The book by Claude Perrault follows a very strict structure of text, tables and illustrations. The epistle at the beginning of the book seems to be handwritten by the author himself and only extends over 3 pages. The curved text is nevertheless very neatly written in block letters and in one column.
The following foreword follows the same structure, only that now the font is much tidier and more readable. The block capitals seem to be more like a scientific text now. The font size is rather small but still easy to read. This form now stretches over 27 pages, without any illustration or similar. The author hardly uses paragraphs, about two per page. As in the epistle, the text is always oriented towards the book Bund and does not take up the full page. There is always a thick empty margin on the outer pages. This arrangement of the pages seems to extend over the whole book.
The preface is followed by the table of contents. Very simple, simple structure, but nevertheless it seems a bit untidy.
Now the first main part of the book begins. As in the preface, the text is in easy to read block letters and in one column. The structure has changed into several subchapters, which stretch over about 3 pages. But now the pages are not only filled with text. Single tables, different sizes and shapes complement the otherwise strict text. The tables seem to be made by hand. The lines are often not completely straight and partly end in a blank instead of the next line. Nevertheless, they appear quite orderly and schematic. They appear about every 4-5 pages.
After now 35 pages the second main part begins. In this part all 5 column types are analyzed. Each type is summarized in a similarly structured chapter. This consists of text, a schematic illustration and a very detailed stick at the end of the chapter. This illustration shows the column type and all its details on one page. The 5 types are followed by further analyses in text form, which are supported by very sparse and simple illustrations. The book ends with this chapter.
All in all, the text seems very scientific and organized. The formatting remains the same throughout the book. The only detailed images are always found at the same place in the chapter.