-Colona Traiana eretta dal Senato -Pietro Santo Bartoli –Rom, 1673 I choosed this page because I like how detailed and small the coins are drawn and how good they show the atmosphere of this time. Also some important temples are drawn. The importance of farm animals is noticeable. I like how the background lenses out….
I found these two photos very interesting because of the particular way in which the size of these columns is shown. You can perfectly appreciate the greatness that they had. It is also very interesting to think how they managed to build these columns so long ago.The book has a hard cover that looks like…
The book is beautifully bound in a very large cover and with thick pigmented paper.
Author: Alberghetti, Giusto Emilio Albrizzi Title: Compendio della fortificatione Interesting and very beautiful first letter Nice drawings. Book is very simple from the outside
The book is printed and not handwritten as i first expected, also all the illustrations are quite impressively and carefully printed on the pages.
At first glance the book seemed to be in pretty good shape and the book cover felt very sturdy. However the pages already had small tears, stains and were undulating which is why we were reminded to be gentle with them.
Reigle générale d’architecture – Jean Bullant I chose these two pages for the reason that they both contain a detailed picture which in my opinion is very nicely done. I find that the pictures are clean and very helpful for learning. The quality of the book still is quite well preserved. The book is rather…
Jean du Bruil 1674 I chose the following pages because they show that the concepts architecture follows are timeless. The basic geometric constructions do not have to change and they will never have to change. We don’t build fortresses like that today, but we build them exactly the same.