For this task I was searching for a Book that has some similaries with mine. I saw that some of them are pretty different but some have same drawings or picture in it. I limmited my comments to two books and wrote about the connections of them with my book. Comment 1: in response to…
Tag: #21-941-497
3. Xenotheka_64
As a first step, I looked again at my images that I selected from the first task. After that i sarted to type in some words into Alice and looked for a fitting quote. The first word i typed in was “drawing” because in our book there were a lot of them. The first quote…
The title of the book is «Studio d’architettura civile » by Ferdinando Ruggieri who was born in Florence in April 1687. He was active in Florence during the late Baroque period. He helped design the left facade oft he Church of San Firenze, the Palazzo Capponi, the Palazzo Sansedoni and the collegiata of Empoli. The title…
The Books “Studio d’architettura civile” by Fredinando Ruggieri includes 4 different Books. I was very surprised by how big those Books were. By seeing the Pages on the PDF i thought those Books must be smaller. It was impressiv to see those very percise drawings so big on each page. I chose those two pages,…