Insignium Romae Templorum means the following:
The most significant of Romes temples and it is written by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi.
The book in general contains almost only pictures, images and not really any, well very little text. So I have decided starting off to choose the first three pages, because they are very important to the book in a whole. Because with those few words written in the beginning the book gets defined and explains the content to the writer. Without it we as the readers would see and find interesting images, but if not already familiar with the buildings we would have no context and clue to what the books about whatsoever. I think the second image is of Saint Peter raising the lame beggar back on his feet, is in itself of course a topic of great interest.
This page stuck to my eye because it’s more or less except for the first pages the only page wich contains written text. Basically it is a table of contents wich we get in plans nowadays.
At the end of the book of course, if you’re writing about Romes most significant temples, we find the infamous San Pietro in Vatican.
The contrast of the first image wich shows the big surrounding area around and with the San Pietro following an interior image of the San Pietro I found interesting while I was flicking through the book.