This book is structured in a way that there is an illustration on the right hand side and a corresponding explanation on the left. this layout carries through the whole of the book excluding the table of content at the beginning of the book.
The illustrations are mostly perspective views of different architectural elements whose complexity increases throughout the pages. As mentioned above the illustrations fill out a whole page and are mostly subdivided into different stages or variations of portrayed object.
The images are labelled according to the chapter they belong to whereas multiple images can belong to the same chapter. The index only refers to the chapter and not to each image itself.
Even though the text and the sketches share the space in an even way, the sketches bring across more information and yielding them a higher importance. As a consequence of the increasing complexity of the matter, the sketches become more and more relevant and detailed. This results in multiple occasions with many succesive sketches.
On formal level each page of text is structured in exactly one paragraph on which the first letter is calligraphic. The indents are rather small on the sides but relatively large on the top and the bottom, allowing for a huge header specifying in which book the sections lies as the book is divided into two parts.