For this task I was searching for a Book that has some similaries with mine. I saw that some of them are pretty different but some have same drawings or picture in it. I limmited my comments to two books and wrote about the connections of them with my book.
Comment 1: in response to Greetings_93
Hi. I came across this book after searching for column. The drawings which are shown have some similarities with our book. The Name of my Book is “studio darchitettura civile” by Ferdinando Ruggieri. First of all his Book is also written in Italian and is also made by an italian Architect and it contains a lot of large, exact drawings. They both seem to share similar structure ad content in explaining the most importent terms of architecture. Our Book has also same as yoour Book a lot of detailed drawings of stairs and columns. The boocover also looks as our did. I saw in your argument post, that it was also published in Italy and a bit earlier than mine. Besides that there are similarities in text and drawings.
Comment 2: in response to Argument_253
Hi. I stumbled upon this post while searching similar books to mine. Your description about your book has definitly similarities to my book. The name of my Book is “Studio architettura civile” by Ferdinando RRuggieri. You write that your book has a lot of large drawings of columns, ornaments and other kinds of constructions. That’s something that our book also contains. Plus has our book also a roman style of drawings. Basically everything you write equates with my Book. The drawings are also pretty detailed and the cover pretty discret. I guess your Book is also written in italian because the author is an italian architect. Also was the book published around the same time my book was published. So there are a lot of similarities which i’m surprised.