The book description nouvelle de la vile de Paris is organized as a two part volume book. The headings are easily recognizable because they are always written in a bold font and there is always space between the paragraph and the continuous text. The book outlines different places in Paris and describes them. Every time the topic switches from one place to another the first letter of the new paragraph is always a bold capital letter. The margin on the bottom the top and the left and right side of the paragraph is always the same.
The major part of the books contains continuous text and there are only a few architectural illustrations. All of the drawings are detailed central perspectives of buildings.
The images always claim at least one whole page of the book without any text. There are some folded double pages if there are bigger building complexes pictured and more space needed. The images have a heading on the top of the page. The shown building is always matching to the chapter and the written text and shows us what the name of the building is.
The images do not claim a lot of space in the book even though they are always located on one whole page. There are less than ten illustrations in the book and a lot of written text. The rare amount of images lead to an even more important role of the visual parts in the book. That means that the reader pays even more attention to the divergent parts.
The use of this book is for sure for people who are interested in the city of Paris and want to know more about its places. Description nouvelle de la vile de Paris does not seem to have a very aloof language and seems to be easily understandable for every person.