i chose this page because, you can understand the fragility and delicacy of these old books. if you look closely you can see, through the page, the text written on the back.
When I went to visit the Book ” Descrizione e studj dell’insigne fabbrica di S. Maria del Fiore” by Bernardo Sansone Sgrilli I was impressed by the nice cover and it`s condition. I chose those 2 specific pages especially because of their representation. Student Nr. 21-926-720
Charles le Brun – Grand escalier du château de Versailles
I had the great pleasure to view the book “Architectura de postium seu portalium” by Wendel Dietterlin. I chose the pages 114 and 116 but all pages looked great. The book was very stable and in impeccable condition, that’s what impressed me the most. Overall it was a great experience. Laisa Bispo Student number: 19-735-414
François Blondel – Nouvelle maniere de fortifier les places (1686) I chose these two pages because I liked the illustrations and how they introduce the second part of the book. I was surprised about the size of the book as I expected it to be larger than 17cm.
Giovanni Poleni – “Exercitationes Vitruvianae” These are the digital versions of the two pages I chose. I liked how the author divided the different paragraphs of the first page and the second page I chose because of the big “I” on the left side of the page. It reminded me of a scene in a…

ArchitecturaKramer, Gabriel
Screenshots Visit at the Hochschularchiv