that will fall between two pieces of wood, as well as make ks ingiris made, to give great cocufsions and auec tel in4 he: rumec put a ucat of paulx or poineks, he This RIF.1 of neccfsicŽ. The DC[qucls pauh:,fc must be cmre laffcr auec tringles, ainfi que bayeso, ou cbies bi‘n fortes: & y conuicndra cmremcikr of well-beaten coal. Ainu conilimcr js Les prcmicrcs pierreso, auec cymcnc: & fotent touGours the most grofles that we can, for fondemes, aucc La chaulx y dbnc nccdE1ire. And fi the place or EU cdifies, dl to do reGdcncc daily: you will set ddfus the clurbon wool, wad, & cfcorce, forwhat \ 1uecce s ' ad1oinet La chaub, & s'courcit & cofermem1eulx, come it {C hole in mold of Roman Fon < lemens, which dtoient make pjr grans ouuriers, affin de garder leurs edificcs Earth treblcmenc, & tcrrcmotc. PIC AR D. L\1Y iugc: ment que fur tous 11 conuicnt que B chauLll foit good, & confequcmment Le morcier: pourcc la vouldroy the cognoifrc. T A M P Es O. any chaulx dl good that dl hard stone faietc,& blanche.La good chaulx do1bt pckr (when it dl cmetc )VN third less, than it does fa1foic parauam. The chaulx that FE derompt, when we pull it from the oven, dl: not fi good, than the one that FC keeps cmic: rc: aufsi celle qui fonne, quand elle dl: Touche, ainsi que faiŽt vn well-cooked earthen pot. Another figne of goodness dl, when we 1amouille, ellegette hault exhalations, & renders vapors concrcmont, deC. what cf..rroufec.That chaulx dl good, & feuffremore S C H s'allie & ioinŽl: miculx aucc stones QM font de Fon quartier & pierrenc nattuity & lineage. And from the Comes that all ri: rrc s'atlic miculx aucc chaulx who dl De fa nation.Gold does not crowd 11 auoir moms de foucy de l'arne & fablon who (c mdlc a¥ 1cc fad1Že chaulx. He proponion of the mortar, which was made p, 1rles antiques do1t, to. fauoir crois rneforc: s D'arnc de mer or 1 iuiere, & vne ch; rnlx. Ec fi the other cfroit caucas111erc, that is to say, spring in C: mcrne, Ion luy en donnoic quatre: & when 1b want to make strong tenantr, & large compaŽl: 1on, 1is adioufroienc au1Ž mortier B tierce partie you've lost her, small fractions: & such mortar make ed1fiez benches, & other cd1ficcs grans ..miqucs de Rome. And fe DoITT fore stir & pdlrir, to mefler well lefdieies maticres.Et do not incontinent fedo1bc put in oeuure, but dl: best do it by a few ioun, auant than use it. He was iadis fait des loix & fl: acur1. for art de m..tonncne, & cfl: held 2. architectural officers to make chaulx mortar for sale: & fi ne dcbuoycnt sell chaulx which was only made three years of the mo-ns. t ncore AU ition they loy that the maillre archttceleur who charge of VN ed1fice, dleit held of f..Juoir cal luler & do dcd..ration am. cicoyens or bourgeois of cc that pouuoitcoufl:er entieremcnc lc1 maifon or ed1ficc that he want to do, & b maciere he conuenoit auoir, in order that we fe pourucu.ll of the nccdfaircs chofcs auant que de com.. mcncer, & let us not enter anything, finon que la pm{fance & facuh.t of the edificacor couldbring.On this Ion pre noit by cfcript the name of the editor, which fe ch..rgco1c of edi6.ce, & dl: oientfes Bies obligez, iufques ˆ la perfed: ion icduy. And if it were failly to declare the oeu coufiange¥ the court held that,where a person is liable to pay more than he was taxed, he is liable to pay more than he was taxed. to pay the furplus, for fc.s goods: fi La cou{l: angc excedoit la part four of the cc he had prepared, it took furfes goods : &if he says exaekmement auo1t coufiange ou .. urage, Il dl: oit falariŽ de gloire, & de dons, quc luy faifoit city. For CC when no one wants to build, he must provide auoir some good maifl: ree, who informs him first of coufl: & dc [pence qn' on fera ˆ la befongnee, & aufsi Des matiercs that it must amatfer,at the end of 1U * on face clumps of material,& queeleedefirequ'onade veoir a perfcŽion de Fon entrcprinfe, do NOT liver delayed by default . & fi fault trauailler for put a lot of good uuriers, who in short time puiffentetofl: & well fatisf.that's what you wanted. En quoy faifant you will not have fellement delcttation, but VN grad honor & Grand fulagement pur toy & your family. And certainly with many ouuricrs who do diligenc.., on accroill tantofi VN Edio.this. It fe reads from Dauid,& s..Iomon, quc when they wanted to build the temple of Hierufalem, they ap prefierent premier large fommes d'or & d'argent, & then mctaul: x, stones, boys, & other chofes ncceffaires in edi6er, since there is nothing wrong with it is necessary to make such confirmation. Then they wrote back to the Indians by meifagers that they were in.: uoyaifeotles bons maillres & ouuriers, qui Fe trouuoy in their kingdoms: that which was done. And when they were ve.nui> they enco.... L'eu..u: e, which #5 p....irent en eight. edi6.ce, & dl: oientfes Bies obligez, iufques ˆ la perfed: ion icduy. And if it were failly to declare the oeu coufiange¥ the court held that,where a person is liable to pay more than he was taxed, he is liable to pay more than he was taxed. to pay the furplus, for fc.s goods: fi La cou{l: angc excedoit la part four of the cc he had prepared, it took furfes goods : &if he says exaekmement auo1t coufiange ou .. urage, Il dl: oit falariŽ de gloire, & de dons, quc luy faifoit city. For CC when no one wants to build, he must provide auoir some good maifl: ree, who informs him first of coufl: & dc [pence qn' on fera ˆ la befongnee, & aufsi Des matiercs that it must amatfer,at the end of 1U * on face clumps of material,& queeleedefirequ'onade veoir a perfcŽion de Fon entrcprinfe, do NOT liver delayed by default . & fi fault trauailler for put a lot of good uuriers, who in short time puiffentetofl: & well fatisf.that's what you wanted. En quoy faifant you will not have fellement delcttation, but VN grad honor & Grand fulagement pur toy & your family. And certainly with many ouuricrs who do diligenc.., on accroill tantofi VN Edio.this. It fe reads from Dauid,& s..Iomon, quc when they wanted to build the temple of Hierufalem, they ap prefierent premier large fommes d'or & d'argent, & then mctaul: x, stones, boys, & other chofes ncceffaires in edi6er, since there is nothing wrong with it is necessary to make such confirmation. Then they wrote back to the Indians by meifagers that they were in.: uoyaifeotles bons maillres & ouuriers, qui Fe trouuoy in their kingdoms: that which was done. And when they were ve.nui> they enco.... L'eu..u: e, which #5 p....irent en eight. 56' buiŽ annŽese. As much as Alexander reads; Who in large number of uuriers built with the Roy Tho Association.. mas vne cite, en l ' ef pacc de fept iours ¥ n abuchodonofor in the same way, the Temple of Bdus was completed in fifteen days,& in other fifteen iours built three walls around the the city of Babylon. Many other buildings have been built in short time to. the aydc of more ouuriers than the purroye well say: but IC confidere that who much by the, A lot wanders. Parquoy ie delibere hold filence, & impofer end my harsh words, affin que mes ineptttudes no longer last. But since you have attached the effect of your defir, which is right de f..then e‰ifier to the fiecle, require God to give you ff.the uoir edifier La hault en paradis, ainfi que fcit fainŽt Thomas for the King of India , felon que contient fa legendee, ˆ fin that we could illec pardurably render benedietion stir.1in world machine Edifier. Q!!i live & reign triumph.1mmcnt in fon Kingdom glorious bening, & mifericors, by all the ftecles of fiecles. Amen. END.