-Colona Traiana eretta dal Senato -Pietro Santi Bartoli -1673
Category: Greetings
The reasons why I chose these two pages are the beautiful initials which I immediately connect to old books, the detailed drawing at the top of page 141 and the interesting concept and explanation on how it is constructed on page 277. The handmade sheets are glued and stitched together again by hand and bound…
“Logometron architecturae militaris Freitagianae”, Andreas Alexander, 1665
Greetings_160_Philipp Herzog
The book was way smaller than i imagined. In fact, it was more like a paperback, but still very costly made and decorated. I believe to know the side of the paper was covered with thin gold and it seemed like there used to be a kind of painting or geometry printed on it as…

The Villas of the ancients illustrated by Robert Castell I choose these pages as the author explains the position of the Villa in its surounding area and the location of the adjoining buildings, the different gardens and the topograhy. Furthermore all this information is mentioned in a beautiful siteplan. In this picture you can see…

Jean du Breuil, l’art universel des fortifications , Paris, 1674 I chose the following image because it is the first illustration of the book, it has some kind of introductory role. I chose the second image below due to its link with the first image, it is essentially the same drawing which Mars is holding…
I chose these pages, because they both had some form of decoration.

The villas of the ancients illustrated von Robert Castell I choose these two pages of the book, as the director refers directly to Vitruvius in his text about the Tuscum-Villa and the detailed drawing of the villa shows a great overview of the beautiful building. In this picture you can see that the size of…
– Le théâtre de l’art de charpentier, enrichi de diverses figures, avecl’interprétation d’icelles – Jousse, Mathurin Griveau – 1650 Page 118 appealed to me because of its shapes and symmetry. The other page I found exciting because we just had that in class and I could compare it with the lecture. It felt like, as…