Columna Cochlis, M. Aurelio Antonio Augusto
Task 2. Pages
The collection of three spreads from Columna Cochlis I have selected and chosen to analyse are the ones attached below (3 pages in the very beginning).
What caught my eye about this pages were the fact that the first one was not only different in size than the rest but that the three pages also differed in content. After browsing through the book, I have come to interpret that the book consists of 73 main pages which represent the parts of a columna cochlis* . In the same way as the columna cochlis, the book represents a spiral band of continuous sculpture telling a story, so that each page matches the previous page and the next one. Nevertheless, these three pages chosen do not form part of this succession.
* ”Column with an internal spiral staircase and an external spiral band of continuous sculpture.” Definition taken from Oxford Reference (