The first word that I asked Alice, using the “Xenotheka Library” brain was “mistake” which I think is the main theme of our old book. The first thing of the ten thousand outputs that Alice put out was a Book about Schopenhauer and the Aesthetics of Creativity. As I didn’t see a direct connection to…
Tag: #21-939-350
According to the title of the Book, the Author Teofilo Gallaccini, who was an architect, wrote a book about the errors and mistakes architects of his and earlier times have made. His book is a so-called “trattato”, which is some sort of essay or treatise. Teofilo Gallaccini divides his book into three parts (parte prima,…
I chose this page, because I think it shows a list of content, coming up in this Book and summarises which particular “errori” (->mistakes) architects made/make. This page is one of few pages, on wich drawings can be found. I photographed this page, because it seems like a very interesting way of conveying the mistakes…