Full title: Delle Basiliche Antiche
Author: Enea Arnaldi
Publication date: 1769, Vicenza
Language: Italian
Location of physical copy:
ETH Zürich
Rara und Karten
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich
Digital copy: https://www.e-rara.ch/zut/doi/10.3931/e-rara-367

I chose the following pages because they represent the combination this book was written in. It’s not only the text or theory explaining everything but also the detailed sketches, which help see what the author means. As the title says, the book is about different basilicas and their construction. The author tries to explain different patterns with the help of drawings but also in a philosophical way by quoting diverse philosophers and artists like Cicero. At the end, Arnaldi lists the literature he used and by no surprise we can see Vitruvius appear there.