The first key word, I asked Alice to find was “Isaac Ware” in the “Xenotheka Library”- Brain to find if he had been mentioned in other publications. “Elements of Architecture” by Rem Koolhaas (published 2010) caught my eye because it’s contents focus on mostly on similar elements like Ware such as ceilings, roofs, doors, stairs and facades but in a artistic photography and illustrations. The two compared books do not contain much text, usually only having a descriptive caption. Even though both Koolhaas and Ware focus on the same components of Architecture, theirs portrayal is very different. I would say, that Koolhaas’ Book is the modern interpretation of Isaac Ware’s works.
Most of Isaac Wares Illustrations focus on Neoclassical Architecture and because of this is chose “British Neoclassical” in “Xenothekas Library”-Brain. This search led me to Henry Mallgrave’s “Architecture Theory – Vol.1”, in which he discusses different architectural movements like renaissance, classicism, neoclassicism and historicism. In this 600 page book published in 2006 two chapters focus on Isaac Ware and also give us detailed explanations and relevant information for the neoclassical era in Britain. From reading the chapters mentioned above I found out, that Ware was a prominent member of the Palladian movement. At this time (circa 1750), the French had been developing the neoclassical movement, so this new movement enforced by Ware in his book make him a more important figure that I previously known.