Bibièna’s book always leaves the left page blank while showing a drawing on the right page. The drawings are accompanied by a short description below and are numbered from one to fifty. Drawings 1-24 are in portrait format and only the location of the depicted scene is indicated, whereas drawings 25-50 are in landscape format and some of them have more elaborate descriptions. The font size is quite small, and most letters seem to be handwritten. The font type looks baroque (cursive). This excludes the front page, which contains printed letters of bigger size. Bibièna used different font types on the first page, but they all look Roman (as if carved in stone).
Often, pictures are grouped and show different aspects of the same structure, sometimes even the plan view. In some plan views, e.g. image 17, Bibièna included a note on the structure’s significance. The book is designed to be a collection of drawings and therefore, contains very little text. Apart from the descriptions and notes on the drawings, the only other text is found on the front page. Thus, the drawings occupy most of the space in the book. The organization of the book suggests that Bibièna intended the book as a study of different spaces. Bibièna drew these spaces in different states (e.g. empty and filled with people) and probably sometimes included elements that he simply imagined but were not really there (e.g. obelisks in various drawings). However, this is an interpretation based solely on the organization of the book. Unfortunately, there is not any other additional information on Bibièna’s book in a language other than Italian (which I do not speak).
Since Bibièna’s book was not suitable for OCR due to its high content of drawings and because the letters were not readable for the computer program, I used the book “Contrasts: A Parallel between the Noble Edifices of the Fourteenth and the Fifteenth Centuries, and Similar Buildings of the Present Day” by Pugin for task 4.