Words on layout, typography and relation of text and images
Only a few decades after modern printing was invented, this book shows characteristics in terms of layout, arrangement and margins as they can be found in today’s books. Nonetheless there are some attributes which can be distinguished and may ascribed to «old books».
The German text is printed in gothic letters what makes the language and its use highly distinctive in the first place. As well as the use of the virgule related to this german gothic text – and instead of the use of commas. We also find this big-lettered beginning of paragraphs what has been used in later centuries and still is so in newspapers nowadays. The text is printed with justification and line spacing is pretty small which gives the text a heavy and dense appearance on the paper. The paragraphs can roughly be seen as chapters at the same time. There is no other structure or hierarchy made visible.
The text is rather scientific and about mathematical insights. From a «contemporary» perspective the author has brought up fundamental work for a graphical understanding of mathematics. When geometric shapes are used and how they relate to space. To achieve an educational narration, the book starts with basic definitions e.g. straight/shaped/compass lines to subsequently introduce different constructive aspects and figures. This approach is accomplished by textual explanations followed by (mostly very exact) drawings.
The images show abstract line-drawn figures on one hand, to discuss multiple facets of proportional rules. On the other hand selected figures are illustrated with real objects like pilasters, columns or mechanical instruments.
The drawn figures often include measurements and letterings which refer to the text. Additionally they have legends or mostly at least a title. We also can see those legends (or titles) are printed in the same font and size as the text is.
Drawings are placed between parts of text as well as on the right side of paragraphs. Mostly well aligned in respect of «common» margins. Throughout the book, textual parts and images approximately occupy the same space.
OCR / Translation Excerpt