, _ * - "- 'ir' -’ * 'h ii ■. 'S f. . MB PRACTICE PERSPECTIVE OF THE KNIGHT LORENZO AL SEJfc> ET INVITTI 5 S. II. LADISLAO SIGISMONDO PRINCE OF POLAND, AND SWEDEN IN VENE TI A M D.C.XXY HarawMWtwBinuuS uf & ut /: é [ ‘Cà / AlcW M / ìtf /. PRINCE gitardeuole, c commendato. She coined the massacre of many rumors, and with the purchase of the whole prouinciefita no less demonstrated the "value, which I made in the Crifiiana Religion, augu- mcntatoilfuo Kingdom, (fif accrefcmtofi l ’amor de fidditii aUe which" virtue couples uidofi yn exception courtly, and kindly, your flammer mainly it is the one off the coast of Italy, she fi makes Ttrincipe of so much [file I appreciate everyone, that agata aafcheduno ambifce of ^ to see it, and to reuse it: Therefore accept there M- V. S. that dimajlrazjfione of the imo fin - affection, and place me in the number of your smallest feridors, which I as such with -ce \ a fommtjfione I bow to her, and I beg you every longed for happiness. T) t Venetia li il. say Mario ibi}, 'Dì V. A. S crètti fs. Vmi / ifs.é dìtiotìfs. Serti- "Rem ardo Giunti. A i - \ TO BENIGNI - AND LOVE READERS ARE that of all ficicnzc two hay the main purposes; vno de which confillc in the pure, and simple act of the fpeculare, the other c around the practical implementation of the colè fpeculater and it is not dub bio, that the first of those duefini, by efier of the intellect bed not included in the main part! of the soul nollra, far from any alrerationc and of matter, hear from every efercitio mec canic, and of the noblest, most perfect second; nothing less fe we ​​would like hauerriguardo, not perfection, is delighted par- ticulare, but all vtile, cperfettione ^ vnmerlàle, we will undoubtedly find, the met- tei c in pradca, and eleguirc le cole fpeculare, cll'cr more from defidcrarfi, and to confirm that truth with exemplary phosphates, I say first, who of any, òpochifiima vtilità fa- it would lead to human life, which the doctor, stopping them in the flare contcmplarione of Dature, and qualities of ('impiici, and de compolli medicamenti.lafcialTe glermi infermi priui of that help, which with practicing the faenza row can bring him the same: when some mechanic applies Je fue inuentioni à some matter! and ilrumen to vtile ò in pacc, ò in war against viuere humano, is worthy of greater praise, and prize, chel quietandoli in fpecularioni attracted byognifenfibil matter, dilprezzalfe apply them to the common area. Concludes !! therefore, well, the fpeculatiònè is more no- bile of the practice, nothing less the practice is more vtile, and praise, for elTcr that pcrfeziqne, and ornament of vn folointellcttoparticularc, and the vtile and comfortable one of manyflats particu (ari, e delle in tcre Republichcv 1J which vtile, it is convenient vniucr- ale, fiafpin tome still to apply me after my ltudij of faenza matema- tics to that practice of profpcttiua; acciocne from the beloved my particularc prefo in the speculations of fuclide, c by VneIlione, nenafcel7ùpurc some vile à queL i, who like us haueflcro bifogno di feruirfi of prof pcttiua fc well this The practice is breathed by others ingeniously, with unbounded, unbounded struggles they are not trusted, that in implementing it, and poorly in degrading and, e to place figures of many lines, and angles, are so intricate that line fcnza vna gran paticnza, and vna long effort cannot come to the end of the work. Tut to that I flato (limolo di peniate (this is crazy way, it is the rule to age this the operation, which elTendonii parato d'hauer trouato.na is also parato of pu blicla, pervadendomi that she is for diète of play to those who love her finn the faculties. Of perfection, I impetfecion of which I forgive the judgment everything, and for everything à those who have relied on the rules given by many others, and I trust gherò those who read it to see it willingly, which will be done rutcauol- ta.chehauranno regarding the (uncertainty of my soul. which is not of water- give me ambinola the de with the fuperarc gl others; but trustfully make some changes ointment to the lludiofi di coli bella feienza • t fcconofcerò elièr grata, c received willingly my work, I will take heart to give out, as soon as possible between, Ia which in that matter will make it less beautiful ^ hevtile / folding with ellidif fcultà lbccililll ne, which cites rubble They want to happen, fi prc ^ o ad .rrora- say it willingly, and give me heart to wait with more diligence, that forfè non hufat- up to the prefentc à limili ltudij. God congratulate you. r • ottf (fàfàòfàfàz cTfcv ^ de ^^ i i?!? a ^ ^ c?! ^ sT £ a et’r S & JS ££ * £> Ctiìcdof ^ ò C & fàò '§i . * C ^ and entirely neèpriuo, c we f / »ll preceti ti, cofa that elfendo by fua nature fenza terminerei fi can moftrarc in infinite ways, such in truth is the will to make particular, and determined place for defense to the vil la, which has to see the images which have not to defend in prolpettiua, attfo that the object itself can eflere duto from infinite places., replying that apparent reason we say, that for that reason, this is why the villa can be placed in infinite places . . we have judged it necessary to use a particular place by way of dicac- and whoever works does not confuse them from infinity. So let's say that the dctcrmination of the one go particulare fi has to be taken ò by neceflità, ò by electione, and by necelfità when conjugated by the carelessness of the place, or from another accident, we do not want to walk away ^ to help ourselves to the object à pleasure noltia, however, in these dips we have accommodated the best we have fooled, engineering ourselves as much fia poflibile to accept them to the rule, which we want to give, ouc we will make free from any impediment for that then elfendo in nollra eledone take the place of the villa, we judge ^ fruitful that vna lun- we are inspired by many details) douerfi ​​elect so much chicken point, that falling from an elf vna perpendicular over the plane, in which the object will make chicken, which fi gnare in fcorcio, edal te rrr.ine of elf perpendicular pulled vna line to the nearest term of the ob- jet, that line drawn fiapiù vna time is half from the greater line tranfuerfa le ob- jet, which to the eye represents, in addition to the height of the villa, the third part of the the dillanza now trouata, as for example, hauendo boredom to put in the short run what desire of the pre- fente figures, prefa the greatest transfuerfale line, ofwhich desire of the polle figures, which in this way there polla appear, what is the line A. B. and drawn in the plane the line C. L. in elfa note them the C. L. fefqui- altera of the A. B. and from the point L. fi tiri fopra elfa the perpendicular L. D. along the third part of the ilefla C. L. I Hello point D. will make the place oue fi has to be noticed because coli making the fcorci di- fegnati will have more gratitude to bring it to you, than by placing the villa in any other place, than fi has taught us the maellra experience of all the whetstone. BOOK FIRST. moiod * mmm, n f cones (> J Coitolo V. HAVING us now to begin the ufo of our rule to proceed now perfic and rjuadr. ra peró tir, fi the finca of the piano, as in uU ra fonau A nc tranfuerfale, notili neUa linea ddpianoh 4 L * trTph dclhT ^ ’r fi shots h perpendicular ^ DdungaTa ^ erza ^ iarte & efò ° ™ 4 ° fda er ^ "* ^ dT ^^ d d; d P unt ° ^" 4 - will be seen from the 4 ehioD.cheibrmaink Colo 2 ^ T 4 SJle said up to here, there is no reason to keep silent vna vtifitf S tnom ^ n »n ™" • * f 1 f 'T habb, I love fenidMf 1 bjC1 ^ a p 3 n °? ra ° pcratione, and that is die defidando no / ° ^ ednafco ^ gradato nea habbia the date porportione the fuapartevXldfmn ^ nro ^? n ^ That all J dral '* If we in the prefect figure defideraffimo chela line 4! na T 4 krghezze, as for example. which is in the hole, pressing in the line i !!, '^ 1 Ue ^ m of *** • to P. the line of the cut at angles rctti / upra the line of the uhn ^ r T 'an ° L: P - e. remote control 0 P cr d P ™ line 4.4.C will return to the digradatole line P 6 and óercheT r §U 'n T noft ™,, nt f n, t0> P <^> e 4. the line P. 6. barala mcdtSm. prjportfo ec ™ ite P S 'P ^ "*» «* ti of L.4. So the P.6. will still make the trocar of the a 1 a V t, r V U P - L is "rc q" r ".Paratóia to R.S. and fi pull cofi from the deftracome ^ W ^ aCS ^ àì'h P ® r "" ^ n.edefimahnca O.Z.I The O.p. line is equal to the P.p.eperilpuntls.fitirilanàea line ^^ SftaS said.aiqualHianolegauduoiiottSd: 1 ■ * PÌCC ° IÌChÌ0 ‘ in the figure of the dotted lines. Perc.oche'ilfilo ,, ^^^ L h X !! 3S ^^ S ^ ì £ ^ S ^ movable feet of two compatii, cofi da deftra. as to finish. ha rem ^; the*; »Or i Pj + c by crossing 1 between. and by the p.ede inibii, dd codilo delfa 5. ^ " c crossing, da delira, edafiniilra, haremoi points u ^ a.da amali r? ran4 ^ 1. 1 P ^ d 0 '*' fo P. ril Spunto ?, gora we will have divided the quadratone in icorcio! phlegm, which haucuamo profiled of / atc. 8 '* closing Ji, fi * BOOK FIRST 'Ter put the square fuper / ìcie in / cordo with yn corner in yerfo la vtfla ^ Chapter V I. IRISI the line of the plan A. lot which is drawn half of the square B. E. F and from the corner E. pull them over the plane line, the E. E. that line will make the tranfuerfale line good. But put the F. L. tripladella E. E. c from point L. point of the width of the lead line L. D. still adapt them to points D. and L the two threads, which represent they propose for the lines to aim, and propose lynx R. S. and Z. O. l'na square to the other, and finally pull the cut line C. P- B. e from the dillefo wire from point D. alpunto F. fi pigli along the line of P. P. lengths P. i. which was transported to O. a. dirit- then the same thread over point E. will take them the length P. 4. efi will transpose to O. E. and dillefo the other filoda L. over the angle E. will give us the width P. 3. in the line of the widths ze P. B. whose width fi has to be transplanted in O. 3. and chicken the motionless foot of the breast of length O. It is. in point 3. and that of width O. 3. in point E. cross dodadeltra, and from ends between note them 7. 7. diftefofinalmenteilfilo D. B. take them long- p. 5- and that will transport them to O. 8. And we will have four points 2.07. e8.e 7.daqua- ìi pulling fcambicuohnente straight lynx, liarcmo the square surface in feor as looking for- uamo. To make the figure eftgonain feorcio. 'Chapter yij: ON and (I make cofa some of new in the operations following from the previous ones, that it will be a long time, we will send it to you briefly, suggesting, that the happy reader means very well, & polfcgga the cofe declared until prefent. So let the coffees be prepared, that is, the lelpeadia- 110 A. and she gives half of the hepagon B. B. D. E. And the dillance E, L. the eye D. point of the lengths, and the point of the widths L. (a cutting line C. P. B.lelineeà f.R. and O. Z. team with help de wires the length P. 2. and the width P. 3. transport with the medium de- compafli, & of the lines R. S. & O. Z. of points 2. and 2. and in the same medium. I give the length P. and the width P. 4. let us finish the points 3. and 3. and finally the length-, P. 6. the width P. 7. the points 4. and 4. and find the points, close the figure, and we will have the intent noilro. LIBR or first To put the pentagon with vna delle fiue in the fcorcìo, do yerfi la vijìa i Chapter VIII. The ANO of difpoftelecofefolite, i.e. they cut 3. 4. 1. 1. And the cut line C. P. B. and the point L. of the widths, and eye D. is the true point of lengths, and from angle 4. it will draw vna line et | ^ lead over the line of the plane, which will end in point 4. and with the wire straightened to point 1. will pick the length P. 5. and with the thread L. straightened to point 1. fuocorriipon- tooth will take the width P. 6. c those carried, and crossed in the folito way, give us the points 1. 1. inside the lines (square, and with the same rule, points 2. and 2. and 3. and [close them] the figure, and with that same rule we will put in short briefly what desire content contained by li- rectum. To degrade the circle. Chapter I X. WE have seen in previous operations, how to put in fcor- that is, the righteous lynx figures, we do not need to fe and not to find what go fi habbino à lay the corners in the slope, which angles make up the- propofta figure, because trouati those, and from one to the other pulled straight lines, fi confcguifce the intent, and the same rule dances to degrade all the rectum linei. But because the circular figure has no poor angle it has in- finished, and nccefiario breath to degrade it deferiuere inside elle vn’poligo- 110, from which fi polla cauare the perfect circle down, when poifia- melld in short with the previous rules, but because in the operation there is no fcr- on the other hand, that angles will have to divide the circumference of the circle into some parts, and The two corners will support the corners of the polygon, as in the figure above, in which A. vial plane line, I). the point of the lengths L. the point of the widths, and the half circle to degrade them fiadiuifo of points 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. which represent us- not the angles of polygon referred to in the circle, from which the line of the plane falls lead, livening it in points 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. corresponding to the angles, c from those with the wire D. there in the cutting line the lengths P. 1. and P. 2. and P. 3. and from those of the the circumference f take the widths with the thread L. P. 2. and P. 3. and P. 4. and hauendo di already ordered the lines à fquadra R. S. and O. Z, interfacing between effa, is delirious, and from finiftra le- lengths corresponding to the widths will find points 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 in the slope. 8. 9. me. over which with diligent hand fi will defend around the ouato, which fenta the circle propofio. But in that place it does not seem to me to pafiarefottofilentio, which does not else the circle down which vata figure Ouata, called by Greeks Elipfi we pollia more ago- cilmente to degrade the noftro circle, folo with the ritrouare the greater width, which is noted- in the cutting line P. 6. however, let the line L. 6. touch the circle, and the longest g o. 1. prefers L. 6. for larger diameter, and 119. 1. for smaller diameter we will defer vna elipfi in the way, that the Illuftriflìmo, & dottiamo Lord Guidobaldo de ’Marchefi del Monto it marks the end of the fruitful book of the Planisphere. L IBRO P R i M O 'Ter will degrade a party plann pictures. Chapter X. I A the plane line A. the cut line P. C. B. the point of the widths L. the eye, and point of the lengths D. and N. has half of the plane to be digra- durh, diuifoperlengthwhichpartivgualihovannoh from points i. 2. 3. 4. 5. and for the half of the width it has diuifo from the points R. and H. Q_e N. c defended between the team lines in short, with the help of the Chapter the propoho plan, but not started, whose width is 9. 9.2. 2. and the lengths 9. 2.e9. 2. now to start the square proportionally to perfect, as far as the widths are concerned, diuiuerle them in equal parts, because those not elfendo views in short, they do not vary proportionc from the perfect; hano therefore diuifenc points G. H. 3. equattro, from which the lines G. 3. and H. 4. have been drawn and when well volchimo, pollia with hlo L. find in the cut line the mcdehme diuihoni, but that straightened to points R.darilediuihoni O. G. which made the G. H. into the slope and straightened to points H. N- piglieremolediuihoni I. Z. which in the downhill is 3. 3. To then find the fertile diuihoni Ia_ # length, dihendah the thread D. at points 1. 2. 3.4. 5. "S ^ notinh in the cut line P. C. P. 5. and P. 4. and P. 3. and P. 2. and P. 1. and those were transported over the team line O. Z. "If they have the O. 5. the 0. 4-Leo. 3. 0. 2. the Ò. 1. and for points 1. 2.3.4. 5. have pulled the para- lines lelle at 2. 2. c we will have the plan shared as h dehderaua. JPeV dfegnare in fcorcio the me de fimo piano party d lifie i Chapter X /. A prefente operatione will not different from the plaffé, except the diuihoni they will not be vguali, but by resuming the downward medehmo is the medehmoper fetto, as in the fruitful figure h sees, the perfect and diuifo à beneplacito in the lille, their terms in length hano 1. 2.3.4. 5. and in the width R. S " QjC.H. H. and trouate with hlo L. in the edge of the traps widths P. Z. P * G.e P. 5. have been transported down the sloping line 2.2.coh da delira as per lira ends in points 3. and 4. and 5. & prefe the furthest widths, which P. i.P. will return to the cutting line o.c P. 2. traportinh in the digrato fo- pra the other line forged 9. 9. coh from deftra, as from hniflra nepunti G. c O. is 2. made that trouinh with the help of the hlo D. in the cut line the terms noted in the length of the perfect, who will make P. 5. and P. 4. and P. 3. and P. 2. and P. 1. & qucfti have transfused in the line à team O. Z. as in the hgura h see, then pull from the points noted in width 9. 9. à the points their correspondents, lined in width 2. 2. and Humbly pull ndo for the points noted in the line. O. Z. lines parallel to line 2. 2. will we have the sloping noftro shared in Iihe? as it was nolira intention, as in hgura h sees. BOOK FIRST To slope the perfect square out of square into the fjord. Chapter XII. A P R fc. S E N T t operatone will do after the pacate in three cofe, vnaj and that in part to edere the villa in the middle of the battana to defend the mere deV the plant, which now lose the villa out of the sewer hi team the whole plant 1 other and that when the square will make chicken further from the line on the floor, the more you will shorten the digrato, and the first two! I line they transport them over the line to the team interning them to delusion and fi ' mitra, now fihanno da mterfepre da vna folabanda. Siaadunquela line! fX an i 1: 1> 7, ^ of the cut C. P. B. the eye, and point of the? e long !! i i • ,, ^ cleaned of the widths L, Jelincc à foindn R rt 7 c *. the nea of ​​the Zìa plane the perfect square A RTD li p ^ V a i * i * * ^ Setolali- r> ne points} and 4. and j. and 6. then I use the width P a and V 'with vn'compaflo fua cornfpondente length P. 8. fi have to interface between the lines! f! uadm a l "V f r ^ foioda man finiftra in point 2. likewise prefers the width P / eh fi! alm r odo k JjK h m a g P 8. trapor c,! fiinterfe! andolenelpunto 3 ^ Xpm Ubro hrThtZ P C Un§ Xt P h 7 'c l ^ rcc.mdcAc between the team lines, d? a in pLo 5 is 1 ™ nee a, eV a and S l "" Echino in point 4. and finally Stirino ter ; 3 '? • 4 - c j. 4. and 2. 5. and we will have the square out of square as a bifoguaua. " Ter pull tnprofpìttiua the mede fimo square with -one angle yerfio la yifla 1 Chapter XIII. '' 1 The ANO ordered the folite cofe neceffarie as in the figure fi fi, and Iìa dificatoil ! perfect square R. S. D a from 1 whose angles lie above the line dd plane! cX Tj perpendicular luuc, livening it in the corresponding points R. S. Q. D and nrpfr with 1 wires the P.S.width and the corresponding correspondent length P, 2. fianS trapomre ìntcrfecandoletralehneeafquadranelpunto 2. comefivededavna folabandihi nmente the width! 5, p.with the length P j.fiiuterfechi in point 5. laP .6 with the P -, in the step 4. and finally the width P. 4. with the length P. 3. f i inrerlèch ^ ondpimto 3. and close ^ . CHAPTER XII P'Xll K • - • • T ' 's' ! -. i - ~ - ■. ... ,. 00 or .- :: K .oar.i t < : \\> t ìì. : "; r / grt the ii'j ■> • - • t -.or h'o /; the. *> J . . 1 ... UiUnlOt ;; " TO . -na i • lon «.“ jlìfii fi Jb /. • rv) jfiuq i * ■ i: sngàl »nnrjn -Mi::::: i A NU1013Ù.IO & Ù X.. * • i • [obi.) ^? I.Vx: iÌ J-l ikupU 5 N? I? BOOK FIRST To put the figure in harmony, Ottogona is out of sight at Eira. Chapter XI III. WE have the two following operations, not because they are cofc in efle new 5 and diuerfe from the pallate, but folo to give occasion to those who work to make the more familiar the noftra regulates, through the diuerfity of the figures. Siano so as you see in the Ligurian feguentc mede in order, the line of the plane- no A. the cut line C. P. B. the point of the lengths D. the point of the L. widths and the R. O. Z. square lines and from the corners of the figure Ottogona fegnata T. fiano pull the commuter lines up the line nea of ​​the plan ^ livers it points i. 2. and 8. 3. c 7. 4. and 6. 5. à i qua- diphtheria the thread D. tie the cut line in points 2. 3. 4. and 5. and the L. wire straightened at the corners of the octagon, mark the cutting line at points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. then prefers the length P. 2. it coins was corresponding to the width P. 4. and intersecting- between the squared lines in the folitOjharemo mode, point 1. and then prefigure the length P. 2. with the width P. 7. is corrifpondcntc, they will give us the point 2. and then prefait the length ». P. 3. with the width P. 8. will interface them in point 3. and with the same offer interfacing each length with the corresponding width, we will notice between the water lines dra the remaining points 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. between which fcambieuolmente pulling straight lines, fi will close the degraded octagonal figure, as was our intention. Ter to mark the Circle outside the square * Chapter x v. . VESTA operation in the same way will not cause differia from the paffete ^ » with all that the circular figure of a nature contrary to the straight lines, that we trust her we will not be a circle, but a figure of many Latides- ferina inside the circle. Therefore, as in the figure fi see order- the cofe neceffarie, and the circle H. chicken fotto the line of the plan, fia diuifo in how many parts nc like, uuertendo however that in how many more will diuiderare, tan- the more points you will find, the more graded it will be close to the circular shape. So let the prefect diuifo partly led, and the Liano points noted with mere continuous from i, until 16. and as said fulfe circle vn'polygon rectilinear, limile to that of the previous Chapter, the corners of which are noted at the points in the circle cumulation works in the folitous way, by making each point of the circumference fall lines à lead, across the line of the plane, noting their terms with the numbers marked at the corresponding points teeth in the circumference of the circle, as in the figure lifcorge, and from those points we will take, in the the cutting line P. C. the lengths of the wire D. and straightening the other wire L. at the other points of the the circumference we will take the widths along the line of the cut P. B. then interfacing between the nee à fquadra each width with the corresponding length, will notice the points, which they will fall in the circumference of a figure ouata, - above which pulling with diligent said hand- circumference, we will have the noftro circle digged with me voleuamo * BOOK FIRST r fcr iifcgnanìn / horn tlpozjcp of qundrt shape. Cxpìttlo XVII. ER to begin with what is fuccintently stated in Chubby chapter; we propose to defend the shape well square, with the villa in mezo, of which the line of the plain half of the wood plant G. whose terms in the fiponda outside are R. S. T. V. & in the interior H.O. and from the plant (the profile N. of the height is straightened za who wants them, equcfto fi will do with doing (urging from the plant, this is by the firn ter perpendicular mini lines which are those ending in M. A. B. I. now fi would have for the ordinary rule to degrade the plant G. but for- tell them she will not be able to see in the slope that the T. V. chicken line is the point of the arguments at the dense place, but that of the lengths this is D. higher than the folito, accio polla fig- open the mouth and the well, take them with the thread L. the width T. V. which is in the line of the table C- P. B. will return to P. S. and prefers with wire D. the corresponding length which is the distance of the perfect of the cutting line, cioceffaP.V. which nàia line of the cut tomes P. 6. and crossed in Polito way between the lines a (square R. S. and O. Z. both from delusion and from finiftra we will have the points 2. 2. among which tirili vna straight line iella now to degrade the medefima plant G . mainvn'pianotanto ) iiù elcuato of the line R. P. -S. how much is the height of profile N., therefore spreading the wire D. al point F. which binds the cut line in point 5. line 5. 6. will make the one that represents us. the I.V. and because the point fi, ne) degraded gives us the points 2. 2. tirili Cover it line 2. 2. lcdue_. perpendicular 2. j.e 2. 3. equal to the line s.fi.òvcropertrouareimedefimi points 3. 3. take it. the length P. 8. with the corresponding height P. 5. & interfichinfi à delira, & à finiftra, which they will give the same points 3. 3. among which tirili vna straight line. Copra laquale goes defcato in fcorcio the 1 plan G. whose widths will mifure them in the folito way over the line P. B. but the lengths trust- I can take with the thread D. it does not cover the line of the plan R. P. L. but it covers the highest plane, the river is along the M. A. B. I. line, by purifying it above the cutting line C.P. therefore diftefo the thread D. al point B. the line P. C. blows in point 4. and prefers the length P. 4. & the corua correspondent width za P. 7. interfecate to the way folito da delira, c da finiftra, will give us the points 5. 5. Humbly dif- fo the wire D. A. and preface the length P. 3. with the width P. 5. and the interfecatecidarannopounti 6. 6. finally length 2. with wire M. and width P. 6. crossed will give us points 4. 4. join the lynxes 3. 4. c 5. fi. c 4. 4. c 6. 6. and fi. 5:04. 3. we will have defended the well, as fi de- fidcraua. Aucrt-ndo however, click on the same point, which in descending the planes by the lengths, in the putting the fodi in fcorcio will also give us the heights, but when we deal with elf we will call it fenza unlike any point of the heights, or true lengths. To put ilpozip in forks Get it. Chapter XVIII- ISEGNISI half of the plant D. as seen in the lines 1-3.fi. S.e 2. 4-j-7. From which the profile M. lurges at the height that defi fponda of the well, c from all angles of the plant, straight linesàpiom- bo vcrlo the eftrema line of the profile terminate in points corresponding to effe 1 .2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.8. and order the cut line, the team lines, the point of the the widths, and that of the lengths, piglin them in the folito way the widths with the L. diftefo wire at all corners of the plant along the cutting line P. 2.P.2. P.3.P.4.P. 5.P.6.P.7.P.8. and because they will not be able to see in the downhill slope that I make three of the well shaft, from the corner 6. of the leaded plant vna li- nea over the line of the plane, which blows it at point N. and with the wire D. diftefo à the points O. N. piglinli le-, lengths P. X. c P. H. then prefers the width P. 5. with the corresponding correspondent length P. X. which interfecate over the line from square to delt; to, and from finiftra, will give us points 2. 2. and the width P. 8. with the length P. H. pumÌ3-3-diftefopoiilfilo D. will give us all points of the profile, no- t i nfi in the cut line all the cuts contained between point P and the numbers 1. 2.3.4. 5 ■ fi.7-8.le qua- you interface them between the team lines, each with the corresponding width, we will end not all the points, which in the disgorgement of the piece fi ve, between which trouati that are, pulling the lines nce straight as you see it, the infcorcio well will defend them, as we have to do. BOOK FIRST Chapter x v r. me HAVING hitherto been largely around the rules of putting in icorciolc fuperncie contained coli de straight lines, as from circulars, & douen- I have to panare with the reasoning à the fojidi bodies, and with the rules of degrading them c! c l, ario f nma that we give hand douere make not small vtiJità, the di- clarify first with breue difcorfo, c prove that the following operations they will not be different from the pallate, eperfuadere eh. you learn that there is no haucrc cola iidfuna di nuouo, cheglihabbiada bring difficulties, every \ GuJa UIC he to mtefo well, and pofledenì the co fé said / ino to here. So it is from ■ rr. ,, f ^ cl; c chc t u mtcrcrc 1,1 pi / o / pettiua bodies (you hate, like fcale, cafe, Chiefe, & there - nini cdifiti, is nothing more than to degrade the medefima, ò diuerfe fupcrficie fra different planes, I say didèienturadi them to edere 1 vno chicken more, or less high than the other, such that who will prefo well the way of degrading the fupcrroccio, not cheating to fear, nor bewildering them of ivy to Clash in diffi- cu «some, ni. for many times the cofe fteffe, not by their nature, but due to firm difficulties mind, Scofcuran. -teda who treats them fogiiouo appear difficult, us to fiiggire quedo error with i ^ e ^ nanzuccrcheremod. cfply the concept noftro piùchi.irmnenre 1 • »r * wr» to E AD \ NQVE will try to put the cube A.B in depth into profpcttiua C. D. E. F. G. H. Whenever we have ritrouaro oue habbino them to be placed in the slope ° 1 * - eight Points A. B. C D. E. F. G. H. podiums at the corners of the cube, it is no doubt.