First of all the pages of the book “Instrument zur Architectur” are composed mainly in a classical way. The headings are only a little larger than the following text. It is highly likely that the font type is Gothic. There are not any decorations or comments seen on the margins. Two exceptions are the very beginning and the opening of the second chapter. On those text passages an ornament bar is drawn. In addition the following text begins with an inordinately large and ornate first letter.
Concerning the drawings: there are only architectural ones. They illustrate different instruments for architecture in great detail, that are described in this book. The use of the utensils is shown as well.
All of the images are printed on a full-page. Perhaps because it is gravure printed, there is no text or image on the backside of that page. The imprints can be seen very clearly on the margins. Furthermore these pages are smaller in size and the structure seems a little different compared to the text pages. They look somewhat like they are only lain in between, although they are actually attached. Worth mentioning is also the fact, that text and illustrations are alternately composed.
The figures on the images are numbered and in one place there is a short comment on the top of the page. Interestingly the figures are numbered from six to nine. “The first five” are missing if there were five at all in the first place.
Moreover, the text is very important to understand the images and vice versa. In other words they go hand in hand.
Finally, the book is probably a handbook. It is very short with its only 20 small pages and it seems as if there had been a practical use behind the instructions. I suppose the book includes instructions because of some headings – for example “Gebrauch dieses Instruments”. The author names the part after the previous introduction a report.