On argument 75 I came to this book by searching for “Vignola”. Since my book – Cours d’Architecture – is about the orders of Vignole and his comments, illustrations and descriptions of his most beautiful buildings. The first thing that stands out is the book cover, this book being all color and mine supposed to…
Tag: #86
To explore AskAlice I started simple and searched up the author of my book (Cours d’architecture – Augustin D’Avile). For the topic I have chosen architect and as Alice’s brain I went with Xenotheka Library. However, the results were not really helpful because the only informative thing I found out is that he and his…
To find similar Books to my Cours d’architecture by Augustin D’Aviler I started my search with Alice by Setting the text to „column-orders“ and the brain to „column“ This lead me directly to my first book wich I find has a strong relation to mine. It is called „Style“ and it is written by Gottfried…
The book “Cours d’architecture” was written by Augustin-Charles d’Avelier, a French architect. He went to Rome, where he learned a lot of the architecture and their architects. The full title of the book gives us the information, that the topic of the book is about the orders of Vignole, an architect of Rome, and his…
Title: Cours d’architecture Author: Augustin D’Aviler Part 1 The first page I chose is about geometry and lines and their definition. The reason I chose this page of the book is because it shows how intensive and precise they were working with geometry. It also gives an example of how advanced they were with their…
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