Irina Burau “La Perspective avec la raison des ombres et miroirs” Salomon de Caus The author of the book was Salomon de Caus, a French engineer and physicist. The title leaves hardly anything up for imagination. One knows exactly what to expect from a book with a title as theoretical and precise as this. His…
The book Practical Architecture written by M. Bullet, an architect of the King and the Royal Academy of Architecture. A very useful book for architects & builders in the 17th century for all homeowners and for those who want to build. As well we have exciting comparisons of modern and ancient surveying techniques, current uses…
When you read the title “Theatrum machinarum Molarium” for the first time, the word “machinarum” seems familiar. One quickly thinks of related words in German such as “Maschinen” (machines). If you translate the title from Latin into German, you get “theatre of millstones”. This suggests that it could be about mills. When you leaf through…
Argument _93
The book is called “A Treatise on Civil Architecture”. According to the author, in the Treatise he set out ‘to collect into one volume what is now dispersed in a great many, and to select, from mountains of promiscuous Materials, a Series of Sound Precepts and good Designs’. The Book is one of the most popular practical work on architecture…
Argument_105 Dell Architettura = über Architektur Das Buch ist sehr groß im Verhältnis zu anderen Büchern. Es ist ca. im A3 Format. In dem Buch geht es um verschiedene architektonische Stile der verschiedenen Architektur Epochen. Dadurch sind in dem Buch sehr viele verschiedenen Zeichnungen von architektonischen Merkmalen, wie zum Beispiel von Säulen. Die Säule wird…
The full title of the book is “Les Plans Et Les Descriptions de Deux Des Plus Belles Maisons De Campagne De Pline Le Consul. Avec des remarques sur tous ses bâtimens et une dissertation touchant l’architecture antique & l’architecture gothique par Mr. Felibien des Avaux” (1706). The first part of the title translated means as…
La pratica di prospettiva Full title of the book: La pratica di prospettiva del cavaliere Lorenzo Sirigatti al ser et invittiss Ladislao Sigismondo Principe di Polonia e di Svezia. In Venetia MDCXXV About the content: practice of the perspective: i imagine it treats the theory of the perspective translated through many drawings.It was probably directed…
Argument 43
Paradossi per pratticare la prospettiva szena saperla According to the title the book addresses the topic of perspectives and the paradoxes that are related to humans perspective. This leads to the conclusion that the aim group are architects and people, who are interested in detailed drawing and geometry. The book is parted in three main…
Argument_ 83 Palladio
My book is called the architecture of Palladio and it`s written by Leoni Giacomo.The book was originally written in Italian language and then translated to english.The cover indicates that the book is written by Leoni Giacomo it is kept simple. By just looking at the cover you can`t indicate anything about the book itself. Theres’s no…