Title of the book: Trattato Nvovo Delle Cose Maravigliose Dell’Alma Città Di Roma Ornato Di Molte Figvre, nel quale si discorre di 300 e più Chiese (cf. ETHZ library) – New Treaty Of The Marvelous Things Of The Alma City Of Rome Ornate Of Many Figures, in which we talk about 300 and more Churches (cf. DeepL)
The author: Pietro Martire Felini, ca. 1565-1613 (cf. Ceresa )
Publication: 1610, Rome (cf. Ceresa)
Language: Italian (cf. ETHZ library)
Volumes: The book was published in two different ways in 1610. Once in one volume and once in two (cf. Ceresa).
Available in library : Bibliothek Oechslin, Luegetenstrasse 11, 8840 Einsiedeln (A02b ; a.A6/2), (1615)
Available online : https://numelyo.bm-lyon.fr/f_view/BML:BML_00GOO0100137001102215683/IMG00000094#titre_complet
Ceresa, FELINI, Pietro Martire in “Dizionario Biografico”
URL http://www.treccani.it//enciclopedia/pietro-martire-felini_(Dizionario-Biografico)
DeepL, https://www.deepl.com