#81#18-787-895 Giovanni Poleni Exercitationes Vitruvianae 12.11.2021 Ich habe diese beiden Seiten ausgewählt weil ich es sehr faszinierend finde wie präzise das alles von Hand gezeichnet wurde. Das Buch ist in Leder gebunden. Durch dieses feine gemusterte Papier auf dem Buchumschlag kann man erkennen, dass es mal restauriert wurde.

Author: Ermenegildo Pini Title: Dell’architettura Kaspar Wysser I chose the following pages because the technical drawings and techniques of illustrating measurements are very fascinating and also that you need to unfold the pages to make the whole drawing visible.
Bernardino Radi // Vari disegni de architettura ornati de porte Elio Bysäth The Cover of the book is on both sides really colorfully done. The pages are thin and you can see what’s printed on the other side, therefore the pages got only printed on one sided.
This book is large and relatively thin, with a colored cover and was printed in 1759 in London.
Irina Burau “La Perspective avec la raison des ombres et miroirs” Salomon de Caus
I was suprised by the size of the book (hand for size comparaison).
Bernardino Radi // Vari disegni de architettura ornati de porte Elio Bysäth This Entrance, compared to the rest of the entrances in the book shows a lot more depth and is drawn in a slightly different style. I like this entrance, because it is rally simple and isn’t full of unnecessary ornaments.