The first spread I chose has on the left page some text and on the other page there seems to be a table with different numbers and small texts in it. I have chosen this spread because I think it is interesting, as it is the sole page of the book containing a table on it. Furthermore the few words outside of the table caught my eyes, as they seem to be printed notes and do not really fit into the rest of the layout of the book.

The second spread has on one side a small illustration showing a bird. I think it is quite interesting because the illustration marks the end of the chapter, but has most probably nothing to do with the text. Those small illustrations can be found all over the book.

The third spread is the last printed spread of the book, the spread contains various ground plans and two views of a building. It caught my attention as the frame around the drawings is more decorative compared to the rather normal frames around the drawings from the previous pages. In addition there is a brooch like element with some text at the bottom left corner, which probably should mark the end of the book.