The text in the book `Leipziger Architectur- Kunst- und Seulen-Buch: Worinne nicht allein die fünff Seulen nach ihrer Ordnung, und sehr leichten Art, dieselben bald zu erlernen, sondern auch von unterschiedenen Altären, sowohl mit als ohne Cantzeln, Alcoven, Portalen, Thüren, Fenstern … und was zu Auszierung Kirchen und prächtigen Gebäuden vonnöthen, insonderheit Köthen oder Schräncke, Betten, Schreibe-Tische, Stühle [et]c. Wie solches alles nach guten Maaß und Ordnung kan eingetheilet und verfertiget werden` written by Johann Christian Senckeisen, was laid out in a gothic font in justified type. Since the book was self-printed, the text passages are not always nicely arranged.
The book was divided into a foreword and a chapter, both of which begin with a large and floral-decorated initial letter. Illustrations and texts alternate repeatedly, so that every second page is shaped by an illustration. Through traditional copper engravings, the illustrations show detailed photographs of columnar capitals, altars, doors and chairs. By means of the detail shots you can clearly see the various ornamentation variants of the item mentioned.
The illustrations always refer to the preceding text page and thus visually underline the text.
The book contains a total of 54 pages of text and 35 pages of pictures, which makes a total of 89 pages.
The book is read as an academic read. This is clearly evident from the structure chosen. The many engravings serve as an aid to understanding the academic text.
The document attached is the English translation of the book `Gedanken über die Nachahmung der griechischen Werke in der Malerei und Bildhauerkunst` since my actual book was not recognized by the OCR program.