The text in the book “Raison d’architecture antique extraicte de Vitruve & autres anciens architecteurs”, written by Diego Sagredo is structured around the images and therefore each page looks a little different. This is one important point for the characteristic of this book and makes it very exciting.
Actually, there are no headings and all words, except T A M P E S O and P I C A R D are in the same font and font size. It is also noticeable that the first page of the book is a little out of line. Because on this page the title of the book „Raison d’Architecture antique, extract de Virtuve, & autres ancient Architecteurs“ is on each line written a little bit smaller than on the line before.
In the book there are around 120, nay 118 figures. This illustrations are mostly some details, such as the exact structure of a column, the composition of the capitals or the installation and interaction from column, capital & arch. In addition, there are occasional mathematical representations or tables that should help to determine the proportions. He shows us also some reference figures with part of the body to clarify the proportional drawings. But in the whole book you can’t find a perspective view, because this kind of drawing wouldn’t match to the others.
It also varies a lot with the size of the pictures. There are full-page pictures or pages that have up to six pictures. I would say that the more illustrations are on one page, the smaller they are.
However, it should be noted that the pictures have no picture comment directly under the picture, but that the whole illustration is described by the text. This makes it clear to the reader that it is important to read the text and that the images serve only as support. The pictures support the text and thus make the description clearer.
well done hun