The Book „perspectiva” written by Hansen Lenckers (1523-1585) was published in 1617. It’s written in an ancient German, which makes it extremely complicated to read and understand. I tried to read a paragraph but the letters are not written the same as we know them. It has also different font types to separate the titles, subtitles and the text. The title leads me to expect the books topic being about perspective drawing although I must admit I’m not completely sure about that, but the drawings and sketches support my thinking. On almost every page I found architectural drawings and sketches from different perspectives. The illustrations are mostly really big, because t the time they couldn’t print small pictures. The sketches are really detailed and they seem to be used for some constructions. There is a big variety of types of the sketches! From small detail sketches to big sketches. Every Sketch has a number or a letter and I suggest that, that number or a letter refers to some parts of the text or it shows the order which the sketches should be looked at.
You’ll find sketches in every chapter, which means the sketches are well distribute.
The book is divided in many different and small chapters. Every chapter has its own title. The book consists of only 43 pages and 27 illustrations. The illustrations are hand sketched and at some points difficult to understand what the sketch means.
Nearly half the book consists of this illustrations which clearly shows the emphasis of this book is laid on them.
Because I couldn’t find the txt of my book I received a txt file from another book:
“A treatise on Ancient painting” from George Turnbull.
A treatise on ancient painting, containing observations on the rise, progress, and decline of that art amongst the Greeks and Romans. The book refers to some characters like Raphael, Michelangelo, Nicholas Poussin, and more.