The book Porte d’architettura rustica by Orazio Peruzzi is a collection of etchings showing doorways of rustic architecture in Italy and therefore only consists of illustrations. According to this composition, the book presents itself as a study/documentation of a specific kind of doorways and might be used as an inspirational source for architects.
Most of the text which can be found in this book is the one on the frontispiece, where the title, the names of the authors and the dedications are placed in the middle of an etching, under the arch of a rustic doorway.
Furthermore, all the etchings are labelled on the very bottom of each illustration. On the bottom left edge of the etching there is always Peruzzi’s signature or initial and on the bottom right side there can be found information about the location of the illustrated doorway (mostly “Il Corio” or “Il Coriolano”).
The text on the frontispiece is written in Capitalis Monumentalis (or at least in a font very similar to the CM), whereas the font used for the labellings also contains small letters and curved elements.
In one case, the doorway itself contains text in the form of an inscription as an “eternal memorial” (AETERNAE MEMORIAE) for someone.
Because the book contains hardly any content in written form, the illustrations should speak for themselves and therefore seem to be way more important than the text.
Most of the etchings are aligned in an upright format an do perfectly fit the pages. Only one of them is laid-out as a landscape format and another one is slightly bigger than the size of the page and can thus be unfolded.
Since my book contains hardly any text, I used a different book for this particular task. My “substitute book” for this part is Recherches curieuses d’antiquité by Jacob Spon from 1683, which introduces the reader to the author’s studies of antiquities. For further information about this book, look at the description on Xenotheka: