Titel: Theatrum architecturae civilis
Author: Carlo Dieussart
In this chapter the author Carlo Dieussart (ca. 1625-1696) discusses the proportions of the windows and illustrates his results with help of different sketches. He uses circles (the perfect shape) as the element to define the width and the height of the window and presents this definition as something that must be considered and followed by every architect. C. Dieussart also mentions Vitruvius, so I suppose Vitruvius´ conclusions could be a foundation of his research. For me this connection to the Vitruvius´ ideas is very exciting and that is the reason why I have chosen these two pages.

The book cover is out of leather, and it does not contain any ornaments (that was unexpected). The book is around 4cm thick and the paper is very thin (you must be very careful when thumbing through the book).