The first spread immediately caught my attention with its multiples ornaments. At the top of the first page, a drawing of to people, we discern a snake enrolled around a tree between the two characters. It is probable that this scene represents the biblical story of the serpent telling Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. This can be related to the title : A’ prudente lettori (to prudent readers), warning that the lector should not trust everything they hear or read, unlike Eve. The first letter of the text is also big and very decorated, similarly to the other pages. Two other pieces of ornaments can be found at the beginning and the end of the text, the second one including a face in the middle. A very interesting thing on this page is the word Breve at the end like a signature. The entire text of the second spread is in italic and the title indicates that it is a dedication to the factory where the book was first printed, an attention which is today almost never present in modern books. The two last pages are some very common pages, a sketch and an explanation of an ornament or a type of architectural element.