Pages 3: This first pages caught my attention because it is the contrary of the other pages. Whilst in the drawings the people are the focus in the whole book, the first pages emphasizes the text drawn onto a column.
Page 4: This page I consider the most relevant because it is next to being three times the size of the normal size also being the most described page. Likewise this pages represents the title “colonna traiana” given this book.
Pages 5 and 6: When I first looked through bartoli’s book and went quickly past those two pages I wondered what the difference between them was. On the second look I realized that both pages are quite different. Whereas on the page 6 both columns have an uninterrupted and similar facade the page 5 columuns differ a lot. The left column (p5) has an horizontal line drawn across the middle. On the other hand the right column (p5) has introduced a door, roof decoration an a text frame that is held by two angels.
Pages 126 and 127: These two pages are besides the page 4 (colonna traiana) the only ones that are vertical. Both pictures show the shape of a knight holding two shields in the top middle of the drawing. On the bottom there are standing angels helping the knight and holding some sheilds. The only difference is that on page 126 there is another person standing directly under the secretive knight.