The structure of the book «Dichiarazioni della Pianta dell’antiche Siracuse» by Vincenzo Mirabella seems quite random in the beginning. When analyzing the first part of the book, you will find the text moving from one side to another, changing between about four font sizes and even changing the language from latin to italian.
In the main part of the book the language is italian. The text seems to have a higher importance than the pictures as it’s mass clearly overweighs the amount of illustrations. The pictures appear just to be clarification of certain points made in the text.
It is organized in chapters, which are labeled in twice the font size compared to the actual text. You will find an overview of these chapters in the index at the end of the book. The pages are numbered at the top and range up to 126. The index is organized in alphabetical order.
The text is accompanied by a lot of different illustrations. None of them are numbered or labeled in any way. There are ornaments and decorated first letters with no obvious reason. Later in the book you will find illustrations most of which fill whole pages. Many of the illustrations show a birds-eye-view kind of map, containing a part of a city, a shore and a stretch of water with a ship on it. Very few architectural illustrations, such as a ground plan, also appear in the book. There is a part rather at the end of the book which focuses on medals. Therefore it has a lot of illustrations of medals, often with faces on them.
I am not quite sure about the use of the book. I’m guessing that it is an academic study, with a lot of history to it.