The book “Vocabularium architecturæ ædificatoriæ” is, as the latin name already says, a dictionary for all those who have to do with architecture and buildings in general. As every dictionary this one has the aim to make it as easy as possible to find the words the reader is searching for. To reach this, the book is in need of a very clear structure so that the reader can easily orientated himself.
Frist of all the text on the pages has everywhere the same width and the same length, except on those pages, where the special Ornament of the new letter have not enough space. So the page finishes with an Ornament, which fills up the place where normal the text is and the new letter starts on the next page. The text is also written in justification, which let the structure of the book appear very proper and calm. The only exceptions are quotation, which don’t follow the clear structure of justification and are also written in a different font. Owing to these special treatments, the quotations stick out of the continuous text. So in general you can say there are use most of all only two font, what contributes to that the book appears as simple as possible.
Further it’s noticeable that the double pages seem mirror in the middle of the book. The Text is situated on both sides nearer at the book middle. Also, the position of the page number is mirror. The rest of the page is normal, and the text is always left-justified on both sides. Not mirrored as well is the heading of the pages which remains the same on all double pages. The heading is the title of the book which is separated in Vocabularium on the left page and architecturæ ædificatoriæ on the right one.
Very important in a dictionary is to find the words which are searched. So these words which are explained in the book have a special position what leads to that they are easily to find. All these words are slightly situated in front of the rest of the text so that they are very good visible although they are not even written bigger or fatter.
The closing of the pages is nearly always made by three letters as example “CNO-“. These letters are very important as orientation for the reader, so you know exactly that on the next page you will find words with those three letters as beginning.