paffato fi lead110 lines to point E., until they meet the AM curve, which will denot the comnliffur.e .efpreffe,n.ell' interno fu.per.fizie Delle Refiftenze. 20, 14, 16. r 8. Q_ fi will join to point P, until it is refi:ino Tav.q. fegare dalla fecund curve ER, lo che affai difrinta-.i g. 1- mente dalla figura fi vede, nella quale fi vede.ranno efpreffe tutte le porzioni dell'-efterna fuperfìziedell'arco fuddeno. But in order to find again the folidity of the arch, it will make of mefiieri fovrapporr.e ciafcuna portion of the internal fuperfìzied foprappa.co1-refpondent in the efterna;
but arle .al -debir.o luogo fi fi will divide primiera.menre turre the porzj.oni of said fuperfìzie efl:erna by means, with.two.endo from the found divifions as many lines at point P , as me_glio .fi includes .from the figure, which runes fi will make 1-agliare from the arch ST coming from femidian1et-ro 'PE, .come fi vedo.no fe.gare ne'punti 2 o. z.1. z.2. ,z 3. . Preface the nHl:an.za EB, and hit the bull's eye in 20.,arcon effe effe defcriverailìilìlì the arch to place.28.a29. ..so I transfer the center in the point 2 1., collaafl:efTa opening c0ndurraffi the other arch .3 or ..3 1., and fuf.feguently changing .center fi will form of belanuovo in the refractories two portions of similar arches, and we will have the term; o side of the inner surface fo. vrappofia all'efi:eriore ; to then find again the fertile side, take back the dHl:anza BA, .e farro again cen.tro in 20. lead -un.altrò .arco, -and move from there in point '2 1. forrneraffene another, .come .an.che 11elle due parti parti refianti , .come da figura 1ì vede . -peramera, c1afcuna d'effe porrerailì da 2.4. 1n 28 ... ... and 2.4.ain 2.9., from which the words will lead to two straight lines. 2 04 Parte feco'nda ... 1".i,;-q- lines to the point 2 o., that will slit in the :ll:effo te111po Fig, 3'- l'oppo:!l:o lato ne' punti 3 2. 3 3., and will make placed in your place the inner surface of the fulla stone efterna: so that, in order to find a fo.lida figure, you need only unite the angles of one with those of the other fuperfìzje, as found in the figure efpreifo . So in the fertile stone you can operate, transferring in the fieffa way J. half of the -fovra mentioned in B 1 o. from 2 5. in 3 o.,. and from 2 5.ain 3 1., from which points leading two other lines alapunto 2 1. rj to understand the fuddict, as an aphiai- clear.n1enre from the efe1npio fi ved.aN is here fà.ron11ni a di1nofira:re , as. in the fudd'.arco said :ritroviG la refifienza ne.lla fieifa guifa, che ne.gli archi a porzione di cilindro. , as seen in the first example.1 Prop. 2. of this proposal, I would like to ask you about the torch, which was the forropone, and I would like to find out the directions, or rather, that, in this case, I would like to work in the same direction. I will say that, here in the major arc of the refill: in relation to her nature, with a double refill, I will say that, with a preface, I will make more verbal the affection of the cone, than here it was for the ash of the cone, and for the ash of the ark. The apex of eifo co,r10, to which all the others are tilted, seems to be the apex of eifo, to which all the others are tilted; in this case, the cone must have regained its fullness in the frrupture at the neck, and with great diligence, that it does not depart from the nature of the cone, of which it is a part, so much more so1 that in its most important part is T.w.t4, Frg. :a. -and2 or S. Part is the part of the cone and that, therefore, it is easy to join one cone with another with a thick piece of stone, so that they will be joined in a plane, and will form a beautiful appearance, but when this is not possible, then they will form a plane arch from one cone to the other, with the same diameter on the left.10 The profile was for the king, that in such a way the operation will be strong again, and will be strong, but in the corners, or in the apexes of the cones, it will make your fuflìcienti fperoni, more so than in the hate of any cofa. Nor would I do in order to doubt the haughtiness of such a face, so that I would make the bows of one of the cones face the other rampant, so much so that I would fervently fervirfene for a fcala, making it empty for the trumpet, which would then reufcierebbe even more n1aravi.gliofa, 111affin1eequando da. a cone to the other fi mth.ero - the stones ineluogo of the arches, and although H fico not,etroviiìedi quad.rato perfect, but of rectangular figure, will nonetheless efeguirfi such an idea, as well as feefoffe of other .gura, as triangular, penragola &c., And with that, that the angles do not refract very octuous, because then the cone would not have all that meeting in the ...eceifarius to close a final face.eCO R O L L L.A R I O. From here it gathers all that is n.ceifaria, and urifeela cognition of bodies, and their nature, at the occaision. They are obliged to join together with it, but only when they intend to derive nothing from its composition, at least the king, in the arches, and times, which refi ... fience, as if it were a manifest affair, not fi... in all of those chapters which are represented by greater difficulty, of the chapters. Refifienzi. z'o9 brevità' accadendovi fempre lq fieffo much. in riguardo Tav.?41-all'impetus, that to the pefo verfo de' fuoi pilafi.ri, come Fig. 2-- dimoftroffi per l' addietro._. Of the rolte, or "à Archi fatti colf ajuto di va1:ie- _fazioni di palla... The Faces made as a portion of a sphere are those, which - less so Fig. ... - are the faces of the walls: and that more than any other refi:ano connefli, and: a:ffodaci, and that- finally they are- able to support May:r pefo-fenz.a danger of ruin, ... peir i: what reasons, and even more pe-r da:re a brief news was: burps 1 co-rpi, not to omit this chapter, and first makes.romn1i to [bend the moèli ,. nor which poffafi ìega.re a sphere, or piuttofro_,ocome poffanfi form fertile the various fezion1 of sphere the will of eifa nafcenri, which fezioni al nofi:ro-pro-. pofito acco1no-d-ahi1i poffono effere di due- forte, una; delle fì è la p-refenre efpreifa con eircoii maffimr, oovoglia:m dii; paraìelli , by which we mean all those concentric circles formed daf ce.rro O-finooall'e.fterio:re,. ed- il maffim.o-ABCD-, di qual metodoofaccount - foltanto- di fèrvirfene in fitii di volteoaffai gr. ndi, as in domes, and high:eoniì:eoniì:mili,.ofenza that hay livers, having to quefte farfi ,. how much fi can accomplish, fenza any interruptions, to fèzi,one,o_op. r :1 we would deal with this in app11effo, and ap--p1gh-andofi to the other,' that- fi is to liver a sphere in fu--. perfì.z.te an.aul:ari , eome dr.m,ofl:rammo alla- Pr.op:. z . ... of this, as we have made it easier,... and at the end, we will make it easier to reason: ..-.2 I i Partt fac.nda T,v-14-:ezione def quadrant N 4. N ineFig. ... 7- , and it will join the point 7. with the point C Co Ila straight C 7 -, and the ring portion C 7. XY ià.rà precisely that one, which will see the portion of sphere compressed in the.square ABCD fuck the rern1ini C 5. IH; thus, to fe.parry the fertile portion of the ring ON 3. 2. that one. -p.art foltanro , that to vefl:ire the portion of sft!ra with.held in the square ABCD fuck the terms I{I 5. 1 r:-required, bring first the -difl:anza N 6. of the dial N 4. from N in 8., and full 'other line laedifianza O 10. from O in .-, and s 1 will join the two pointse8. 9. co1:a straight line 1 will join the 8. 9. 1 1. I{I, therefore, will practise someerefl:an.ti, as from the figure I see, and in this way; and in this way, I will partake so much, that it is necessary to perveify the sphere contained in the square figure ABC D.eMa fiçco1ne the noG:ra idea is not aftermath of. mofl:rare the means of vefl:ire a sphere of any surface, but we intend with such a means to give the norm, poffafi corne form once in the prefect place to a portion of sphere, which has all the refifl:enza poffibile, we will raglieremo again nice said portions of ring in such a way, that veil:ano folamente that portion of sphere contained in the triangle ECH, for whose effect we owe again nice from the portion of ring G 7-. XY, which shows the rectangle C 5. - IK cut that portion of it, which shows the small triangle 5. C 1 3. , IK, which in ral- guifa orrerraffi, fe from point _1 3. dedur raffi una _paralella alla linea Aç, fin-... . chè - I Delle-Reflenze. 2 1 3. meet the dial N 4. at the point'r z. e. prefa 1l'a:v.J4- with small openings the diilance N 1. 2., the po-rterailì Fis,+ from N in r 8.r which will cut by means of an effa line the portion 7. 1 8... C, which was defii.nato per-vefnre- the trian.lo C 1: 3: 5., so that afterwards it will be the "ahra portion C, 1 8. XY, which- will see the portion of sphere C r.. IH contains: in the triangle.fuddetra ECH, which will replicate all the parts of the sphere, will form the first-order of ffaces, with which - you will see an equal space all ali'. around the q_uadrat0.fuddetto-. That's it. I want to make a fertile portion of the ring, you will take the ft:effa diflanza: N 1 z. . that po.rtera:flili da N in zo., where deduced from the next point. 14. one:.another paralysis -Ila I 4. i 6.,. until you see the h. 1:0 quadrant KO 19. in point 16.,. and prefix such mifura from r6. in O, -that p@rteraffi from O in z r., and with the ajusto of the linear.o. z 1. iepareraffì from -that portion of ring. the parter2.0. 2 1. 2. 3-., which will see the portion of the sphere contained.rnel uia.ngolo fotto i rermini 1 3. 14. kl,. and fe parimentef_lueil:a fi replicaffe al hifogn.o ,, fi for1nerebbee- .il fecon. The order of the fuperfizizie, with which you will see the other side of the sphere, and: "yes, he will do: the other pieces of the ring, which in this way will close the face in modortal," which will be repeated forriilìmo. . . -...which will make them better understood in the figrr-Fia,... \ 2 I 4 'parte fecon'aaaaaaa Tav.r4- we'll find effer non altro altro, che un arrco spherico appog-. Fig. s- I was two feet EC, DF, c.ì fe fe fe will take one portion fuffeguente GH, EF, other equally will not do, that -another arch of the trustworthy nature resting on the feet GE, HF, and so all the other porran. not as many arches joined to each other, or well, as many arches joined to each other, but so folly, that it was strong enough to make the relief...d.' such a will, but it turned the figure on the other side with. fi.fi.dereremo diverfamente fegara time ago, that is for the fe.zione II(,vedr.emo, che di bella nuovo rirrovafi da que. It's part -another,arch, so for the fertile fetion LMo:efprime1-affi even -also an arch, in such a guifa that it was replicaife1-0 for all the various fetishes on the sides of the fieff -quadr.ar.o, fernpre :fì fegherieno arches,that from lo.ro medefimi potrieno foften.erfi. Given the fact that I will be able to say, like the impetus of the dictateovolra, that I will find everything gathered together in the AD; the ABCD, in which the feet of the 111edeuna rest, which, like more of the rest, give rise to a lesser angle of god-direction, _jufl:a which lesser will be the fp1nta, as well as more av.anti see:
Trunks for rnaggiov in.telligence from the square ABCD the inside NQ?O, and ve.dre1no in the rest, with1and find/1 the reduced fpinra to operate all in the corners, avvegnachè then the arcoEC, DF :rrovandofi trunk for OC lines, PD nonoinconrraft more in the wall FD, EC, but bens. Ì in the other OC, BN, and so of the others, the dir-ezio11e de' qualiotrovafi in part eilirua from the meeting re.cip rocoo, .cd the reil:ante :impetus must of all neceiiìrà all necessary in the {le:flà:flà. :guifa, with the misunderstanding of two balls of Reflection ID. z The 5 in the air of equal impetus [coming from opposite sides, Table x4: e- that in ther meet a right angle,, chiaf. Fig. s, which will have fun from your direction, and both of them will form corners of iverfi, the example of what you see every day in the game of Trick, where in.contrandofi the balls alter the direction, and speed r that is to say of impet0 , I who arrives in the cafo nofrro ,. which, while 'clicking', one can clearly understand how we need a great reflexivity,... as a reception of the 'Ma.gazzeni', or fuckers of the F'ortezze ,... and in other similar languages, it is the most accommodating one: that of such a black ge.ner, effeeding in parre efl:in l'impetus, d. It is in the encounter of one arc in the other, and it is obligatory to say, added again, that the paint, in its direct effect on the corners, finds there the groffeness of the walls in the proportion of the diagonal to the arc of the square; from all of which one can deduce, that such a furrow of time is the most refi ned! But when you don't want to load the whole of the wall, you have to load it on the sides, then you have to practice the fe,z,ìone of the sphere, like in the p,relaynte: figure,... so that I make the right one here...; draro ABCD, in which you have to make the vault, you have to make the le.., . refine the sphere with ' paralell fezioni ' at the diagonals of said square, like phono EF, GH, II{ , and ]and others, which will place the sphere on a flat surface. in the shape of a pre-cracked fo.v ra, then in said square. two diameters, which normally fi f.ghinoo, like phono NO, in four LPs, which will divide the square ABCD.' others ,. Of the Refi/lenze. TitY.lf, PROPO-SIZIONE XXXllf. Flg,r. With quat' art àebbafi conforurre - una Cupola ovale, ac.ci. fia ajfai fuffiftente, e anche con quale propor: ziJme debbafel-e ritr'ovare l' ambito dd_ . . Lante.rnino feçondo i dia.-.metri della detta - 1Cu_pol.a - it is NOT mediocre -difficulty to direct an oval.dome.., -or else to make them form a pe-rfect, i.e. to make a pe-rfect, spheroid, as much as in the me t.ritura de' materiali , so that -corp by corpus fi i'e.crino, nothing will help in this case the making of the cer-chj , 0 el.liffi paraleHe.., -which, in order to make a ring, all the artwork of the height, so that at the end of it, I was able to open up.., c, r fia:ffi molro long, and the:-correctiile, and Fer confeguenza fporziolilata tJ.ei dia.1- n. concerning the other already dete-rminar:i , of the ba-fe, elrre di -che 110n farebhevi -that relHl:enza , that ,ft requires for n@n rebrupt the .anelU ferrati a lJv.ello..ePer andare adunque ali' i11con.o di tali .incon". "enienr-i, ftabiliraffi in primo luogo la pianra.., .eo bafe .of the Cu...pola, which will be printed for the el:liffe .ABC.D, -whose ambi, to div...ifo in parts, at will, -co1ne phono J:. "2... -·3. 4.; . , and .so from the other parts, from -all the parts which will lead to the same number of lines to the -inside of -the-elli.ffe- O, as .da.-the figure u see, so before the mag.giore.ee nunor diameter AO ., .and -OC1 that.the.6. -with..., -every.., . 1 8 The fertile part will arrive in the figure f.conda fuck any an.golo, in guifa that the major AO will do EF, and the minor OC will do FG, then join their èftre1nity. EG with straight GE. , in e.ipha. there will bring all the other diameters, or to say the diameters fl:effi, that is to say 1.0 - will bring from F to H, O 2. there will transfer from F to I,. O.-butterflies to. Fk, and so will every other, as - from Jigura: there he sees"' and thus he finds-all Y order so much to divide difpofrol' elli.lfe predicted in ahrerrante elliffi proporziona,. how much to-delìneare ,. necessary, the ribs, for.111 a C1.1po1a-in funil .ftto, so that her :figure is like -$fer.oide perfect,, steel, meg, lio, lio poì.fanfi connect the materials'. Who in such an adventure take one and a half hours for him to feel more beautiful: a-.forma... Read at once the figure of the fefto, with which to make the fuddette clipola, the:qualè-po'maffi ergere fuL maggio'r dia.dia.metro, and fìa efpreffa... pel quadrarne- NP. - Divide the Q-curve into parts as you like, so that you can divide it into 6. 7,8.9. &c., da." quai punti, o diviioni iì iì conducran.- no normal aU 'affe NQ, and fi will produce. oltra al bi.:Cogno, ed- avranno. -with that figu.c3:. efpreif? -the greater quadraute, or fia fefl:o of the fuddette dome, which is the dome of the AO fig. 3. which was followed by the line EF fig. 5, prefixed in 6.1 or so. 1ìg: 4., that line will go from F to R, then the fertile 7. 1 1. fì will go from F to S:, so the third line will go from F to T. 1 2 fi will go from F to T, and: until the fourth 9, r 3. r will go from F. to V fig. 5., from which points RS'rV l.l.llti1namente signed will result, . ...and other-- T.v- 11- Fig.-.--Jlig. 4., e.g. ... . 2. The fertile part of the table, 1st which, as a different dilfopra diffimo, will do ef.:i:t::, before the PQN quadrant, the same will be done by the feilo, which will apply it from A to O, and will be on the other side, will arrive up to N-D. Divide said quadrant PQ_ into parts at will, as a gift for the numbers 6. 7 ... 8. 9. ... and lead the normal lines to the NQ, as the fi nal is folded further on, and then set the difi:anza O 1. from N in 29., where it will begin, so the fertile O t 6. fi will lead from 1 o. in 3 o... The third O 3 1. there it will transfer from 1 1 1. in 2., and in the guifa fteffe: all the others, until it reaches the rennine Q, in which they all have to finish, for when it will lead to a curve, which will be the fefi:o, which will be applied ful diame.tro O r. . The third one, which was O 2. diameter, must be supported, will then find again the third one, which was O 2. diameter, and will take such length O 2. And that po1-teraffi from N in 33. 1 then the fertile O 1 8. there will bring from I o. in 34 , O 3 5 . faraffi equal to 1 I. 3 6., and so of the others; for the points where it will make a -other.curve, which ends at the point Q, and which will make i-1 fefi:o to be applied ihl diameter O 2. , and with such order in the relationship with the other mif m-e, it will have- tì the quad1-ante- NQ_37. , which will be fervent with fefi:o ful dia.n1erro O 3., so the quadrant NQ.3 8. will apply a diameter O 4-, NQ 3.9. will adapt ful diameter O 5. and then NQ_ 40. it will fervent with a dia. meter OC, which will replicate, with the same effect as the whole eJliffe, so as to form a perfect spheroid, which is what it was at the beginning of the propofto principle. Thewinites of these operations can relate to such... PART THREE. E]E]E]I sell so far: the strength of the 111th century refluxes against the impetus of the embankments,: the colours of the vaults with different effects, and other accidents, which for the ordinary happen in the building, other, not refl:andovi , that reasoning over the reflux of -five. folidi, which refuses:ono various g,ravity, or pefi cole-foftenerli, as happens continuously to beams of this.lunque gro. ffezza , or hay and wood, metal, or other foliage material able to brake hair, in which:eragionamento in addition to palefarne Ìnrieramenamenre, and minu.tely force will show how far away. The mechanics, who, wanting to make a great refraction, believe most of the times that this is black, if they make the ful model, they trust in the repetition with the magnification of its effect, from which I attribute it. I attribute the cause to the imperfection of the matter, as a consequence of many alterations, and then, with such a factor - of z 1-4 P artè tet-za- one of the tefrate erafi for the length of time infi-a- cidira:,. and endorsed,. and refl:andç> the one in the middle of the fima, and strong, was cause,. cbe la me.tà della eolonna refl:affeta in aria, abandoning. l'efl:remo fofl:egno, onde', che', che proprio pefo la sua pefo la fece la. rompere, la qnal cofli. fenza dnb- bio. It would not be necessary in a small column, but it would be enough of the material fl:eifa and correspond in all its proportions to the column. g-iandc, from which the effect can be felt. niffin10 to argue, how much your own weight is greater than that of the large folids, i.e. the small ones, and, on the contrary, how much more the small hay in proportion to the large ones, I who will go to the...1. A S S Y S T E M O J E C T I O N ... 1. That every time you do it, you have your own life. .refience is over: ...so much so that it will force them for a long time, that it will stretch a hair, more and more... for a while... for a while... for a while... or there... it will break. .. I. WHICH THE. refiffenz-3: of this folly poisa e-qur-libra1:fi by an equal strength, and similarly it will be refined by an ephemeral poffe fuperate, in case the foolish poffe, which before it was balanced, will be increased by a few minutes. DE- . Part Three - Table 1. PROPOSITION I I i. Fig. 2. Given a folido , or prif ma , whose refijl-ence is known as t e4 equililw.ata ntJ quacJ,rato della Jua bafe da una gravit...conofcjuta , as poffafl balancing its refi lence with foio ailungar j. ( l l l l detto foJid() - '- i SI A dato il prifma ABCD, nel cui efl:remo Defia appefo the serious E , col col col cui refri la di Jui bafe AC in equilibrio , cioè indifferente tra il fofrentrfi , ed . The breakerfi , and wanting to allw1ng the said folido, until it has acquified so much, that it is equal to the pefo of E , for the -which effect confounds the gravity of the pefo E , it will take an equal portion in the: O:effo folido an equal portion, as a faria BF , but as that fi -is further on diinofrraro , it is that the adjunct folido BF -crefce . in double p1-option, both for the pefo, which in fe believes, c.e per la lun.ghe1,za , with which c1-ef.ce.ce. the bracçio of the lever, so that reducing the double proportion to! the f.ddupla, should be derronefi parre from the lever, and parre from the pefo , so that the length DF added will reduceHì to your {hdduplo , c.che will make DG ., but .sells also s. iimofirato, that the action of the pefo not run to the length, Jmpei-occhè the pefo of BG not for the rer.n;iine G makes foi:za, but with the lever CH, which corresponds precisely to its center of gravity, laonde per nozzle. The ratio of the pr.nderailì between the two - CF the difference, and CG the average ratio - Part III PROPOSITION IV. Given a balanced ratio of 1 or first step with a ratio of 1'1 to 1'1, as in the previous step, with a ratio of 1'1 to 1'1, which is proportioned in reflex ... Reflection in the foliage to real fefl ect fefl ect ffe ct: and in the greater or lesser quantity of the ffe ct, oematerial, of which they are composed, as a sign that nif.funo nif.funo out of. menre would make in wanting to contain me;
that it does not make mefl:yesterday to employ more strength in the fpezzare a large wood, that a my11 hours, and that more fopporriri a gi;an pefo a large beam, than a small one; and that it ends up with more effort to the trunks of a large tree, than a tree. For the nature of the forest, in the formation of the coffers, is more effective in the proportion of the animals, than in the real plain, the great alberias, supported by a great trunk, the Elephants, with their flat, and for the courrarium. The small animals, with 111 proportionate membranes, wanting to indicate us in the first appearance of the garlic coffers nofl:re a true idea of proportion, guanrunqueeefià fo:lfe in the faculty to move away from the. proportionefudderra fenza. The fear of the refraction in the case of coleforming certain parts of the most liquid matter, and in order to maintain the same strength in the plants of trees, as in the plants of animals and men, from which argument it is easy to deduce such confusion, of the Reflections. .1 5 t,with the reffllence of11a. bafe FE, refounding fempre pro-r2v' portion of the reflfl:enza in those follies, which renfl... Fii-+- gono i lari, or homologous levers. If, then, if, on the other hand, he needs to have the whole length FH in the folid FG, then he has to increase the bafe EF in ta1 guifa of him, which is able to foflener the pefo of said foHdo in such a length, then he will make mefi:yesterday increase the bafe of the mede fimo in 1nodo such , <:he will also refiiiuore it to proportion jn a1n. and two folidi verfo le fue refpettive lengths, for which I dedo.ra between the, two nannies of folidi AB, and EF the third proportional, which will make FO, until the guale accreciura the bafe, oevogliam dir contralleva of the folido -, will make proporzio.naramentè refiften the . folido HO, of that fiafj ilefolido AD, nor with this addition of lever fi trove.remo in obligation to make the bafe of the prifma .di figuraequadrata, but it will make baftevole, that fia, rectangular, one of which Iati .fia FO, and the other Fk, that in such guifaavrà equal refifaenza, with1e fe la di lui baf. foffe diefigura square, lo che dimofirerailì in appreffo . Then. the bafe, and Jungl1ezze of the three proportional bafe of AD, EL-, and OH hay, and homologous proportional bafe, with the fie.a propor1on, ion:e, with the same ratio, the bafe AB concerned the bafe EF, so fecefieper cofruption the bafe FE, but with the two bafe tro.-vove them the propor5onal wax FO.., which, by virtue of the Prop. 1-9. lib. 6. Eucl. in duplicate proportion of the main figure andAD, a.so the height FO will be the desired height for the first bafe OH.eReftaci .... :2. 3 8 Third part - Table 1- AC verfo d.Ha AB refierà ìn_ tal guiia equilibrato ,.- Fig. 4-- dal che oìservandofi: e.lsere la. conrralleva MP nel fo- lido- PO più che fùddupla: deUa contralleva. BA in the .foJido AB, will do for c.onfeguenza Ja lu:nghezza MO- more than fuddupla of. length. ...C ,,, . c.ome fi was propo.flo. But then he tried to have a f olid'o,. whose length fofie f uddupla to that: of the (oils do. AD , and that you had to proportionally proportion the large size, a.lrro 110n faraffi then, what to take between the two differences AB ,. MP there third proportional. PQj quefta ci cì will indicate. la giufia bafe , o vogliarn dir lato. d' efsa , che- richiedeafi. nel folido, (z. , come dalla. figura. ...you see them ...or 1' PROPOSITION. v- ... - Come.- fi' pof{a cono[cere- la- reflfl'enza. in: due- prifmi , o- folidi d,., equal. JungEezza. ,,,,,, but,,,,. Fig, s.. 5reno. the two folids. AB ,. CD: of the . Sieno the two humble folids AB, CD, I say, that- the mo.menti- shining from gravity, and their lengths will fcemer 11el greater in fefquialter proportion than the exception of the length of the one fopra la, length of the other . In test of . that makes the folid CD of equal length to the folid AB, and fia CE, we will have by virtue of Prop. 5. of which the refifl:enza of the folid CE fopra the refi.frenza of the folid AB in triplicate pro ... portion of him side CH fopra side FA, and quefto because. the_ conrralleva CH has greater proportion. the lever HE, than the one that has the lever FB, and also due to the fact that the bafe HG is in duplicate proportion to the bafe FI, but having to increase the length of the folido from E to D, it won't reffer the moment of eifo to the greater length 1, but in fefquialter proportion to the length ED. And what about the true, the addition of the portion. ç!i prìfma EL makes the first refining in the bafe CH in proportion to the length of the addition, but the pefo of tu.ro. the prifma EL , which finds, ..., to make force with the lengthEM, which corresponds to the center of the lengthEM, which corresponds to the center of the length ... virà, - !!
5 o - Part -Third 2Tav. - virà , it will refract: also in the fraffe. proportion the ref.Fjg. 2- il:eniaa.., Ji.cchè in order to find the moment of the folidoaCD -verfo of the folido CE, will make meO:ie,retransfer the -longz.q;a DM-da D -in N; so as the length HN between the verfo of the--HE, .così will make the :refi.frenza of the folido CD verfo of the-.CE in opposite proportion, in such -guide that will fce.fe.condo the proportion fef.quialtera of the long.ezzÉI ED ., and fe la re.6 fte_nza delafolido CE verfo del folido -AB between .eome the line AF verfo :della O, 'in quefl:o .,cafo poi allungando il folido fino -in D , ridurrera'l.Ii la .re.(Hl-enza çowe la linea P, che fcemerrà in prj_])<:>J:-z1olle fefquialt.era dell' .eda., come fi -.era pr.pofro . . . PR0POS-IZION AND VIII. , .. As, with the refiftence, if a _fo!ùJ.ùJ.RJ Pfipiped JuJlà was half of him ..., he applied:, take away the forces of the same - 'Fig. 3--After'. to have .n 9...:.onfiàe.rare -the momeuri, and the r..o.a_.fifrenze de1 folid1 , all.a-0ra when Jnfiili 1namui:o perauno, de "aloro.aeQremi, e nelt' altro!o.fi -applica.., the force of a force that pre1nenre, or f.ia çonfiderandolo -folo, ovy.ero c0ng1unro, with gravity. -of the medefi:mo fo.fo.lido, -or.when the,gravity:ità ifteifa,of the fol;ido does all the a.iooe of force.to fuper-are the,r.elift.nza of your hafe, after which fi.ell,in dove,ere,ere to difcor... rere rather d.ei medefimi prifrni , -and folid cylinders, when the support was a fold between the efrre.-it will be prefo, as it happens when -of the Reflff enze-- 1 5 r when the foifero is leaned, and held on both sides, Table ... for which f.1 r.on1m to prove, that anybody who wants a folid, that burdened by his own pefo, finding himself infific) in U!l 1nu_ro at kidney angles, that is -that is to say laughing at the length 1naifima t- olrre which would make such a cylinder, I say, or we want it crazy.nuro in the middle by a folded wood, as you see. There in ABCo, that is, in the two efl:remità, as DEF, it will be able to reach twice as long, before, in eifo form the rot.tura, I that for fe fte.o is a! make it manifest, because it will make half of the folid ephemeral L\BC the phon1ma length valid for fofl:enerfi , fi-ando fì.{fa in the ter.mine B; in the phleifa guifa fi foflererà, fe pofaFa foprail foflegno G will balance the other fi.1 In the middle of BC, finding again in such an indifferent guifa between the Phoenix, and the breaker, finding again in that cape the same strength, and refining it, as in the case of an amphitheater for an amphitheater for the first fi.lph 1;1the wall, and for the other fi.lph applied the force. The fieiph will equally occur in the folido DEF equal to the priinoABC , if I was two fofregn. HI pofiialle efl:remità' .effo, and by making the force in the middle, I don't eiTeudovi dubbib anyo, that that force, that in the first match in AC will make b.fie_vole .to form the rorrura in B , joined in a fold. will cause the frightening effect, -. so that in the one, that in the other one the refraction is the same, the same force with the same ajutod' equal levers will have to form the rupture. . . I' : - PRO., PROPOSITION IX. Cotm cr.e[ca 1a refi/lenza in .un f dlido jituatr; .obbliquamente .- SIA il f.fid0oABC obbliqua1n.nte co1l.ear. ;fwi ,dueo- ifof.gru DE , ., -and that such f0hdo fia d1 diameter, length, and -Iefifl:enza .equal to the two mentioned above, :in -guifa. tale ., che fe foffe pofro :in _piano per _piano per .ogniimenomomom0 impetus fi fi fi romperebbe, àic0 , ,che meff0 ob ... b1iquamenre forre qualhlnqtle i.nc.linazione crefce.rà in i.tal foido la .l'e.lHl:enza, n.ella. fl:effa .tnan:iera .che c:.refceo1a lunghezza d' e1f. - was deH' ori.zontal ,DF .oCoiliruifcaft .aàunqae in -tal .p.0.Gcura ;the fo1ido was>,. ;ftegùi Ii>E , and the pefo H .efprin1a the strength., with which, by pulling perpendieolarmenlie .pr_e, it made -O.i form in .effo the -break.., '...is mauifefl:e, that the force in.cant;I "an "an-...dofiqt.nte.ly obliged.with the fib'bre ilel foliido,.has.no.verfa.di quella.la mede!hna azione.,.éhe avr.avere.oallo.ra.quando t-iraffe.ad angles.recti,,e quefra,.u:ale azione.e fce ... _o, merà, nota0 nella !l:effa.guif.1.,,cQ111e fcemano.I.e ?lev.e.,avvegnaohè riducendQfi -.tnrra la, l1:111ghe2-za DE -in :DF;, .nella, fteffa -mailiera :icemerà, la -leva.., feoo.JJ.èlo la qu.ale .in proportion .conrrnria crefc.P.à1la :re.{ìfi:enza fopra la .orza; Jter, which .fe Jì farà çpn1e -la il il lunghezza DF alla ,n.E,.co-s1 :il pefo B a1Ù vi. to one wall, which to the other, I say, in order to find out which of these two walls is the most important, the most important one, Jovrappoflo - SIA the folido AB aifodaro in the two walls next to it andAC BD, I say, that it will make -from the other one, the same as the one of a folaro, or other similar, which. I will share equally with each one of the batteries AC, BD, and falling - here is the: ef...ef...eferro, flesh from him will be made appéfo.- a grac. As I said in the Eighth Propofition, but all the same, in place of the support in E fi collocaffe ineF_, then I was no longer the divider of the company of the said pefouguahnente I was two foftegni, but all the more the wall AC would have been loaded, the less it would have fentir.di pefo the n1uroeBD. The one that there of1nollra so; the pef9, <;he who had just repaired the11andE was just as much as two walls, was not altered with the folo- rrafporrarlo by E in F, so that eifendo ral will not have greater its action in relation to the pefo, so that it should more oppress the folido AB, will do . The action of him in regard to the pilafl:re, the more the pefo1 is approached, the more the preffio1 will increase the more the preffio1 will increase in proportion to the levers withrra.riaznence prefe, that is to say, that as fta the line FB 2. $ 6 Part 3.av. 1- FB the BE will come, so will the whole pefo verfo of the wall i=,g. 4- AC, and at the oppo.llo as the length FC verfo laeCE, so will make the refianre pefo verfo of the wall BD, so that the divifione of the pefo verfo in proportion. The division of the levers conrrarian1ente prefe, in the fieffa guifache happens in the scales of unequal arms, and it is beautiful again on the oppofi side: to this he addsJTe another pefo not equal to the pefo of F, but for example fuddu.plo, not ofiante <.:he refri fernpre the other one for F, al.lora q.alu.1 that the gravity in G began to be placed at the point E, with the same point in the foils AC, BD ,... so that as the length CG verfo the CE, so the foil G will gravitate ful wall BD, and for the opium, coine the moon. length GB to the BE, so the refiduousness of the pefo affoluro pefo will gravitate ful wall AC, from which it can close, that every time two or more gravity diverges from each other, or more gravity diverges from each other, resting over a beam, or other - folido in not regular points, then divide the pefo over each one of the pilafiri in proportion between the divergent lung- gauges of the half of the folido, and the pefi with a different prefi. 1 . . I , PRO. Of the Reflections - - Fig. .s. C and a, _ 1 J. J. chen1ngen1ngen1ngen load the most profiì1ng, -and the other more rir,noro; now let's make it for. 1 -confirm what1more reflex it is for eifere1 the n1edefimo folidoeequilibrato ful fuo fuo half verfo of its own refifi.enza,efefe the featherfrom its own refifi.enza,efe lo fieffo pefo rÌnoro by fuo fi rrafporraffe inequalqualunque altro pt111ro. For which you trust in the first place the foJido AB , CD with a pefo pofio in E, cheeequilibvi ]. of him refifence, in which you find elongheize BA ,-EC equals, you find the pefo pefo divifo egal.mente ihlle efir-emità. O they want to say BD, and this is the last time, that to find a folid, horns have10 seen it so far; but the other folid, which has been taken out of the middle E, and moved to I-l, will no longer be necessary. fo of the point F, as it was said here fo.pra, it is clear:a the proportion of the line AE to FH, 1naequel which is more clear, that the bafe of the folidoeFI so much -the more it will become refill:ente fopra la bafe dell'alt-rç)e, how much that the length Fl-I will make n1inore of the.., "Refiflenz"... -. J 51oche the more it is lengthened, the more it will be lengthened, the more it will be lengthened. So, ..., ..., ..., ... - the refthien.za in the FH bafe dovi:à crefceBe fopra-,ola bafe Fis.s- AB in proportion to the length FH verw la: hafe AE contrariarnenre prefe.Conofciure all the forces,... which poly[have varj: fo-- lidi against their fpez.z,a;r.l., P qua:li ora depend on the:l. major.., o mino1:e groffc:2za,.oora a.tmh6 d.a.m,ag.giore, o minore leva fotto varie h1cli:nazioni, adèffo poi adèviene, ehe !/ offertevi con. qual p-"opo.21 Ion ere..- fcer po.fl:a la refiltenza. in un falid:o d.l pulled.rlo per d\l itro <:not wanting to ftrappare verio-dreU' .ffoluta ,. and maffima. .e ... fifl:enza, che ha int fe:. id: mede.finno,-o.qualo.ta faffe-gili f'rza: nel volerlo Iiompe.re per trave.rfo , la, qual, pr@p)@.t'ZÌ(i)ne fecondo il-Galileo nel fuo dia. log0tdclla giornarai &e.o.net. wants, that crefaa fopra ht r.fifteEm maillma of the broken e.r about do. per cente, addlll:cendo iv.i le fue rag.ionì,. e fecondo, un a-ltro Autore F. ranzefe di Gredioo-, dictG. il Mariotti dev.e c1te.fcere 7-5 ;: ma. qtiut1nnqtt,e: .{ga.@ taJ-e maggior ref:dleBza,. quei\!0 non è- di1 neaeqìrà tan. In the third paragraph, and that I was, in duty of fpeco1at7n.'e la fucgliezza, bafi:vaai ili 1.àptr,e: effère ht refifre.Rz,a1 di,. un folido all'e:lfer firappato,,. ti1and.1 l. pei: ddtio;-e.ce.ffi.va in riguardo ru quella., deJl' effere fpezzato pei; rra.verfo , per porene feeondo entrambi qu.efil.o,o1<: cog-ni.1ioniodim?fu.re? ... as a poffa.fi; di qu.fl-e :furze fa:r:JJJ.e com.po{b tah:, che nr.a. d'i toro s'èilingnano ,.. and p01:t-fa110 grain"" di1...une utilità io tutti gli eclifiì.zj,oed. altre cofu macef.t ,... fil magggi.or ttf0 , eh. faccia.lii d{t' tiravi -i1n un. edi4iìzi<;,. ft è- a rigu.rdo, dcd.a cofru2ion of lids, around, ai. ma111mo de.ve effere l- frudio- di un-Archiret,to ,. R z ed. The roof tiles are also refilled in the winter, when the roof tiles are loaded with snow, so that the pefoffeffe can damage the walls. The roof tiles are also refilled in the winter, when the roof tiles are loaded with snow, so that the pefoffe can damage the walls, which is related by Sérlio to lib. 4. fol. 2 3. by rule of the Frontefpizj, which fì is in the feguenre mode: it will have the width of the fttoo, in which you intend to do the co- pertoo, which fia AB, fi will divide by merà in point C, from which you deduct a perpendicular producing it from one - parre, and from the other in E, and D, quindj prefixes the length CB, i.e. CA , whichHa there will transfer from C to D, wherein the center in qt1efio point D will open with1paflò - up to A, i.e. B, and rrafporrreraHiquefia mifura from D to E, from which point fi conducts. The two straight lines to the terms AB, which will give us the alertness of the c<1perro CE. Now elected the ho, which should be covered, contained in fig. 7- between the two walls AB, CD, leads to the first 10 place a line 9rizzonrale, that unifies the two warriors, we must say the height of 1nuro AC, the quaTe must produce beyond the said walls from A to E. and C to 1norivo to be able to extend the copeico.uoriodelle muraglie, alfontanan.do from effe quanro more fia pof.ubile water, or -to be able to cover there cor..nice . Reduced a.quindi the whole length of the line.oAC -1.i1.: Part terzct Table 1- other I(L faceffe fpiccare da eifo that part, that I Fig. 7- conriene, would put.lì in that cafo cautelare coli one, oapiù Iafl:re di ferro, che abbracciandogli a1nbedue gliaafiìcuraffero by such danger, lo che fi vede nella fi. There is at last another thing, against which it is not worth munirfi, and it is, that the time of the beam KL coli' to go from time to time would be a heavy burden, and it avails itself of it. . larfi alquanro larfi in the ninth, and for conf- ference in the efl: it will be, and will upset the covered reflanre in appearance. But in the conjunction of the two beams there, IL will be another beam, which will fl:a perpendicular I. O, which does not reach to touch the other KL, but however to eifo refl:i Hgato with an iron lyre OG, the -which besides to affern1ar i!
IO beam, which will not be removed from such a phytus, will crack even if in the cafo, that the beam the foife for bargain, to fofl:enerlo in the fieffa pofi.zione, as you see in the figure, after which you saw another -figure-, which represents a piece of covered airy with the main beams, so that it can understand the difpofizioni of -all the coffers. Fig, t, In order to secure another 1nag-g-job of a blanket, if you find a diilefa nail, so that the trusses do not give way, as in the example of the blanket ABC, where the two _beams AB, BC leek for a great deal of (or collateral), so that they should pin a fofl:egno, and that they meet in the middle of t. The four fofl:egnodovraffi ffl:egnodovraffi ffl:egno, and that they meet in the middle of the tvarura fuàdetra,'o ivi pòco difl:ante,il quat fofl:egnodovraffi fe1npre try to put it. in guifatale,, which does not load the beam AC, as the more foggetto ... ad < Delle Rtfiftenze. 2 63 to effer broken, having greater than the others the difl:efa, T_av. :- but but they will have to be inreilare in point D.el Bo!,. Fig. 8- zones, and in the terms EF of the travatur.e, by assembling an armor, and making the cafo , breaking, it will be contracted in point F by the fofregnum FD , it can not miss, fe before will not raise the tr. had AB in point E, but it is imposible, that 11n pefl:o in F, or fìa of the .covered, or fia d eaggitinro frraordinario, .as it happens in t.mpo in winter,-.when there falls a great copy of snow, poffa beyond winning the king.6 The whole of the beam AB is leaning against it, and it is not in doubt, that there was such a cover to cover it, so that it was exceptional that it was covered, that it was not covered. make them apply, in both cases, AC fl:ate, for greater caution. of which they will still be able to attach the t.efl:ate of the beams with the fer;L-o in the previous figure.e_e1111nc1. INDEX Dl1:w;i , . cognition ;Je' taglj for formazJ()JJP .deJt' .armor . AC, Beam .called Son1ero1 , which poneft -od1,z-0nr-ale - so that _gravitiate equally f.uì walls 1 in which ft make .the G.H. infragments for inrefta1- the two .ramp.ud.HB BG. JCT, T.rav.e d-etto -r:unpanre ,with j ii1oì r.aglje., that is I rapprefenta :i1 taglioe, .che .s' invefte in firo G of .R 4 - fon1ero, D-elle. ReflJ'ienze. t d d 5' 3"-Nè que!lo- foto faria batlevole per fare , che i due 1'-w. travi in tal g11ifa congiunti foife.ro per refifl:e-re a fo. Fif:... ...keep the cover, but don't let one of the other guys do it differently: anoint 1norivo that the pefofolo of the two beams would put them to use, and cause some alteration, which for sure he won't do to have-- come on, so that beyond the cut of the CD, he will perfofofiegno add the other beam EF ligato ful me?.zo of the two before.1 On the two pri.1s, or iron fafcie in the amphitheatre: he will come, and with it. ...nails in the middle, which in such a way, beyond the depression of the two beams, will also make the hive stronger. Spelt that will have to do the front of the front, as we have for the ABI (Italian Banking Association), so we will have to do it there. they will put three Bolzoni IkL at the bifugno, and finally they will begin to interfere with the dovetail 11ei àue beams IL, LB, attacking the said Bol-zoni the weapon underneath the iron beams, which they see in the figure, which in addition to keeping the armor chained, they will do. So, that the fl:effi Bolzorii 1negtio fi fofl:er will, and so will better fi will want to conrrafiare the forces, so that they will be able to1will not1errere two other meetings ML, MK, which is 'leaning on the point M of Bolzone MI, which meeting in the tefiate KL, will provide two other fronts:ipizj, which will fervent to meet more Bolzone. L,.which without a doubt will not give way, I can't: I will not give way to point M again, fe p1in1a will not have point I, and I] point I will always end up at -your place, whatever time you have it. I{L fl:a will -ofiffe, and quefi:e pari1nenre will refine to any strength, fe nèlla tefrara of the beam B will make the in.contro, Delle Refiflcnzc - z 67 with some lafl:re of iron, co1ne from the figure. fi see; Ta...,. t- to make the front, I up to E, will be intefl:eranno Fis. t, .l 1 ordinary knot two rampant beams in the .tefla. CD, in the same way as the Bolzone E, to which you will be able to attach the horizontal beam CD, as you will see. Sometimes you may still have to put Fii: ..., a cover in some place, fuck which you were making up your face, in which two faecte can be placed on the sides, with the two AB, CD, from which 1naHì1n the boast is derived. I suppose, therefore, that such a fictitious glue of difl:efa EF to do - in duty to join two beams infiemé per refra, as practical so far, everywhere in place of liga.rli- with a rerzo beam to the first two fovrappofl:o , so that, as we see "BC, whose e.frremi tà CB, o vogliam dir raglj, fi will be obliged.1 nenr-e to the lari of the 1nedephyme, giving him the figure of a truncated cw1eo, and quefro a n1otivo, that meeting in the tefl:ate of the two facets AB, CD, more linings are incoJ1trino, and make quafi as a bow, this nothing ofrante not lafcieraffi of Iigare called beam BC to the phofer, which fovrafra. In the fie:ffa guifa ' fi phono pur anc. add the two beams J.M ,. 1N nèl litontefpizio 1Ìlilperiore,. in- G}uanto po. allealigarure di ferro-, quelle- fi pose-practice, come 1i vedono daJ difegno- efpreife . But then I said: "From a wall to the other, I was able to place the wall and the ceiling in a safe place, so that the wall would not be too strong...: it would fly from one side to the other, from one side to the other, a.cmat? and UilJtQ ..7,.- Par;.iè ierzà T.v..- vemo, che il bolzone di i:nezzo BE non potrà da ve-._Fis, 1-: 1-u11 pefo effer r1n10.ffo, . fe11za che nel fi-e.ffo tempo non faccia rimovere i due, che tiene a fianco IG, né que! l:i parimente farà rimoffì, fe non rifpingonogliogli other two KH, i quaJi to.raln.raln1enre refi!l:eranuo coli" ajuto of the two incaflri FC, AD ,. who will, where, ef fere ef fere with caution armed with iron laces, . as seen in the. figure. The one who will do it, that for this parre will not be able to come to ruin. a falç armanro;; refra foltanro more necefa1-io do in n1odo.., who burps the "".cchiua ' meffa ' e.ho ba. a.l.Cuv luv5-v,. '".ll0'1l.o porra1-id.rare from the straight line, oiii dai! iho vivn, lo che farrai ficuro con me. black in the foot of Tchaikovsky: "Bubz.onc- your iron iron pipe, which has been ravaged in the furnace, which has been ravished in the furnace, and which, moreover, has to be secured all the op.ra da-1 porrarfi iì.rori of the 1"5ion1ho. It will be of great benefit to the photon, as long as it is one's own life - in the first place, it will be a good thing ... On the propofiro of such armour it seemed well done to relate some of the djfe-jinn of Andrea's architecture. Palladiq in book 3 ., one of which is afferifce- effere flato practiced {hl :6u1ne Cìfmo. ne, which fcendeudo from the mountains 1 chç-divide the Ir.Iia from Germany, enters the Brenta al.quanto fopraBaffano , which eJfendò velociilìn10 ,__ coll' ajutç>, of effo sent the Montanari great amount of wood. Before they decided to make a bridge, they decided to put up water poles in the water, so that the beams - which were there more were from the speed of the corpus, of the river, and of the trees and trees; that from that one they would continue downwards, they were not carried, moulds, and pulled out; for the "Che abbifognava ogni an.an.Qri.ò.no-Delle R.fiftenze . 7 3. renew it; whose invention is very worthy of av-Tav. 4 - I will be able to fertilise at various occasions, if Fig. 1-.fiilero fimilero fimili difficoltà, rirovrovandofi i Ponci così farri belli, forti, e .co1nodi; belli ,. -because the wood of the wood is gracious: strong, because all its parts are so strong, because all their parts are so strong; comfortable, because they are flat, and so that they are a line with the rhyme of the frrada. So let us consider the width of the line, in which you intend to make such a bridge, and two will be joined together at once: oh, beams, what to make! 1nno the figure of a man nor the manner of a breather to refer to you, when such a foLfe Ja ç:Iiftefa, that with a thick beam cannot be joined:
Therefore divify this length in equal parts at pleasure, as in: the figure in fei, it was an effe ciafcuna d'effe fi will raise a wooden columnar, as vedefiA, B, C, D, E, after that -of which the: will enable the height of the Bridge CF, there will be placed another beam paralell to the plane AE, which Jàrà Hl , from which two points will be placed two other inclined beams, forming the figure of a frontispiece, with the phono II{, HM , the three wooden figures of arc, will break . The king's head will break with the middle of the small columns HB, ID, to which the plane AE or fia can be joined with the fire of tearro, which will be inveflorescent around them, with iron bolts, which will be pandering for the whole grof. The three fpazj fudderri in the three fuperior beams MH, Hl ,Ik s'in1pofl:were110 three fronrefpizj, one of which, i.e. OPB will smash the beam MH, the fertile BFD will smash the beam Hl ; and fin. at least the third DQ.R aju, will be the S beam " z 7 4 Parte te't-za Tav. 4- beam IK, in the middle of which are the reflective parts Fig. 1- bolzoni, quefti in the fieffa guifa .fi will link to the horizontal beam AB for a greater encounter, as from the fi ... gura fi see . To prepare all the necessary elements for the Au.-Ratio, which will place them at a level over the two good stone columns, and there, that they will never remove the bridge: I would therefore take the view that such a bridge is missing. I would not so much fortoponeffero i" due faetroni AS, EV not so much to n1oti'7o that foileneifero -also e.ili parteodel pefo, but to meet the "tr-avi AO, ER, oi quali effendo inrefrari con quel di mezzo BD, poref...ofero with the passage of time rather ririrarfi.o.ando poi foffefi to n1ettere in opera una talo. As a matter of fact, I did not have to place less -dj three orders of talioarrnarure, so that Palladio in his plan would give only two, because then in such a guifa fi can.form the one in the middle a little higher, akin to diofy the plan of the Ponre rather full in the middle to pierce out the waters, <;he was effo porefiero arre. fiarvift, and also for the reason that it is better to colligandofioinfieme to have 1 more harshness, as from the profile:in profpective there you can see fig. '2. Another invention of Ponte is fuifebo-uenremen.F1g. g, you related by the Author, the q:uale abbenchèoappaja not of great fl:udio, niente comunque fembra1ni de.gna di 0011fiderazione non 1nediocre, la. 1more bufiezza of which, withµfle in the plant's flupture,o. avvegnachè , fiability that will make the length of the ftro, which, not being able to understand and from a dense beam, -o.fi congiµngeranno more infiemem.e beams, of diverfa length, acc9ftando each other for fiaBco, comeo- {ì De°Jle R.eflftenze. rz 77 -Tav. 4 -Contract with the two beans GH, DI , which, leaning against each other in the ravines of the stack, will join: Fiç. s. in the foot of the first two bolzoni. Then, on the upper part of the ACB curve, they will be applied to the bridge plane, which will have to carry the plan of the bridge, which will have to be inceG:ate ne-i their reflective ba.1zo,ni col fue cavicchie, as you can see from the figure. The fourth invention of the P-9nti , which defined Fig I! Palladio, it was possible to practise a more f-featured fi rst, whatever you do with. diHgenza: co-...-...ofl:burp, whose figure will break off{this is here app1-e1fo-. First of all, the two pilaflr.i, so that not hay will be able to take in verun n1odo, it will lead n-110-or one pile to the other two curves, o- hay-two portions of a paralell circle, nor what will matter, here:ncunque.oabbiano major , O- mino, re il feil:o:, -and the difranza ,.obevertheless rrovifi or more dilated,. o- more refractory '.' after which I have divided one of the curved effects - in Pftrti equal to pi.a--. waxes, by effect, they will wave '\(--arie lines af the centre, of the!' arc, which will add to us the direction of the bubbles, which in ral guifa difpofi:i will form quafi as ranciocu-nei trunks, and for 1-11- more safety. even now from a bubble a.11 Other mercerar1110 Others, beams of the same order, which are so orderly, that they will not contrast with each other, and with each other, which will give. 1more fofte.gno all' ope(a), which turrets of armaments must, effere aific-ura:re colue la-.fire of iron, and fe fe the Bridge in such g-uifa. -formed in the two years it will be at this time more than the one in the middle of the year, which it had to meet again in order to give us a better encounter, and it was thus. . .reil:ane-- S ;_ _,. ceifaria . 7 8 Part three of the third celfaria further dimo:fi:r.r.azione, saying that the figure clearly made the fp.iega. PRQP.QSIZIONE XII. )As .Poffafi do the .armor .doun covered .dun fenza l'ajuto det Jomero , which does not .give [pinta .ai .uri lat&rali. --r..-..-...-]3Ene fpe!fe vo1te- :it happens, ,that ,it is necessary to al.Fis:s.. :to raise 1e times .a -whatever 'Camere, -GaHerie' or al.:rr..e.:abi taziarii -necessary refractory, to raise the level-o-of-walls, with the .co11no :of the face, the .that well foventi is prevented by the beams .fomerì, which at. The most important thing is that the walls are not raised, with the face, the one that is well fovent is prevented by the beams, which, at the end of the day, are not able to be raised, fwhich is the effect of giving an idea ...of such a cover, which is the same as that of the others in this case. Elev..ati adunque .al 11:eifo level the two mud late ..orali .AB n will form for Je, avanrìfcritre Propolicizionio-oil -froniifpiciio ,A.CB .coU' ajuto .dei due beams- AC, -CB,o,o,ed . so that -qu'fti .non :fp;ingano verfo -.dei .dette muri,o:do.vran,110 in1:dlarfi .colle .due,eftrernità AB in .dueoleg11i A O, :EB, i -quali 1ì mariixanu.o .colle fue faetteoDF, .EG . P.r.p.p.arate -rurte,quelle -cofe,dov.r.affi.confi.-derare,,that never the,two.beams -CA,CB,còn re.q,ingere,còn re.q,ingere,còn fatiguing 'the walls, I, who iper iJ:?1pedire them met ..o-oter.year in, first placeQ -0ue pieces :of rr.rav.e in the efire.1nitào_ Delle Refiflenz,. 2. f9 mitào_ DE' that meet in the frontispiece ne'punti Tav. t,. Hl, at the meeting of the two arms Fig. 1- KL , MN , which lìgandofi - neck fieifo frontefpi zio will hold the beam AD in place> and the other EB in guifa that refifrere to the fpinta of the fronrefpiziofuddetto , and so that it does not poifa. etaf cofi:iuzione mai" rimoverfi s9 ailìcLirererno ancora coli' incontro dei due travi MO 1 LP, lo. che rrovandofi aHì.curandofi aHì.curato eolle fue .elai.l:re di ferro ai luoghi opportuni,. come dalla figura. fi vede,. farà forrìffìmo anche fenza l' ajuto del fomero,. cd in tal guifa. porraJlì innalra la fommità. del volto fecondo la curva RQ$ ... -and the following figure is made here! The fullness of the fullness is made here: the effo mo-.eFig..1... of the fola di:fl:èrenza, which, in the union of the twoetrails, which form the frohtefpizìo, is the bolzoneediedi half, to which they come. The two arms, which unite the cover, were held together by the king: "I was led by the two arms, which held the cover together, and was supported by them, and for what reason, the reasoning of pride was lost. ...and OBSERVATION XIIlc. How to do the" armor, 11'- one. dome, areo-,. wTta "'' -o bridge,, fen.za che jia: appoggiata- in the middle. fopra: alcun Joftegno hIA adunque la. cupola:,. voltae,. o, arco. &c.,, la qua.le Figh 3h dovendofi fare, .molto refHtente, avver.rà,. che farà per richiedere una proporzionata g1:o:ffez:za. di muro, la quale. feco-in confeguenza un gr,an P,efo,,, S 4 faremo .-8-0 -Parte térza T. "- 1- we will do in duty of afiìcurarfi daria -rovini, -col for-.Fig. 1-- 1narle the due armor of. wood, so that the pefo fuddetto, then when not guilty:l:a an.c.c\1ra baO:evohnente -oolligaro, not opprinJa ii. ribs, -it really doesn't go out of your git'O with f:1 to back it up in that part, even more so, that in the middle of the space it doesn't place any pilafl. r-o , with the ajuro of which he will run into the car, and will need to brake it in the air, then he will have to do the weapon in the following way. On the two piles:re, or terms of the wall AB fiilo. cherà in prir:po luogo un beam tutto di un pezzo, fe .fi ritrova, altrimenti fi -congiu. n will be two inferior ones, - which are unified like the teeth of the iron, which later on will be practical. The f uperior pefo not poifa in veruna 1naniera cede , k will apply to it al-difsorro the two faerte CD, EF joined with the third beam CE; of more ful t1.1 half of the whole length H raised the bolzone I-lI ii will form the armor with the two beams IA, IB, we will have burp the operation, now deduced from point H two other beams in the form of rays, which {ì will lead to find the circumference of the arc nor points KL, which should . incall:rarfi in the two beams of the forehead nor RUD.ti MN until the 1netà of the gro.ffezza , that in such guifa will make the operafortiifima, from 'Termiapoi JAB there will start other_beams, which s1 are unified even in the form of front1efpi.riio ne'punti I(L, fu'quali ft could'anno grasp ftcura . , while the ribs, yellow:a i -which fi will form a figure of the vault, which will defidera, the 4uale fe will circulate other beautiful R.eflfte:n'lt. . -·.. 1...other, that to replicate the phlefil cnfa all 1'u, -Y, .around the circumference, that comes to unite Fig. 1. '3.1 bolzon-e of half IH, and fe will make an arch, vault, or bridge ., fi will replicate the fl:eifa: armor paralell to any dìfran.za, -and how many you kings will make 1neitìeri. If you then place in the place where the said arn1-ature 'Fig...,.... to plough through the middle of the line a few columns) or that in effect makes you a pile made for, r -comfortable bridges, in the time that you have finished, then . The battery has been used to support you with the nufl:ra weapon, trusting it in a more vafto than the first one: I had the battery fuddered up to the level of the foot of the face; -or cu...; pola, -this is up to the level of the foot of the face: D, there, to make a stage, where the stage will be made with a well ficure table, so that all the coffers could be prepared; -which to form the dome was bifognevoli, and finding the difference. From the middle pillar to the sides of the big one, as it has just been said, all the more so that the cables, not being able to ride on the top of them, could ride on the top of them for a very long time, so that they would have to be able to ride on the top of them. me -with some iron lafl:re of iron, more pt1 -they will affìcurarfi with the faette ABC, EFG) the 'lualì ap.pog.giando.fi for one parre in the pilafl:ro, and for the other in the wall, s1unite in the corners BF, in the firo precisely, where the two beams HD, DI abbifogriano which pilaft.r ì fi fi.g.g.eranno. le fei faette unire 1n angolo per fofl;enere 11 piano del stage, che for...tna.r devefi al livelle del piede della volta nel :fico BF, .il -qual fase d0vendo.refifiere ad una inafpet- tata. - Delle-Re(tflen1.e , -,. 8 3- -T,v. 1-tata taf hour, and great strength, should always be more careful, and :ficura poffibile manner, as Fig. s.a vanti propofl:o . When this is done, neither points EB, AF fi will place four beams, which are unified in the figure in frontfpj zio ne' points G H of the two beams AC, BD produced, here ìn the first place they will colllllincìeranno ad arcella .re the whole machine i.nfieme , and where they are in.contrano, ivi will or ligatio.., will be until the meeting of the face in points LM - with the addition of the two HL, GM, and finally the one of! l:anza refidua FL, ME will meet e.on a support, which is 'appo.ggì ne1 pilafl:ri AB, inrerfecando i. due- beams HF CG, will produce so much from one parre, that the other nor 'points NO . All of the beams will be deflected with other timber, including the points FN, NL, LD, DI &c. At the meeting of the two faces, the one that will be placed on the face, with the figure you can see, and the one with the armor is not only a replica of the bifog110, but also places at right angles the other one, so that it will keep all the work in the same way that your profile will be used for the figure. A little bit of an idea was practiced in Piemonte .al-San.tuario della Città del Mondovì a Vico, where he found a body of Chiefa well vafio copied by an elite Cupnla fola, and to be able to make the pefo of: armor, Dome, .84 Parte terzi.i T$v. 1- Cupo.la., and Cùpoiino-, were the fruit,. re mifura: that ii.--S- - .u1davafi fabrica11do., were the great Pilaftri, who, at the occaision, made the .c:,Cupola. of r73--...c1 were of ne-. {\a6}:>, and the armour of such a pear: vedeaft for face, ra, flank, and diagonal. Sometimes d:evonfi fare- arcades, forceful force! medefune p,o-ifanfì to build pilafi:ri, nè rampoco-poffifi. fa.re. the stage,. or other armor,. as happened.ne.al.Cele.bre - Mauematico, P. D.- Guarin.i,. aII' oc-ca-... fione:, which made e.dificare la. Chiefa di S. Lorenzo di r.rorino, where, in order to make the dome, it was necessary to stop four main arches, which, however, {y:i}they do not see" ful-quali leant, I nourish the pefo-deU-a: Fabbti .... ca., - and because the arches did not seem to be armed at the'.f-0lito mo.do so far. proposed, -you had to make a-' -ar.matur. efpreifa. in. the. prefente. figure,. which- viene-ctotalm.eme. appoggiata ueU' impofi:o d'elf arco. medeft.roo,... in which he has guifa, differently three woods in the corner AB,,, BC,_ -CD, circofcrivera{fi a quefta figura: fefi:o. deJra-r.o, 'come fi ved., e per tenere de.ne rrav.arure: còngiunt. infieme, le ligò gli angoli con alni pezzi di le-.gno. EF, GH, everywhere difpofl:i over the first three woodsA:B., BC, CD, and other armours in front of the frontal part of the armor. :.ene.re the pefo in the most debilitating points,. formed, the .fuoi.fuoi arcs, and because those who did not find them to have, I was able to balance the pefo,.that - in the middle. I applied to them a pa.rricular armour for each bow, which he made, made each one of the first, and which, as an anchor, kept J: all that he had repaired to the need. , .. . . . By Dètle Reflflences. 18 7 will speak the good from the verylimes1 and reason, in order to be able to oppose it. v.alere. Therefore, about l:a.robufl:ezza maggiore , or minore degli allleri, the Authors with the Alberri agree that the frerili hay of the fruitful ones, more robufl:i, and the felvaric-i fj.eno of the don1efl:i ci dur i piu dur. The Theophraphy, affirming Theophraphy, that the felvarians do not come from infirmities fought against, and -that the domefi:ici, and make the fruitful ones well-full of serious infern1_will be Foggiacian-; affirming also, that about the nature of them -the hay fruit is more fpurriferous than the late ones, than the first ones, and the more acidic, than the sweet ones. Between those, then, which are more acute, and of aphrodite, the most unripe, and those, which produce rarer fruits, must be preferred there. Those who are troubled by the winds, are more turbulent, more bitter, and more foul than those in the valleys, and in places where they are more likely to occur, as well as those in damp places, are softer than those which are found in high places and are older. In every tree, when it will make you less than 1ne-dolla, the more you will be able to make you more. Q:ianro poi all'ufo loPo, giufl:a il parere di Teo.frafto, non farà mai bafl:e'stolment.e fooco alcun groffne.albero, :tpecialmente all'ufo de' Palchi, e -por.te avantietre anni dopo, che fieno ragliati, ed -e! Making stronger and stronger trees of various sizes, I therefore make a varj ufi ciaf.cun d'effi .efiinati , rrovand0fi , which at -covered at - some are more sought-after, others are better at the omhr. fi.conf.vain, others in the air fpl€ndono, others in the water s' in.durano, and others in the water s' in.dura, and others fuck1nente !refifiscono ;eper cui alcuni in intaglj , e fcohure , alrr.i ad in. toniccare , f.r.r. stages;, and beams,, others, and rivers, -eepalifi.:,g 8 Part 1udrta' palificate of the most cOllfervanfi -, with the , Alno , e. opposite in the air: and to the Sun, it doesn't last ...L1 Elm in the air, and to the covered fi raf...iòda. The Pezzanq, and the Pine, fuck the earth forever. The .Rovere a' terreni edifizj è molt0 acconcio, and to the air fi opens, and torches, and agevolmelte by the waters of the sea, is corrupted ..L' Uliyo , la. Cafiagna , and the Beech tree in the water are not corrupted, and the last two f-0tter.-ra last. In order to make the best of all beams, the Fir tree comes down, finding it easier than 1nag.,gjor groffeness, length, and lightness of the others, neither burdening the factory, nor bending the pefo, olri -and of which it is easy to work, but easily drips. Leon Battifta Alberti wants, for the UFO of the Fàbbriche, to preponder the Larch, nervous and tenacious, and he tells real opinion of the Ancients, that he defends it from fire, and he wants the hard fire to have it in guifa, that the hard fire, but: fire from which he veniffe it, and had in dif.lace price. I tell you of the Palm, an admirable virtue, that against the pefo. fiends, and, on the contrary, rises instead of yielding to it. The trees then, which make a bitter smoke, 11011 easily admit the verne, and they can drive out every hour from them; and the opium is judged of a contrary nature by those who have a sweet escape. The tables of Cail:ag.a., Elm, and Frai1ino easily break. The Walnut has not been commended by the Ancients for a long time, but, with the widowed, it has been given to many people who are fervid, strong, and safe, praising the Moor in preference to the Moor, as it lasts a long time, and that each way is blacker, 90 / The fourth part is smoke, which manifests itself to us in the smoke of the raw one; instead of Cato wants to cut the oak tree in the madness. All the trees, which have feme, will then be cut down when they have ripened, and when the fruit J and the elm grow, they will throw the leaves _...and then dehbafi be careful...the Moon in cutting down the trees, where you can find it, I think I don't have any evidence of it, after 1.-ifle:ffo facefi by the freili Conrailini in cutting down their trees..., and all the expert men compete, that I must cut the wood missing the Moon, saying, "I confused in the tree that man, who was a corrupting man, and that the moon is not flushed by the swan, and that the fiefs of the Moon do not offer them. ffe leaves, missing the Moon, collected do not rnarciicano: they add more leaves, which will make more fodi, ffe fi lafcieranno feccieranno standing, cutting them up to the n:iidolla, so that every bad mood. fiillando fen go, and debbe.f! every dawn fruit cut that fiaia, fpogliare of bark, -because fuck that. a,gently Jì guafia. And that the trees creep for a hundred years; and that for another hundred years they will give J1ello ile{fo flato,|and -which in another hundred years they perish; but, abh.nchè fia true, -which, at the end of a hundred years, I die a "ja "ja. The opinion of believing that after the first hundred years every tree no longer exists, and that it is no longer known, is false, because of its progremacy, that nothing is known. -2 9 3 re , and it is to annihilate those bad materials, so that the said beam can participate both from the lime, and from the diverfity of the materials, which in the wall of the wall of the inipias ... marks, ..., ..1- r Of the knowledge of the materials, which in the fruit of a building are bifurcated, their properties, I -'. ...and of the manner a; fervirfene - THE STONES I PHONE. the most rhobufi.o.o.d'un edifi.io,e.. perGiò di quelle schiaeraffi a difcorrere, rrQ..vandoiène anche di più buona, o cattivo condizione, ful qual rifleffo cuniinciere1no a ifpicggarne their nature. There are two diffe.renti qualities of this and of these, one, ehe-.trovafi adfai, durae, and the other more black, or n1olle, that we want to say, and to the common pa.,rère rneglio tiefce la:
harder than the other, but with a few breaths. The tender one is better to be coupled with knots, and refrained in wetlands, swamps, and aquatic places, not so cold, but .... it has to be attributed in its own right. . which is the most important; for, what he will not do, he will not take a breath in the 11th century, and he will find that the stone-cutters consider the most narrow, and condenfarios, to be infallible, that they will make the most difficult. 1nàggiormente refi.fiere alla corrente de' fiumi, ed all' ingiurie de' tempi, e p.r.r.gionarne con qualèhe poco d.i fondamento, s' applicamo al fentimento di Monfieur De-Bellidor fi1 quefio particolare . . . . .' ,; In the T l of the Reflflenzé. Of the quality of the bricks, the way, and the time, with which they are made - The bricks are one of the main items of a brickwork, because not everywhere there are large pieces of bricks that they want to make with cut stones, and in other places, they have the same smell of the stones, but they are the most important ones. ceifarj in the fi:ruttura of the buildings, to make the an.goli rerri, the pilafl:installments of the doors, and fineftre, the vol.tini d'effe, the arches, and vaults, and finally the offer of the orna1nenti so internal, that the:erni; and po.tendo quefl:i moltifflimo contribute high perfection of a building, frightfully in duty also to talk about it. The earth. aunque judged better to make them fudderti brown, bifogna, than she fia-lì of white colour, or gray, staple, and strong, than she fia-nofa, nor giarofa, effendo priinieramente 1gravi, edeeffendo dall'pioggia wet, easily fì fcioglio-no; and fall down from the walls, t;ffer deon0 lecterns to no11 load the factory, parricolarmeure when they have to employ them at times; hurray also some tea, rra roff a pro . . before such an effect, but it is not the making a sheet of work, gold to flake, and not too skillful to refifl:ere to the frost; but prcfcin ... giving from the works, judging the goodness of the earth to make bricks, fe after a small rain ca.; undermining you fopra, attaching to the plants, and accu ... z98 part four mule- z98 muleravvifi in great copy, because she facilitates the diftacctncnte fi . I sell in any case of such accumulated gorge of earth 1 oafcelta that quantity: it will be necessary, that will make (there ta.gliare, respecting the time of the rains, so that ef.fendofi well soaked, more easily it will be impafti, the-afafciandola for some time ripofare-, then from there a few days, starting again Jo fteffo, que. fto do it several times, and to prepare it for the winter, it will do even more to propofito, operating there, then, that little frost, which better makes it blossom, and to give it a flourish; the time more suitable for forming them, will make Spring, that is, Autumn, at the say of Vitruvius, as well as a fertiliser, ef. They are not found inside,- afi1., which they do at the time of the flizzy flizzy, finding that their blanket is cooked by the Sun, which makes them dry and dry, and they do not find themselves equally inside, - afi1., which they do by doing their flizzy flizzy, and the flizzy flizzy flizzy flizzes, and fends, wanting to be called the Author uniting with Palladio, and Leon Battifta Alberti, who are excellent fie. Those, which will form two years before their birth, will be the bricks made in the advanced season of Autumn, they will cover them with arid smithy, and in the end with wet straw, so that they will not twist and cleave. But it does not always happen, that what he wants to make, has to make the bricks, but having to accompany them most of the will to accompany them, reflex:a also neceffario co.nofcere i. good from bad; and Vitruvius recounts, that the4.l'arte quarta Delle varie qualità della Calce, e moilo.d' impaflarla. -Lime has to be considered as one of the _prin.necipal coffers in a factory, which has to be used with all its attention, while in a building it must not be in pain. The materials, which between them, together with the poffaffene materials, make a composition that unifies: the pareiae,. in the guifa that a m1-1ro raffembrifi to a pietra fola. If we come to the origin of the lime, then we will not find that eifers, that a stone is left out of the fire, that fl:emprafi in the water, for whose effect it swells with hard, pefanti, and white stones, among which marble found better, within which that one. They will make them better, that of frefco they will make f pezzate, of that, that they have been collecting for some time already dif. perfe...ella, that they make of certain stones fpongofe, and hard, that they find so much in the countryside, that in the pho"' me, they find more suitable to the inronacature, making it easier to frenderfi, and making the work more polite. To wet the lime, I made a container, or a tajo in the ground, next to which I deepened another one of greater capacity, and putting in the upper one a baO:evole quantity of eifa, I will give you a proportionate quantity of water for the water, having to remove it well fovenriri it with a dustpan to Delle Reflftènz'i io;' a . Such a ufo qefl:inata, until it is reduced well liquid, after which by opening the hole, and in the eftermity of the fi lafia container, it will be trafracxere in the lower continent, where the water will be repopoxed, until it acquires a better confidence, and here the more time ahead prepare it, the more it will be abundant. Mefchiafi quefta to employ in the factory with two pieces of arena, and the one more or less, fecundating the best quality J avvegnacchè finding the [uddetta.çalce fat.ta, and prepared properly, requires, until, three quarters of the arena was of a quarter of lime; not wanting to bend it, not to get it out of your container,'.affin:chè. .it's the heat, that the damp doesn't alter its goodness, instead of the slaves covered with a _palmo d'arena ft.1..etutta la fupedizie . Then, I sell to manufacture, in the damp, mefcoleraffi. with glue, the dust of Pozzolana, and that which has been found in Italy in the territory of Baja, and which has been easily wooded, and feccafi with stones, as much as possible. The rivers, if the Chemists want it, which: what kind of dust was there, what kind of calcined earth from the fires, and what kind of fire at the meeting of the fiends, where 1 grandfather is continuously extracted, shines, and what kind of fate: the dying goes. ...and in Flanders, when they want to produce in the water, they raise them to contribute this property ...and in Flanders, when they want to produce in the water, they fervently festoon the ash called Fournaj, here. the vjene depofitat;,;i in the furnaces of lime, that <;uocefi .con ,carhone di -rerra, e come che tale .depofito viene formato da certe -par.ticole sl di pietra. che -di ,earbon.-.a'lc:inate ; di quleè, .che D.elle Refifl..ewz.e . -So 5 ofil:endeudola fopra -.n pi3:no, or in a container, and thenhagneraffi for difciorla, .di poi copriraffi with other mortar already frightened for a foot of height, lafciando tal cofa in xipofo for two, or three days to give rise to lime Suddetta. d'intieramente fiernprarfi ; after which you will see c.lle folite pafette da m_ef.colare , . fi fiolv.erà Tutro in un corpG folo , indi lafcj. ndola again in ripof o for -two, or three days, .fepareralfene the day before to put it in op.era.u.na part, ri, returning it to incorpoi.-axe of new, bathing it from time to time in r.an- . But for ... more in Iralia not 1nolro phono pe.rn1a11enti, and mafli.mamenre nell.' in:verno the cold, and wet, concen ... drawn in the pores makes it easier_efc.uofiare. - I D.el modo- di fondare in ogni farte - ( . di Terreni: . -Ria, d' 9g,t,1' other cofa. deveft have regard to d.i am.p.. Gurace l'edifizio nelle fondan1:entae, non eifendovi ..cof-a. Less fcufable than the one who sees it, there are sometimes cerre -factories, - that as soon as they have arrived at the covered, _chee:min.cciat1.o somewhere ruined by the lack of it<1dor;o,o,o,by the age and diffe.ee.nza of the .fuolo, that.lmost of you.rene}lo. ..., I come... I come... from the varj lu(?.ghi.ilrerato . This is not to be considered as a cure, but as a way of curating, debh.fi l1 Archirett-0 rigua.do to the c.gnizio-ne of the fuolo, with which it has to -plant your own... Lt1 pc:i1na quality .del fon.do lighthouse that of Rocpo, q 1'.:ffo, -V ful . 3 or 6 Part Four, which is the fourth part of the project, then. q_uando effe.ndofi abbaifato ful folido-1 ifpianeraffi ugoahnenre. dapper.dapper.tutto , per aifodar piùmenre il primo c.rfoe:, e iè neif alliueamenamenamenro della fabbrica vi i inco;1traffe la. pieftà. -, or more.rrotim Ife fo.mo in the cafo d'. d'. to have 'to give' a 'to give' medefim. hay can be inclined yerfo. r -angling angle, -which verfo the fa- -Ji'en'te, i- which find11 well replanted, will give a good foundation i not elevating the effi muròefu, until -the reil:-ante body does not fia:--al1o. The plan is not so priceless that it is not so easy to make the plan, made in steps, and that the figure of Jaffo is in such a way to reign, to which he will be able to reign. .eihnenre pofian.fi 'fi' to accommodate the materials, will see-annofie'di accommodate Je, more fenfibili irregularities to ooaoa mi.nore: difugualianza.., - ...and then elected the grouchiness of the mu.ro, which inpreparedness to found, was such a great deal more so: Phenon- derre bonnets, which in the part. The bonnets, which, in the lower part, will make the groove of the boards, the Oak, Oz'd'a:Irro legno forte ben inch}odat. ,, therefore made - aebitume of varj' avai:izi of stones, and other materialseminud .impaJlari ooa mortar fort, and after having lafuiati-' '3 or 8 , Parid fourth Some times therefore in searching for the bottom buop. oh, I am afraid that I have to do a lot of work, since - it is caused etc-effi-va - the {pepha of the foundation up to the ground floor, but - in that .afe> _they are the P?zzzi of l. me-zzi , among which pFèt.µdond '-a'lcuhi' ioche g-enando nella-- forgen. and a quaririty of so-called black1;feot' cale. ivivà, that compose .un bittume baftevole Lp.roorrurarle , .and prevent the corfo, others throwing in the o..o..apertura dell'argento. vivo) entr-oano in fenfo, che _pèroil fuo- pefo. viòlenri-l'acqua per un altro canale, 1rri-aoil più-,fiouro ii. è di:-fàrvi a fpezie di m1or.ta jo , in which you send for a small channel the forge, from which mortar with the means of machinery; . fi - Delle Refifl.enze. 3-0 9 fi efcavi the water, to jeg110 , which will give us the way to establish the water, so we will see it, and will make it possible to take another corpus. The third gorge at the bottom, the fullness of which can blacksmiths.care, fi is the earth graifa strong, fulla which must.lì have great caution, to report, that fi fi fi found not very firm, and had a fuolo of reliable height, then. It can be founded at right angles, but most of the time it takes a lot of time to look for a better ground, and to find a worse ground, and, in that case, it is necessary to affix the foundation with the n1ezzo of the crarjco.la made of beams at right angles with meffi , filling the empty spaces with good material, pyurrophy, with the plan of: groffe planks well nailed, .having to nail the wall well, .having to connect it to the third plan, which plan of cratiGola will have to advance as far as it can live on the wall, so that .with1before.mag. gior quantità di rer::eno-., e fe farà neceffario di pa.lificare fuck the said craticola , fciegliendo i migliori bofcami , which fi will make -enter what fi.fiimerà properly in the1 ground, and the way of making the poles.ficate farà la feguente. Once the width of the 1nu.ro has been established, which must be founded, it will begin to make an order of piles on the outside) and the other part of denn-o , then in proportion to the width. The other part of the wall will put more orders to the clenrro, therefore, equalized all at one level between the 1ne.deiìmi, began to make a flat canvas for the longo of the wall; then making another one for the .rra.verfo , nailing them in the tefia!e de' stakes, cpe li- .cor.ri.pòn-V 3. - 3 1 o- reply -; after which, continuing with the vacuous palificarenei, it formed a flat fodo- piano, through which it was possible to secure the bafe of the factory. In the first and then the palificate will have regard to the longest, and the longest in the corners, and 1Jof the outside parts, and from the first, and that will do in:6.ffo-, .ftnchè ricufi di più inoltrarfi, fi.rà cognizance of the length, and groffezza of the other, which in the me.defimo firo must effe.re employed. He will make the parreda mustache on the tip, so that it is easier to go further, and to harden it. of advantage he will have to brown it; and then he will have to marinate it in stone-pitches, then he will have to arm the pole with an iron point, and in the furnace. He will also have to invest it with a circle of iron, so that when he strikes it he does not strike it again, and open it. Leon Ban:ifia Aberri enters into the opinion that the sea, which has to strike the pole's head, is more important. The more frequent the people must be, the more they will be able to offer better intact solutions, the more they will be able to: 'Mechanics, so that I will be able to make it better. Having then to be founded in the sea, Vitruvius, in chapter 1 2. lib. 5, wants Vitruvius to make cerri ca "oni di le.gno closes with tables to water one of them in other, and those sent to the bottom are to be placed at ease with the fuolo 1 then with his own machines to eflrar1 and the water is "sharpened" called caiphons, and prepared the but. teria of lime . pozzolana , and pierre , burp well incor- pated , and mefculated already in the morrajo , with eiTa fi . -theyempify the aforesaid phyto with great force, which in such guifafarà - ; t 2, Parte quc.rtainfieme mifchiate, will throw it over there, and quefio gerrandofi to great copy, will make a mafiice raie, which will make the work of folidirà durable, and abben<:hè non fi poreff e toragliar di continuo , will not make her harmful to repay it in more fiare fino quafi a livello deU' acque . And then, in order to make sure of the folly of the undertaking, to make it well done for many more years and at the inconfidence of the waves, so that it may become more and more difficult. The manufacture of which will make the craticola with -groffi rafters, first for a long time nailed in their walls, over which the building will be built, and then to the riraglje, that in the body of the building they have built the walls, it is certain that there is no unanimous opinion between the Authors, since in the guise of the building one must regulate with such a judgement that the factory will keep hair, and smoke, making it possible, that every year it will have so much more lining, then when it will be more dilated in its hafe. As far as the man, the eras of walls:1 and, I believe, that it will make a wall, I believe, that it will do more or less the t.rattar, by carrying out a more intense inspection of the -Maefu.i -Capi Maefu.i , that of the Architects to confirm, and link it to where there is a wall, that is more than just the wall, that the Architect9 must support them. I will report here the various manners of the walls to be wounded by Palladio, - and V-irruvi.o., - and before that, he describes the fence in the table with the Ae grid, of which you will not be able to find any, of the RefiJtenze. 3'. r 3 cuno-, which was made with squares of terracotta pofi:i in the corner, to which they made the cantatas of mat.toni pofti in piano, then of difta.nza in diftanza made to continue the cinro1e to flatten the corpus of the wall. The fruitful one is the uncertain one signed with let.tera B glue, of which fi fervono -ai ternpi noH:ri to remake the walls of fence, ecl in more places for the foundations, and it is composed of stones, and hand, of which it makes also the belts to a little difiance cantate hills, which stones devonfi to place in the way to effe more comfortable. It will be easy to understand the squared stones; if you put them in place, one for the Longobard, the other for the traverse, they will be common in the guifa, which the lower parts of the wall give half of the lower lengths, as you can see from the wall. The wall is part squared stone, and part cements, as in wall C in the form of coffees, which will be filled with cements, which will be flattened from one stretch to the next with an intimate order of large stones. The last one is that spelt all of cements, which will make it possible to make the most of the cements, which will be able to make the stones to match them properly, which wall will have to be at least made of square stone, or at least less than 1nattoni, to give it more strength, the temple of which you can see in the wall E.