- Title: Archisesto per formar con facilità il cinque ordini d’architettura: con altri particolari intorno la medesima professione
- English title: Architectural compass to form with easiness the five orders of architecture: with other details around the same profession
- Author: Revesi Bruti, Ottavio (1570-1642)
- Year of publication: 1627
- Place of publication: Vicenza (Italy)
- Language: Italian
- Library: ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich
- Online Access: https://www.e-rara.ch/download/pdf/4001934?name=Archisesto%20per%20formar%20con%20facilità%20li%20cinque%20ordini%20d%27architettura