This page is the following one. What I found confusing is that it seems like it’s the page on the right site and there is one missing on the left. Probably it’s an empty page but as I had a look at the rest of the book it seemed like usually were white pages shown aswell. I wonder what might be the reason to cut this one right before page 5 out.
It’s the very beginning of the book after a little intro before the pages of the map. As the title of this chapter says it’s about a description of the Kingdom of France. It’s interesting how slashes are used a lot. Additionally there are almost no spaces between the lines and every line is written until the end of the page. It seems like the paper was expensive and there had to be printed as much text as possible onto it. Some words are bold and others not. The ones which aren’t, are written much more easy to read with a less adorned texture. From page 6 in the middle, there are even two colums and the size of the writing is a little smaller than before.