Because the book «The plans, elevations and sections; chimney-pieces, and cielings of Houghton in Norfolk; the seat of the Rt. Honourable Sr. Robert Walpole; first Lord Commissioner of the Treasury, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Knt. of the Most Noble Order of the Garter» written by Isaac Ware was not available in the library of Werner Oechslin this task is also made with another book from the same author called «A complete body of architecture, adorned with plans and elevations, from original designs».
The font looks like a central font of the public newspapers and is about 12 points tall. A few centimetres were left on all four sides of the text block. There are some columns and paragraphs on most pages. The first letter of each page is highlighted. The rest of the first word is finished in a second, somewhat smaller font before the text continues in normal size.
There are much of images and illustrations in addition of the explanation in text form. On some of them you see examples for facades with columns, on other ones are bridges with construction details or there are churches which are designed in different orders. You’ll also find a lot of schemes perspective views.
Often the images and illustrations are very tall. For that reason most of them are foldout spreads which allows you to watch at the drawings in detail. All illustrations are numbered and categorized. Also the illustrator is known. Illustrations take up about a third of the book. So you can see their important meaning for the book.
In its form, the book itself stands for an academic background. It was probably used for study purposes, and thus also written for it.