The first book page I selected: The second book page I selected: The book has very thin / fine pages and the binding of the book is a hardcover.
Category: Greetings
I chose these two pages, because the illustration on these chapter covers are very interesting.
Title : Reigle générale d’architecture des cinq manières de colonnes : à scavoir, tuscane, dorique, ionique, corinth et composite : livre enrichy de plusieurs autres, à l’exemple de l’antique Author : Jean Bullant (1510-1578) Publication date : 1647 Language : french Location : ETH Zürich ETH Bibliothek RA Rara Rar 88 Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zürich…
The villas of the ancients illustrated von Robert Castell
Titel: Theatrum architecturae civilis Author: Carlo Dieussart In this chapter the author Carlo Dieussart (ca. 1625-1696) discusses the proportions of the windows and illustrates his results with help of different sketches. He uses circles (the perfect shape) as the element to define the width and the height of the window and presents this definition as…
Extraordinario libro by Sebastiano Serlio (1551) I chose this picture on page 36 because the form of this entrance stood out to me. This picture on page 18 shows a nice contrast to the first picture, because the distribution of density of detail is very different.
Full title: Delle Basiliche Antiche Author: Enea Arnaldi Publication date: 1769, Vicenza Language: Italian Location of physical copy: ETH Zürich ETH-Bibliothek Rara und Karten Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zürich Schweiz Digital copy: I chose the following pages because they represent the combination this book was written in. It’s not only the text or theory explaining…