Dear old friend,
After one year of friendship, time has come to say good-bye. But first, I want to tell you how grateful I am to have met you.
The first time I heard that some professors wanted us to became friends, I didn’t understand what they wanted us to do together during one year. But now, that I have to leave you, I am very thankful that our paths crossed.
I still remember the first time we met. I was very lucky to have you near my school, so I hadn’t to travel far away to see you. It was at the ETH library, where I first saw you. You were small and very delicate but you also had heavy pages. That’s why, I treated you very carefully. Some weeks before meeting you, I had already typed your name on the Internet, in order to better know who you are and where you live. But when I saw you in real, I got to better know your personality, what I really admired. As you spoke old Italian, it wasn’t very easy to communicate with you, but hopefully we managed to get connected. So, we spent some time together and in order to keep this moment in mind, I filmed us during our meeting. Before leaving you this evening, I measured you and took a picture of you. When I arrived home, I wrote down the analysis I had made of your “anatomy” during the time we had spent together.
Weeks later, I was looking for your relatives and I found two cousins of you. I also discovered, thanks to you, a new programme : OCR. This program has been used in order to put you in relation with some of my classmates’ friends. At the beginning, I struggled a little bit, but I fortunately succeeded in converting you into a .txt file. Finally, this task allowed both of us to find other friends with whom we had common characteristics. It was very interesting to build a synthetic friendship with them and to see how we are connected.
Even if it wasn’t always easy to communicate together, I have to tell you that you have taught me many interesting things and that I know what our relationship is worth. Thanks to your geometrical illustrations, plans and drawings of columns, I got to understand who you really are and what you have to teach us. It also enabled me to understand how architecture was made and presented in the 17th century and to get a different point of view of architecture in this era. I’m still surprised by your state despite of your age ! I consider that you are well threatened.
I’ve also learned many things about you and I understand better your importance back in the days for some people and more precisely for architecture students. Even if I didn’t always understand you, we didn’t spend much time together and that now we won’t see each other again, I will always remember you as my oldest friend !
Good-bye my special friend !
Your younger friend,
Lara 😉