The title of the book reveals two important aspects of what the book could be about. One is architecture and the second is the adjective civil. It suggests a kind of popularity through the title, that the book may not only be about civil architecture, but also written in a language that can be understood…
Friends with an old book: Argument V Columnae von Hans Blum Der Inhalt «V Columnae von Hans Blum gedruckt im Jahre 1596 zählt auch heute noch zu interessanten und wichtigen Ansätze für Architekten. Das lateinische Wort «Columnae» wird als «Säule» in die deutsche Sprache übersetzt. Der Buchstabe «V» steht für die römische Ziffer fünf. Somit…
The titel of the book means that the trajans column was built by the senate and the roman people to the emperor trajan agustus in his forum in rome.It is telling about the history of the Dacian War. So the topics are Trajans Column, the Dacian War 1, the Dacian War 2 and the Dacians. …
The name of the book, “Cours d’architecture, ou Traité de la décoration, distribution &construction des bâtiments”, indicates that it gives lessons about the ornamentality, proportion, and construction of buildings. It can be used as a textbook or reference book for students or architects around year 1771. The table of content is followed by a very…
The title already reveals a lot about the content of the book “Instituzione pratica dell’ architettura civile per la decorazione de’ pubblici, e privati edifice” followed by “preceduta da un articolo di Geometria in pratica ad uso delli disegnatori, et artefici / di Paolo Federico Bianchi” which translated in English means Practical institution of civil architecture for…
“A dissertation on oriental gardening” By reading the title of the book you immediately find out important information about it: it is about oriental gardening and is directed to anyone who is interested in it. It can most likely be used as a form of encyclopedia for gardening. Unfortunately, the book doesn’t have a list…
Friend with an old book Task 2 – Argument My Friend “L’art d’appareil” was written in the in 1756. Its origin is in French in Paris. Any further Information where hard to find, there is also not much known about the author only his name is written on the first page, which is Prof. Menand….
2. Argument – 166
2. Argument Because the title is rather long I know without translation that it must contain a certain level of information. With translation it’s clear that the title is rather accurate and leaves no uncertainty about its content. As there is little text in the whole book it gives off the feeling of a city…
Della architettura von Viola Zanini ist ein architektonisch technisch-praktisches Handbuch der Renaissance. Der Autor, Giuseppe Viola Zanini, war ein erfahrener Kartograph und Architekt. Er stammte aus einer Familie von Baumeistern: Sein Großvater war Maurer und sein Vater war in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 16. Jahrhunderts in der Stadt Padua im Baugewerbe tätig. Der eigentliche Mentor…
Johann Rudolph Feasch – Des Jacobi Barozzi von Vignola Grund Regeln The title says that’s it’s some kind of basic knowledge about columns. I think it’s speaking to everyone who wants to learn something new about columns especially the different kinds and styles since there are a lot pictures in it. The original book had…