Architecture” written by William Halfpenny, is a book about the five orders.
The first page reveals the entire title of the book and explains what the it’s
all about. On the following double page, you will find a dedication to Thomas
Frankland and a preface.
The main content of the book are images of elements from the five orders. The
images are architectural drawings. Some of them are very precise and realistic.
They show a lot of details and are shaded as well. Other drawings are very
simple, composed of the outline only. All drawings are always placed on the
right side of a double page meanwhile the left side contains text and tables.
The font size of the words diversify sometimes even in the same sentences as well
as the style of lettering. Some words are written in block capitals others in
cursive writing. The tables include the proportions from the drawings on the
right side, representing the five orders. Every second double page of the book
is blank. The pages are numbered except for the blank ones. The drawings aren’t
numbered separately. The tables as well as the drawings are framed and don’t
fill out the whole page. There are huge margins.