The text in the book: Alberti Dureri clarissimi pictoris et geometræ De sym[m]etria partium in rectis formis hu[m]anorum corporum, libri, written by Albrecht Dürer is mostly formatted in block text and aligned in the middle of the page. The text is composed in one column, whereas the picture descriptions are written in two columns. The page margins are generously and leave enough space for marginal notes.
The headings are centred in the middle of the page are written in a larger and thicker font, than the rest of the text. The font remains the same throughout the entire text.
The book contains about 83 illustration spread on the 133 pages. The illustrations show the proportions and the symmetry of the human body (men, female and child). Furthermore, he goes more into detail about the proportions and the symmetry of the face, hands, the feet and the posture of the different bodies. The illustrations are mostly pretty big and fill out an entire page. On the other page, next to the illustration, there is the picture description located, which names all parts.
There are no titles or numbers for the illustrations, which makes it a little more difficult to talk about the pictures with others or refer to the pictures, when writing an essay or paper.
The illustrations take up a lot of space. They take in a central role throughout the whole book because if you look through the book it appears as if there would be mainly only pictures.
The book starts with a sight on the whole body and then there is a detailed focus on the different parts of the body. Generally, one could say that it is a book for academic study and not book that most of the people would read in their leisure time.
I had a hard time doing this task with the book, that I originally had. So I did the task with another book, but by the same author.